Moscow Russia and Its Many Levers
Moscow Russia and Its Many Levers

Scandinavian genetic influences and the Russian Golden Lever

The #Volga river and its connected rivers form a large trade route between the #BalticSea of #Scandinavia and the #CaspianSea of #CentralAsia. This river trade route allows the #Nord #Viking to explore, trade and raid along the river bank of the #Volga river all the way to the #CaspianSea. These #NORD Vikings also were able to build large settlements along the #Volga trade route in modern day #StPetersburg, #Kazan and #Astrakhan.

The VOLGA trade route

Through intermixing between #Nordic tribes with the local tribes, the #NORDIC culture and identity started to become large part of #EasternEuropean cultures and identities until modern day with monuments, religious buildings and symbols showing high value for #GOLD and the #Blonde color just like #WesternEuropean cultures like #German, #French or #British.

Golden KREMLINs of Western Russia

However, with the #Mongol expansion from the #East, these #NORDIC settlements were pushed back from the bank of the #Volga river to the settlement of #KIEV along the #DNIEPER river and the Baltic coastal #NOVOGROD settlement. The #NORDIC and #GERMAN tribes of #Ukraine and #Baltic settlements started to intermixing in this period and form another distinctive culture of #NordicGerman in #Ukraine and the #Baltic coastal cities.

Novogrod Instagram Users

These #Mongol raids reached all the way to #Romania and only stopped by the #CarpathianMountain range and the most barbaric #Roman lineage, #Vlad the Impaler. The #ROMAN planners placed the most cruel lineages at its frontier regions of #Hungary and #Romania. The raids and battles between the #Mongol tribes and the #Vlad kingdom was the first time that the #Mongol came into contact with the #RomanEmpire and their satellite states.

Carpathian Mountain

The danger of the #Eastern nomadic horsemen became known among the Roman world and the Roman planners started to send the Vlad lineages, their most cruel military generals and hundred thounds of #Roman #Bulgarian slaves to settle beyond the #Carpathian mountain range. They also invented a new alphabet, the #Cyralic #Alphabet for this new Roman frontier and later on becoming the #Russian official #Alphabet and built Roman-style fortress called #Vladimir, modern day #Moscow, at the middle point between the #Dnieper river and the #Volga river.

Moscow Kremlin

The new #RomanVLAD fortified settlements, use of Roman military structures and use of #Nordic Blonde women as gifts to the #Mongol princes reduced the number of Mongol raids to the West as well as exposed the Mongol tactics and military structures to the #RomanVLAD planners. Maybe these Russian Blonde women caused the #Mongol princes to switch from Mongol paper money to Russian #Golden coins as mean of transaction which brought extra weight and broke down the Mongol fiat monetary system. With the weakening Mongol #GoldenHorde, the forward #VLADIMIR fortress once again allowed the Nordic tribes to expand East from the #Dnieper river and #Baltic coastal settlements to rebuild in their abandoned town of #Kazan and #Astrakhan into fortified settlements as well as populating Vladimir.

Moscow Instagram Users

From Vlad the Impaler Lineage First Stop to Vladivostok Final Stop, the Russian Land Territorial Lever

#Serf-dom or #Slav-dom is a farmer social class who are not allowed to move around but stay year around at the farm to work on the land, have to pay a large percentage of their farming output to the kings and nobles who control the land, horses and major water sources via the use of forces. #slavDOM was first invented by the #Roman and #WesternEuropean kings and became part of #Russia society until 19th century when the #VLAD lineage moved East with their #slave farmers to settle in modern day #Moscow.

Arable Land for Farming

The #RomanVLAD lineage also started to intermix with the nomadic tribes of #Mongol, #Tatars and #Kazah. One of these marriages produced a #RomanTatar son, who was able to acquire the support of Vladimir city nobles to become the first king of the long lasting #ROMANOV dynasty. #Vladimir citystate under the #Romanov rule started to form the #calvary formation within the #Vladimir army and for the first time was able to defeat #German tribes and #Mongol tribes outside their fortress wall.

Kazan Instagram Users

The #Vladimir settlement position faraway from two #EasternEuropean major rivers, the Dnieper and Volga, also keep their #slav-farmers from running away as well as avoiding surprise raids from German in the West and Mongol in the East. With large area of farmland, minimum raids and no flood, #Vladimir settlement developed a large fleet of cattles for meat and milk, expanded their #slav-farmers population quickly and became the richest and strongest city state in #Russia and change its name to #Moskova or много коровы or #MostCows.

VLAD from Bucharest to Vladimir

The Romanov, a #RomanTatar, lineage did not stop at the Volga river but expand Russia border all the way East to the Pacifics ocean. They ultilized a mix strategy of high mobility of the Mongol army and fortified strong point of the Roman army. The fleet of cattle for water and food supply as well as large horce population allows the Russian army to be flexible and move quickly. However, wherever they reach a strong geographical barrier like a #River, a #Mountain range, a #Desert or the #Coastline then they abandoned their mobile strategy but started to build highly fortified settlements with large settled population as the strong anchors for their border expansion. As the results, modern Russian cities East of the Volga river are popululated mostly by #Roman-Tatars.

