The Byzantine Generals Grandiose Plan
The Byzantine Generals Grandiose Plan

Geography gave the Western civilizations unfair naval advantages early on in human history. From the Roman Empire of 1st century to the European Colonial Empires of 17 century to the modern day United States of 21 century, these naval advantages kept compounding and leading to the total domination of Western thoughts, cultures and way of lives in every corner of the earth.

Infant Navy Practice Pools

Is the space age going to be another Western domination? If so we are no longer can blame Geography and the Game of Chances.

SpaceX Starlink Constellation

The Inherited Empire Building Formula

Who is the Godfather ? Probably a Roman soldier.

The Island of Sicily

First there was Latin, an efficient alphabet that transformed the information landscape of the Italian peninsula.

The Roman Latin Alphabet

Now the senators of Rome and their field generals from all Italian city states can have written battle plan documentations with detailed calculations in Roman numbers that they can all agree on. Large and complex plan that is beyond the average human memory could be created by multiple parties and executed precisely by the generals and their soldiers on the field.

The Roman Efficient Written Communication

Contracts that tied all the city states together into one single coalition could be signed by every tribute city leader. While learning to speak and listen to a foreign language will take a long time and is quite challenging for adults, learning to write and read a foreign language is much easier and could be done quickly by all Roman satellite states decision makers.

Roma as Central of Roman Empire

With the written battle plans and the written tribute state contracts, Rome grew quickly and every contract that was signed by a city state, Rome could draw more resources and soldiers from. The Latin alphabet also becomes more popular after each contract is signed and becomes part of Roman identity that distincted Roman vs non-Roman.

Roman Gladiator Cage

The system of Roman Legion from recruit, to training, to weapon building as well as battle tactics now could be standardized from a single written documentation by the Roman military thinkers. What worked and what did not work during a battle could be recorded in written form and used to improve the Roman military structures later.

Roman Legion Structure

Roman legions could lose one battle or two from a new tribe with an exotic military tactic or weapons but they could soon find the weakness of the new foe and develop their new strategies and tactics to counter the foes.

Roman Training

So at first the Roman was failing at sea against the Cathrage of North Africa, then they developed the Roman ship-boarding ramp that turned a sea battle into a land battle for the Roman legions.

Roman Ship Boarding Ram

When the Roman were dealing with superior Calvary like the case of the Hannibal campaign during the 2nd Punic War then they withdrew back to their fortified coastal cities with a sea port that can supply the cities indefinitely, block Hannibal supply line and slowly wear down Hannibal army via small engagements instead of high intensity open field battles.

Walled Coastal City on Sicily Island

When dealing with the Iberian cavalry of Spain and the Numedian cavalry of North Africa, then Rome used the divide and conquer strategy to never allow their calvary force of these tribes to link up and reach the critical mass that could threaten the Roman legions.

Spanish Iberian Calvary

When dealing with the barbarian French Gallic and Germanic of whom almost every man is fit for fighting and have a furious first charge that could break through the Roman shield walls, Roman utilize their superior Training and better Armor to turn a Sprint into a Marathon. The Roman war machine with superior logistics used the piecemeal approach to gradually chew throw the numerical superior tribe of Gallic and Germanic.

French Gallic Soldier

The Roman only start to decline and lose their elite generals and troops when they over-expand North into Germany beyond the reach of their naval supply line and naval troop transports. Roman supply range issues on land need to wait for the invention of trucks and trains.

Roman Overexpansion into Germany

When the Roman Empire collapsed, their way of building empires via superior naval supplyline and well standardized structured, equipped and trained army lived on and resulted in the rebirth of the British Empire, Spanish Empire, French Empire and Holy Roman Empire of Germany.

Continental Army of Europe

Even after the fall of Eastern Roman and Constantinople because of the mobile horsemen of Central Asia and Persia with their arrows and gun powder projectiles, the Western Roman war machine would breed their own lineages of horses, develop their calvary formation as well as building their own guns and cannons for infantry used against the original inventors of the horse archers, the cavalry charge and the siege cannon of the East.

