The Declining Mobility Advantages of the Siberian Nomadic Gene Groups
The Declining Mobility Advantages of the Siberian Nomadic Gene Groups

Pakistan - The Nomadic Last Stand Against North Sea Genes

The Mixing of Siberian Tibetan East Asian people and the Iranian Persian in Central Asia resulted in two powerful empires of the ancient Era: the Golden Horde of Eastern Europe that dominated Slavic tribes of modern Russia and the Mughal Empire that ruled over the Indian subcontinent until the arrival of British Naval ships.

International Recognized Locally Respected Leaders of Pakistan

The proliferation of the Pole-Icy Tibetan East Asian genes was only possible via the superior mobility of these nomadic Siberian tribes. The Mongol princes not only brought their genes to Eastern Europe, Middle East and India but also the mass adoption of horses in these Far West regions.

The Mughal Horse Archers Empire of India

From 1300s to the 1660s, the Mughal Empire cavalry forces were able to gradually unite the fragmented farming kingdoms of India into one single nation with their first capital at the merging point of different Tibetan upstreams into the powerful Indus river that pouring out of the Persian sea at the port of Karachi. Long-range cavalry units of the Mughal Empire were able to easily cross the largely flat Indian subcontinent within weeks to conquer capitals of different farming nations around the delta region of the Gange river and other Southern Indian river systems.

Pol-Icy TEA genes Dominated India with assistances from Persian Women

Ability to travel from one crowded farming village near the river bank to another via uncharted empty land only possible for the horsemen not foot soldiers which gave the last Royal dynasty of India, the Mughal empire an unfair advantage against other farming kingdoms in India. Until modern day, earth is still largely empty land with few large human settlements around major rivers just like space is largely empty void with few solar systems light years from each other.

The Bright Light Cities of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh

However, these horsemen of Siberian Persian mixed were marked as dangerous gene groups and later on heavily persecuted by British, American and Soviet planners who possessed another more superior form of mobility, the gasoline car.

Made in Kazan Soviet Car

Russian, British and American endless marches to Central Asia via Gasoline cars and planes resulted in the highly radioactive fresh water lake of Aral, in modern day Uzbekistan and the decline of Siberian Persian gene group population once dominated the human gene pool to less than 6% of the modern day world population with Pakistan being the most populous Siberian Persian nation.

Aral Sea Largest Freshwater Lake of STAN people

The Anti-Semi-Tick, anti-semi-sperm or anti-semitic is the opposition against the mixed genes or semi-genes in Europe. The Holocaust actually happened after the fall of Nazi Germany led by a Semi-Tick leader, Adoft Hitler, a mix son of a Turkish dad and German mom. This is why Nazi Germany and Turkey were neutral during World War 2 and Operation Barbarossa planner chose the Ukrainian plain not Turkey as their path to the oil fields in the Caspian sea.

Operation Barbarosa Two Options

After the end of World War 2, all the Semi-Tick of Central and Eastern Europe were put in concentration camps by the Blonde Northmen of British, American and Russian and murdered in masses near Wa-rs-aW, Poland. His-Story was rewritten by English men of the North Sea to blame the Holocaust on Nazi Germany after the War while semi-tick baby boys in Central Europe got turned into trinity XO wives, have to dye their hair blonde, given an office job, and a Mercedes-Benz.

No Arms No Dick Have Mobility

North Sea genes' victorious war against the Central European Turkish horsemen resulted from the ability of the Mississippi river cities and factories in the New World to provide almost unlimited supply of food, machinery and ammunition to the British and Russian forces in the Old World while staying out of any potential attacks from Tibetan East Asian horsemen genes in Central Europe or Tibetan East Asian fishermen gene in the Pacifics.

Missisipi River Delta of United States

The Pyramids of Giza and the Suez canal were created before the beginning of World Wars by the French and Swiss doctors as a permanent barrier to discourage travels between Persia and the Congo or any mixing between Persian, Tibetan East Asian with African Congo genes while encouraging the mixing between African Congo and Scandinavian Caucasian genes in North and South America.