The Kazan Women

The #VladKazah nobles along with the #ROMANOV kings become very popular among the #Russian population with their successful expansion of Russia to the East. Under the #ROMANOV dynasty, the original Nordics nobles of #Moscow became less popular and got deported to #SaintPetersburg to make spaces for #Romans and #Tatars lineages in Moscow when #PetersTheGreat temporary moved the capital of Russia from #Moscow to #StPetersburg.

Saint Petersburg Women

These early #Russian expansion with superior mobility first via horses then the Siberian railway to the #East results in #Russian becoming the largest country in Europe and the World with abundances of farming land, minerals, oil and gas resources. Abundance of minerals and talents allow #Russia to have an advanced heavy industry that is capable of producing large industrial machineries and weapons. Until the modern day, only #Russia and #UnitedStates posseses all energy, food and defense security with both countries do not need to import fuel, food and weapons from foreign nations.

Russian Oil Export

Siberian Stockpile of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological and the Russian WMD Lever

By poisoning the main water stream or storage with chemical weapons, one could achieve the force multiplier effects. A small group of dozen chemical weapon specialists could cause widespread damage to hundreds of thousands of troops and civilians within a population center that shares that water stream or storage. Hence harmful chemical compounds getting into the main water source would become a #WMD.

Chemical WMD

The Russian planners were using #Chemical weapons on the main Kazakh population water source, the Aral sea, as well as building #HydroElectric Dams in #Uzbekistan and #Kazakhstan to control water input of Kazakh tribes. The use of chemical weapons on water input eliminates population growth of #NativeKazan while promoting #RussianKazakh inter-marriage to eliminate any threats of invasion from these historical enemies. The poison water source also serves as the #WaterGap to prevent any #NorthWest #migiration and push the migration to #SouthEast direction.

Caucasian Looking Asian females

By spreading #ViralDiseases inside #Indoor locations with central #AirConditioners like military barracks, high rise buildings, #Airports or #TrainStations, a dozen #BiologicalSpecialists could cause widespread sickness and death among millions of enemy combatants or civilians.

European and China Dense Rail Network

#COVID19 is an example of Russian use of Biological WMD in China, European Union and United States. #COV1 and #COVID19 are version-1 and version-2 of the #SARS virus standing for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or #TSAR. While version 1 of SARS only spreaded to more than 8000 patients and caused 700 deaths, version 2 of SARS, COVID-19 spreaded to more than 695,000,000 patients and caused more than 6,920,000 deaths. The version 3 of SARS with a higher fatality rate could be more damaging than nuclear weapons but with high deniability of who actually launched the biological weapons.

COVID Cases, Death and Vaccinated

By using engineered #COVID19 on dense population centers of China and Europe and its high speed and highly connected transportation network of trains and planes, #COVID19 achieved the #Intercontinental reach of #BallisticMissiles as well as the lethality of #NuclearExplosions. With #COVID19 wide spread, every man, woman and chid also have been #IntercontinentallyNeedled with who know what biologial and chemical content inside every vaccine dose. And Russia and its stockpile of nuclear weapons in Siberia can always choose the large casualty option within minutes anywhere on earth of its nuclear ballistic missiles around #Moscow and #Novosibirsk.

Intercontinental Needled for Every Hu-Man

When the #Western empires got too big to manage, they always use an Investment Bank #SpinOff like maneuver to split the task of managing the Empire into Two #Emperors who focuses on expanding into two opposite direction.


First time in history was the #WesternEastern #RomanEmpire #SpinOff which resulted in the #Christianization and #Romanization the rest of Central, Northern and Eastern Europe. Second time in history was #UnitedStates and #BritishEmpire spin off which results in the whole world switching to speaking English, using American dollars and American standards to build and trade everything we use daily.

LATIN alphabet Users

The collapse of #SovietUnion is very likely the third #SpinOff into Modern Russia and Central Asian countries. This spin-off results in #Caucasianization of the #Genetics makeup for the rest of #India, #China and #SoutheastAsia with all influential figures in the #FarEast looking increasing like their #WesternKings and the majority of the #FarEast population having the same #BloodType as the #WesternKings.

Caucasian looking Chinese Women

This third wave of Western expansion happening through the #Soviet-Russian #XO mom and sperm bank babies program first in China and Southeast Asia and now in India. Hundred millions of Asian dad did not and will not raise their biological child but raising one or two sperm bank baby and an #XO wife in exchange for better consumer goods, weapon and fuel imports from the West. These grown up sperm bank babies in China built and control China Airforce and Nuclear Force and became the insurance policy for Modern Russia against any Asian threat from the #Siberia direction.