Turkish Capture of Constantinople

Moscow was reborn from Constantinople ashes as the Russian Empire and Soviet Union with a formidable land army that supplied via horses and later on the Siberian railways that eventually dominated Central and East Asia. Maybe the Bible is a 1000s year encrypted database with updates every decade or century or so.

Soviet Artilery Stopping German Tank Advances

Austrian Economics vs Keynesian Economics

Adam Smith was the forefather of Capitalism and his unique insight helps humans to organize our human capital, resources and time in an exponentially more optimized way. The religion of money aka capitalism helped to propel European nations into the leading powers in the world stage through industrialization and scientific discovery. From the original Adam Smith’s vision, European philosophers and economists developed two separate branches of Economic thoughts: the English Keynesian Economics and the Austrian Economics. These two schools of economic thought reflect two different economic lenses for the world.

Wealth of Nation

Keynesian Economics derived the understanding of resources from an Island perspective. Keynesian Economics view resources as unlimited and abundant that could be borrowed from the outside world via neo-colonialism or from the future by money printing to fund present economic activities. England is an Island nation with very few resources anyway so this Keynesian economic view helps them to constantly look outside for more resources. With the Keynesian view, the American New England planners also explore natural resources outside of American mainland first.

Keynesian Economics Theory

Austrian Economics views resources from the perspective of a land power and evolved from the Roman Empire's understanding of economics. All resources available are within the limited territories of land. All resources spending now needs to result in a surplus aka aggregate productivity growth to fund territorial expansion for more resources or fund scientific discovery to spend the resources more effectively to create more surplus next cycle.

Schumpeter Creative Destruction Theory

Eventually Keynesian Economics became mainstream for most of the 20th century with American and English defining how world economics should behave in their best interests. Under the Keynesian Economics view, the world financial system is drifting further and further away from Adam Smith’s golden standard of value: “Maker is King” to “Creditor is King”.

The Global Reserve Bank

Americans and English with their absolute control of the world financial system steal and borrow without restraint from the workers, entrepreneurs of Latin America, India, China and the rest of the value creators of the world via their aggregate demand theory. While the rest of the world have to work overtime to pay off debt from America after WWII, Americans enjoy unlimited credits to waste on fast food and drugs. However, without enough new scientific discoveries to improve productivity or a new planet, all a Chinese or Hispanic worker can do is work 20 hours/day. He still needs to eat and sleep and he can’t be 3 times more productive so American consumers can buy more McDonalds.

McDonalds Communism Color Scheme

From the 21st century, Earth and its limited resources is our Island now in Keynesian views and space is the ocean. We need to discover America first before we can try to borrow from the outside world. When we run out of resources then our only option is to cannibalize each other. The American and British are leading the world into a dark and dangerous path of extinction and they do not have to worry because they have the big warheads.

Nuclear Test Map

Fossil fuels or solar powers or wind power will still all affect the overall energy balance of the entire ecosystem when being used at a massive level and it does not look like human energy demand will decline anytime soon. So unless we can have a massive uptick in productivity via 3rd world countries specialized training or breakthrough scientific discoveries, we will not be able to harvest energy from space at the scale that we can sustain our civilization.

The Kardashev Scale

The Roman Republics is among the first human civilizations to figure out an economic theory to create sustainable continuous economic expansion. Great generals win battles while a superior economic model wins the war. The Roman discovered the time-tested method to organize human energy and resources behind common visions.

The Roman Empire at Its Peak

The Golden Armada of Euro Asia

The defense industry is the most demanding industry of an economy with massive capital investment and extremely high bar for quality as well as talents. However, since the dawn of human civilization, the defense industry of the nation is still the main driver of change both in technology as well as social fabrics.