Egyptian Pyramid, Nile River and Suez Canal

New England of North East United States, England, Baltics nations were still highly Anti-Semi-Tick until the 1960s. However, the ability of African slave farmers, workers to provide a critical boost to American productivity in the hot climate of the South and military strength in the Middle East and SouthEast Asia wars near the Equator resulted in increasing larger support for NATO. The mixing of African and Caucasian genes became necessary to counter the Tibetan-Persian mix that once crossed the Bering Strait into North America, dominated the British backyard of India and united nations of North African oil fields into the Persian Empire.

Kabul King Assassination Operation Room

Bangladesh - The Swiss Throttle on Tibetan East Asian Gene Expansion

After British colonization of India, they were able to classify Indian into different gene groups with their strength and weakness. The most threatening gene group were the Islamic Mughal Royal lineage of India. Families of these Royal princes once ruled over Indian vassel kingdoms were deported via trains into two seperated Muslim territorials: West Pakistan and East Pakistan. The strange terroritals of East Pakistan or modern day Bangladesh and West Pakistan, modern day Pakistan have no shared border and seperated by thousands of kilometers at the Western and Eastern edge of the Indian continent.

The Bright Light Cities of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh

These seperation of population and territorial ensured the British friendly genes will rule over India not the hostile dangerous mix between Persian and and Siberian Tibetan after Britain left India and let people of India to rule over themselves. To ensure a permanent stop to Mughal gene expansion in India, Western doctors also insert hundred thousands of XO females caring HIV and other dangerous STD via sea ports in the capital city Dhaka to slowly eliminate Mughal royal genes within Bangladesh, the distant region far away from the Royal uterus base of the Indus river.

Land of Killer Doctors

The year 1971 when Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan with Indian help is also the year when Swiss-projected population growth put the once Royal Mughal genes in the minority territorial in Bangladesh. With the British border drawn that gave Delhi India a complete surround of Bangladesh and population growth disparity, few more decades from today, Bangladesh will most likely become a state of India.

Infested Looking Bangladesh Architecture

Responding to the British drawn border of India and Bangladesh, China military planners attempted to circumvent the dangerous wolf belly of Bangladesh and the North Sea gene control ocean stroke point of Malacca via Singapore by building extensive network of land and sea infrastructure with Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

TEA People Energy Supply Port

South China Sea territorial disputes and Cambodian naval ports are just diversions for NATO attention. Chinese no-combat experience navy can not realistically beat the American battle-harden naval force in the Pacifics, South China Sea or the Strait of Malacca.

Chinese Port in Cambodia

Myanmar and Iranian oil fields are two main real objectives for the Chinese People Liberation Army and Navy. Burma or Myanmar before the arrival of British Empire were the playgrounds for the Yellow Yangzte river gene groups as well as the Mongol horse archers later on. Until the modern day, the people of Myanmar still have highly simliar gene and appearance with Yellow Yangzte people of China and could be considered as a part of the Tibetan East Asian family.

Chinese Port in Myanmar

As the result, deep sea exploration oil rigs and Chinese and Korean sea ports in Myanmar was much better developed and less covered by the media. The Colombo sea port in Sri Lanka allowed the Chinese merchants to skip the Bangladesh dangerous and infested area to trade directly with allies in Pakistan and Middle East and the Chinese navy to protect the energy ports in Myanmar in the case of war.

Sri Lanka the Broken Piece from the Buddha Tooth

As of year 2024, Port Colombo in Sri Lanka is probably the most successful Chinese Blue-Ocean port project with many ocean container ships and oil tankers making stop here before heading for Myanmar or the strait of Malaca.

Chinese Port in Sri Lanka

In the opposite to port of Colombo, port of Gwanda in Pakistan was a less successful project. The Indian and American influences in this region is still too strong and this Chinese sea port in the Persian sea is very far from the Chinese border and Chinese population center in Chengdu, Hongkong and Shanghai. The Mughal gene here has always been under the target scope of British empire for divide and conquer

Chinese Port in Pakistan

Port of Gwadar in Pakistan is currently served mainly as a Tibetan East Asian gene investment into the local population of Pakistan in and around Karachi as well as a communication node between Persian Iranian and Persian Pakistan with their Chinese partners. Since World War 2 and the Soviet Union, the genetics and trade link between Persia and Yellow Yangzte gene group had been mostly cut off. With the Silk Road Innitiave, maybe the Persian Siberian gene can once again grow in number after they bottom out during the American War on Terrorism.

