Indian Ocean and the Asia Association
Indian Ocean and the Asia Association


April 30, 1789, George Washington delivered the first inaugural address to the newly founded nation: the United States of America after a successful war of independence against the British Empire and the creation of the United State Constitution.

United States Map at Independence

There is no doubt that the United State Constitution and George Washington speech inspired the French Revolution 5 days later in May 5, 1789. The French Revolution is a pivotal moment in human history. The revolution trigger the collapse of absolute monarchy and concentration of money and power within the top 0.000001% and replace them with republic and liberal democracy institutions in Continental Europe.

The French Revolution

23 August 1799, Napoleon returning from Egypt after a failed campaign to block Bristish Royal Navy access to Indian Ocean and declare himself dictator of the French Republics and launch the Napoleonic wars against the British Empire and its allies. Maybe Napoleon is a British agent.

Napoleon Statue in Egypt

Napoleon was finally defeated by the 7th European Coalitions but there is no doubt he is a military genius and his military campaigns help to spread the Republics and Democracy value across Europe.

Napoleonic France

Napoleon had seen Vietnam as a strategically important objective in the colonial power struggle in Asia, as he felt that it would make an ideal base from which to contest the British East India Company's control of the Indian subcontinent.

Hanoi Strategic Location and Geography

In 1831, the Nguyễn emperor Minh Mạng renamed Thăng Long meaning The Taking Off Yellow Dragon to Hà Nội meaning Between Two Rivers or Splitting Currents. 42 years later, Hanoi was conquered by the French.

Thang Long Ha Noi

The Towers of Hanoi maths puzzle was then invented by the French mathematician Édouard Lucas in 1883, the same year that Hanoi become the administrative center of French Indochina colony.

Lucas Tower or Hanoi Tower Puzzle

The Towers of Hanoi is like the geopolitical game of juggling between Africa, India and Indochina for France. Africa, India and Indochina used to look like 3 pyramids reflection in the Nile river but Indochina and the MU empire was partially sunk.

3 Continents with Distinct Genetics and Cultures

Maybe The French maths puzzle was created to inspire Asian kids to solve the logistical problems of a Blue Water navy in order to be able to operate across three oceans: The Pacific, The Atlantic and The Indian Ocean and finally became a powerful ally for Continental France.

United States Combatant Commands

When one can concentrate the best minds of your people behind a single problem or a vision or an idea. One can move mountains, split ocean and reach the moon.

Sex and Food for Megastructure Project Workers


Cockfighting was an originally an act of sacrification for the MU Oceanic god of Bravery and Victory. After the sunken of MU Empire, MU descendants dispersed across the Euro-Asia continent along the coastline as well as Latin America.

Cock Fighting

MU empire people has the golden skin color and highly adaptive for the life at sea and underwater stone masonry techniques.

Underwater Stone Techniques

The Cockflighting sacrification ritual was being held ahead any major sea-raids or expeditions to the unknown.

Chicken at the Beach

Modern day Cockfighting is still a very popular sport in the Middle East, Egypt, Madagascar, India, Vietnam, Philiphine, Venezuela, Chile and other Latin American countries.

Chicken Past Glory

During the ancient ritual, a set cocks breed for their fast reflexes, aggression and good performance during training being pitted together in 13 fight or die matches.

Cock Fighting Matches

Last 13 surviving cocks will then being sent out to sea on a floating stone platform to the direction of the sea-raids or expeditions 6 days before the trip.

Chicken Can Float on Water

India's Jainism is the set of rituals and way of life being passed down from the MU Empire descendants. Janism later being further developed into Egyptian myths and rituals, which overtime evolved into three major branches of Zion-originated religions: Christanity, Islam and Jewish.

Indian Jainism

Intesting enough, China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia, Thailand map in combination looking like a fighting cock and Malaysia looks like the extended sharp-blade to the cock heel to enable the flighting cock to make the killing blow during their matches.

Asian Map Drawn By Whitemen After WW2

In a typical fighting cock matches, the well-trained cock will aim for the neck or the chest to make its strikes and the sharp-blade sometimes cut off the head in one strike. Complete destruction of the navy might not be enough to deter further aggressions. A permamant land-base in Alaska might indefinitely put the beast to sleep.

Alaska Footprint

Steve Jobs, Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai and the secret to the "UMPH-UMPH-UMPH" state.

Flow is a state in which we perform the best, feel the best. Work becomes play and endorphine release puts the brain at peak performance.

Curry Warrior Flow State

Jainism and its related branches enable us to reach this peak performance state. Jainism has an Alien orgins, a set of practices and way of life to tame the savage nature of human beings.

Orion Belt In Texas, Florida and Hanoi Sky

Through the UHPH-UMPH-UMPH state or "TRIUMPH" with the "I", it helps humans minds to reach the optimal consciousness for productivity and creativity. Maybe that is why the German scientists were able to create so many inventions like the Jet Engine and the V Rocket during World War II and Apple, Google and Microsoft are all managed by people with Middle Eastern DNA.

History Post SILICON CHIP age

However, the kings and tribe leaders modified this pure way of life for their political agendas to brainwash their people into fighting each other for the king interests. That’s why we have three branches of Zion-originated religions: Christian, Islam and Jewish.

From Karachi to All Religions

America is already great, we only need to make sure it will be great INDEFINITELY. However, the brainwashing was so deep that the only path to make america great indefinitely - MAGI is to convert America into a Buhdism country mostly likely through a third and last war, the war to end all war.

Yoga First American

Like the trinity or the river fork, pivotal decision in history will decide the trajectory of the future, just like the Frank Casket once depicted the two very different destinies of humankind: one with constant wars, cannibalism, death and extinction right in front of the Christian Cross and the other when the King lowering his posture and kneeling in front of the buddha then a space-faring perpetual expanding civilization of 100 billion human beings.

The Frank Casket Made of Whale Bone