Qin Crossbow Mass Manufacturing

In the post world war 2 era, the world relies solely on two vendors for the merchandise of death: the United States and Russia. Even European nations like France, UK or Germany no longer have export-surplus defense industries but are relying heavily on imports from the United States. Without the fundamental science investment of the defense industry, no other nation can really keep up with the United States or be able to create the Silicon Valleys and its mega tech giants.

Two Options for Air Defense

The Internet was invented for military communication during a nuclear attack and The GPS global position system was invented for missile guidance and tank navigation. These breakthrough technologies will later on serve as the enabling infrastructures for companies like Apple, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Facebook, Uber, Tesla and many more new Unicorns in upcoming decades. The trickle down technology is very real while the trickle down economy is a dream.

Earth GPS Satelites

Countries in the 21st century are increasingly finding out that American mega tech giants know much more about their citizens than themselves. They can also no longer really negotiate fairly on the trading table while the US Navy and CIA drone is watching over every move of their oil tankers and consumer products vessels.

The NSA Can Tap Into All Phones

With the American economy no-check addiction to cheap credit, the export-driven economies like India, China, Japan, Germany, Russia, Saudi Arabia will have to find a common solution to have a better position at the trade negotiating table. India, China and Germany will have to build their domestic defense industries and sign exclusive agreements with energy exporters like Russia and Saudi Arabia for oil or gold backed currency exchange rate and avoid using the US dollar as the energy currency.

Oil Tankers Transiting Through Djibouti

The US will then have to resort to black mailing, high deniability CIA black ops and proxy wars to stop disadvantageous energy deals like the German-Russia Nordstrom gas pipelines or China - Pakistan - Saudi Arabia partnerships.

Germany-Russia Gas Pipeline Explosion

The increasingly better computer programs that communicate in 0 and 1, can translate as well as encrypt sensitive documents, the language and organizational barriers that once stopped a Hannibal coalition from taking on Rome can no longer stop Google, Apple and even TikTok serving customers in all available languages. This new form of global communication that was built on top of American infrastructure accidentally enabled the non-English speaking world to communicate without going through the American central authority.

Hidden Communication via the Cryptocurrency Network

If the US Pacifics fleet lost a major navy battle in South China Sea and the US Atlantic fleet lost a major naval engagement in the Mediterranean sea, that would leave US mainland vulnerable to land invasion.

The European Front

A war in the Middle East could break out between 2 US major allies: Israel and Turkey over a drone accident that accidentally deployed Israel’s covert nuclear weapon to detonate over the city of Ankara. Turkey with its massive land force and modern air forces equipped with TB2 quickly overran Israel capital Tel Aviv in retaliation for Israel's use of nuclear weapons on its major city.

Turkish Tanks Killer

US Atlantics and Pacific fleets from the East Coast and US Air Force in Ramstein are quickly deployed to the region to assist Israel in their war with Turkey. Russian with Turkey permission deployed their Black Sea fleets to the region to assist Turkey.

Russian Black Sea Fleet

While the US carriers and destroyers were transiting through Sicily to the Middle East, the Carrier Battle Group was ambushed and destroyed by German-Italian submarine type 212 sneaking through an underground tunnel connecting Munich and Venice. A carrier battle group was sinked without knowing what caused the catastrophe.

Type 212 AIP DIESEL Ultra Endurance

Two more carrier battle groups were deployed from the US Pacific Fleet via the Strait of Malacca to Qatar but sinked in transit by the Indian Brahmos Hypersonic Cruise Missiles and China DF21 Balistic Missiles. At the same time, the South Korean Air Force attacked US Airbase in Okinawa and North Korea launched two nuclear balistic missiles that hit Guam and the Marshall Island.

US Mainland Fronts

While the US is busy with the Middle East and East Asian front, The German-French forces infiltrate the US Ramstein Air Base and overrun it with their tanks and infantry to prevent any further aerial support from Germany to the Middle East. At the same time, French and German special forces traveling to Quebec under tourist visas use their stockpile of weapons in Canada to launch a major land invasion of Washington DC from Canada.