Gwadar Qua Da Money Washing Chinese Port in Pakistan for Islamic Female Experience

Delhi India - A Loyal North Sea Ally

The Bay of Bengal once served as the profitable Opium trade route between British India and Southern China continued to be a strong British influence area after the fall of Qing dynasty. Instead of Opium, the Burma road from Bangladesh to Kunming was used a critical supply line to enable to Kumintang Taiwanese to put up major resistance against the Manchurian Japanese invasion in China.

Dai Ly Controls Hanoi Water Reserves

Since the end of WW2, British continues to maintain two strong ally bases in Delhi India and Shenzhen China to guard against any resurgences of the nomadic Mughal genes and nomadic Qing genes. Shenzhen and Delhi population centers are constantly being updates with new genes via the Swiss medical selection process to counter the expansion of regional natural selection genes of Mughal and Qing in India, Mekong Peninsula and China.

The Gene Conversion by Architecture of India and Southern China

Natural selection process favors the more aggressive expansionary male genes with two last Royal dynasties of India and China are both nomadic horse archor tribes that control territorials of thousand square kilometers in size. However with European architects and doctors ability to design fortified mega cities with strictly controlled water supply and now central Air Conditioner, the once easy target farming villages have evolved into mega bio-chemical traps for the nomadic young Siberian Tibetan genes.

Indian Controls Lahore Water Reserves

Responding to the Tibetan East Asian genes from the Yellow Yangzte delta attempts to circumvent the British gene barriers in Red River delta and Bangladesh to expand beyond their shoreline, the anti-Chinese anti Sperm Mobility agendas started to be promoted around the globe since 2015 via the combination of British Artificial Intelligence companies like Deep Mind, Cambridge Analytica and social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Google Alphabet. British AI now can directly manipulate billion of human minds via social media via the fiber optics sea cable network to create anti-travellers attacks and cause widespread fears to reduce nomadic Tibetan East Asian gene mobility. Megacities in the Old World became dead traps for the adventurers and explorers.

Major Sea Cable Port of the Internet

The nomadic Tibetan East Gene are no longer processing the moblity advatanges they once had in the 13 century. North Sea genes in Russia, America and Britain are now controlling the gasoline production as well as the design and engineering of the most efficient mobility vehicles. While once nomadic Tibetan East Asian gene got trapped in highrise Western design building, the North Sea gene minions in India and Mekong Peninsula are being supplied with cars and cash from the West to do the dirty works for the Empire.

Remote Control Car Drivers Charging from Paris to Beijing

The Swiss newest nanobot invention at the lake Geneva, SpaceX Starlink Internet satelites and Google Quantum Supremacy supercomputer enables the hordes of million Western drivers to be coordinated in real time. This is like the German Tank Blitz radio advantages over everyone else but on steroid with wireless satelite-based brain to quantum computer interface. Without the quantum computer, its only possible to coordinate few thousand people. Without the space-internet satelite, you can only do that in few kilometer radius and without the Geneva nanobot, real-time accurate muscle coordination on the road is not possible.

Google Quantum Supremacy

With the Swiss nanobots, SpaceX satelites and Google Quantum Supercomputer, the Western leaders were able to coordinate million of African, European and Indian Bangladesh civilian drivers across vast distance to overrun Tibetan East Asian major gene capitals, paralyze command control of Mekong nations, China and Japan and spread HIV and STDs among their population. Blood type AB of North East Asia were the priority targets with more than 100 millions in China, Japan, Korea and Mekong nations dying from STDs related diceases since 2019.

Indian Driving Vietnamese Military Jeep on The Street of Hanoi

Nuclear weapons once thought to be an effective deterrence againt invasions has become irrelevance in the age of space-based internet satelites and nanobots. Millions of human dressing in civilian clothing with no military insignia, driving civilian cars and boarding civilian planes can just cross national borders to cause more dead and property damages than the nuclear bombs that once dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

2025 Nuclear Controllers

Napoleon Contest British Domination via Israel and Vietnam Proxy
Indian Ocean and the Asia Association