Quebec to DC

The Chinese People Liberation Army also had been stationed in Mexico and Guatemala with the cover of construction workers working on the Guatemala canal connecting the Caribbean and the Pacifics. With modular fast moving armor vehicles and portable anti-tank and anti-air weapons hidden in shipping containers docking for the port of Houston, the PLA and their South American allies quickly overrun Houston, Austin and Dallas.

Doosan Chinese Construction Equipment

The Russian population in Canada has been built up for decades to prepare for this push into the US homeland. They infiltrated the US Norad in Colorado and disable all US early warning radars and allowed the Russian Air Force and Transport aircrafts to make the 10 hours flight from Vladivostok to Colorado via North Pole and Canada with no major resistance.

Russian Control of NORAD

After 3 invasions of Washington DC, Houston and Colorado, the images and videos of the invasion were uploaded to social media platforms of Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram but were quickly removed by Russian and German hackers the next day.

Nuke or Not

Will US still have the ability to launch nuclear weapons after NORAD and Washington DC is overrun. And will they launch nuclear weapons over their own cities of Houston, Dallas, Austin, Washington or Colorado.


The US major logistic suppliers of FedEx, UPS, Walmart and Amazon servers was also hacked and shut down by Russian and German hackers directly from the US Military computer system in NORAD and Washington DC. All US Search Engines and Mapping Apps were also quickly targeted and shutdown.


The US just lost 3 Carrier battle groups and 5 major cities without any other State Capitol being alerted. The only thing they knew through the news was a Turkey-Israel war in the Middle East and the Korean attack on Okinawa and they no longer have access to the Internet, Walmart and Amazon.

North Korea Normalization of ICBM Launches

After landing forces in Denver, Houston, New York and Washington, the US ability to resist an invasion force had severely declined. Surrounding and cutting logistical supplies among other major cities West, South West and East Coast prevent states to be able to coordinate and launch any major resistances.

Surround Major Cities

During this chaos, hundreds of anti-satelite missiles carried by the fleet of more than 500 Mig 31 Mach 3 Aircraft was launched and take out all US and NATO communication and GPS satelites in orbits. All US major cities lights are still on but they are back to the pre-WW2 era, in the dark with no cellphone, internet or televisions.

MIG31 Views from Space

The North and South Korean Airforce secret collaboration on a wireless brain control project via nanobots inside the human brain had yielded a breakthrough just a few years earlier. The nanobot could be delivered to the recipient's brain via liquid intake like bottle water, soda, or milk and navigate up the bloodstream toward the brain.

Nanobots Attaching to Brain Cell

The nanobot receivers will then attach to the brain neurons to receive signals via wireless mobile network, modulate the wireless mobile signal into neuron electrical signals and send it directly to individual neurons to deliver wireless thoughts to the receiving brains.

5G Phone Tower

Right before the amphibious force take over a major city, all bottling factories for water, soda and milks as well as water factories around police stations and military installations would be infiltrated by special forces and the nanobots packages would be mixed with drinking sources to turn the local policies and military personnels into remote control zombies.

Circle K

These remote control zombies will then be tasked with taking over more supply sources like restaurants, coffee shops and supermarkets to add more nanobots into all available drinking suppliers within the city.

Nanometer Chips

After total surrender by the US governments behind closed doors, all US Gold Reserves and Nuclear Warheads were packed up and delivered to Europe, Russia and China. Hundred thousands of remote-control towers were installed in all US major cities and the remote control accesses of US government officers, military and police commanders as well as billionaires were shared among French-German, Chinese-Korean, and Russian occupied forces.

US 4G Coverage

All taxes of the US East Coast will be collected by the European French-German government. The US East Coast will gradually transition to a French speaking country. All taxes of the US West Coast will be collected by the Central America coalition government and the US West Coast will gradually transition to a Spanish speaking country. Russia has the administrative rights of Alaska and Canada. Chinese-Korean has the administrative right of Australia and Hawaii.

North America and the Pacifics New Administrations