Dong Feng Nuclear Ballistic Missile

Soviet Propaganda with the Technology levers under Modern Russia

From studying and training cattle animals like cows, dogs and horses, the preachers of #Christianity probably found the similarity in low level code between humans and these farm animals. #Stalin studied to become a religious preacher for the #Orthodox church. However, he ended up becoming a Communist revolutionary alongside #Lenin of the #Catholic churches. Maybe both of them are religious preachers who ported human programming techniques from #Christianity to #Communism.

Jesus, the animal trainer

#Communism's use of #Symbols, Large #Statues, Large #PreachingHall with careful design for sound effects is very similar to the design of #Christian symbols, large #Christian statues and large #Churches with rows of chairs to listen to the preacher for hours. Humans living in modern cities no longer work on their own farm but become the animals in the industrialist farms.

Conference vs Church

The control of all #Audio and #Visual inputs as well as the #Reward sensory of pleasure and the #Punishment sensory of pain in modern packed apartments is much easier than in the large open farm lands. With modern broadcasting technology, first through the radio and television radio wave and now through the internet, these preaching halls have expanded globally to #SmartPhones and #Laptops with #MobileScreen usage can reach up to 9 hours a day.

Linux domination of Mobile and Server market

By carefully tuning all the recommendation algorithms in #Google, #Youtube, #Spotify, #Ubers, #Airbnb, #Amazon, #WeWork and others, the human programmers of the #Soviet era now can remotely control the audio, visual, pain and pleasure input of humans across the continents via the speed of light #FiberOptics cable data link.

Fiber Link between East Coast and Europe

#LinuxTorvard, a #Finnish programmer, created #Linux operating system. And many improved variants of #LinuxOS like #RedhatOS, #UbuntuOS and #AndroidOS dominates the server and mobile market through Billion Hours of #FREE work done by the open source community of formal Soviet state programmers in #Russia, #Scandinavia, #EasternEurope and #EastAsia. Obviously the #Soviet propaganda machine still work well in the software world and #Scandinavian nations and #Russia still have close tied under the table. So close that #Putin kept his biological son in #Finland and publicly only have daughters in #Russia.

Putin Son and Daughter

Russian Conversion of Mekong Penninsula into Western Guard Dogs

After the Vietnamese failed attempt at uniting the Mekong Peninsula into one single coalition in the 10 years Cambodian war from 1979 to 1989 to serve as a counterweight against Friendnemy Communist China for the Soviet Union, Vietnam is increasingly falling back into the Yellow Yangzte orbit from 1990 to 2000. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Thaksin visited Moscow on October 18, 2002 to leak intelligence data on the mastermind of the 911 attack against the White Women of New York, the pioneering Viet Chinese farmers and restaurant owners global network.

2002 Thaksin visited Moscow before attacking Hanoi

Thaksin was able to pitch both Moscow and Washington to work with Thai intelligence services and military to conduct counter-offensive campaigns against Chinese elements within Vietnamese government, intelligence and military ranks. Thai got the backing of both Moscow and Washington to become the dominating power of the Mekong Peninsula to counter the rising power and influences of China in SouthEast Asia.

Thai Viet Control Ngoc Ha Water Factory

The old Soviet Era lever of XO Trinity and Toxic Chemical VALVE in Vietnam continues to work well in the Progressive Communist Vietnam as a form of Reward Punishment feedback loops for social engineering and lifespan reduction of males living in highrise apartment buildings with few achieved their Half Life 50 years old milestone.

Russian Doctors and XO Trinity Army

Since 2003, Russian and Thai intelligence services have been working together to gradually clone the Viet Chinese farmers of Tran who command control the XO Trinity and Toxic Chemical Valve with Thai, Laos or Orange County doubles from South to North via the HDBank system. Hence we see no HDBank present in Phu Quoc Island but in every major city of Vietnam.

Russian Dogs aka Tay Lan BioChemical Trap for North Asian Seeds in Hanoi

Thai started to send under 18 youth and Thai families with the cover of Vietnamese Nguyen to migrate and occupy Ho Chi Minh city and Hanoi, blend in Hanoi schools to attack native Red River delta children and harrass Vietnamese families with the goal of slowly replacing the Red River Son Ha genes with Thai genes. Thai population growth declined while Vietnamese population growth increased from 2000-2010 even with Thai highest agriculture output in the region.

Thai Viet Control Red River Bank and Smuggle In Komodo Tongue Hookers

Thai migirating population in Vietnam met heavy resistance in Red River delta with many disappeared in small alleys, countrysides or over night stays in local hotels. To stop the coordinated attacks by Vietnamese population against Thai sabotage migrants, US intelligence services identified all VA Ex-military and EX-police families of Hanoi and forced an American study-abroad deal via the VietAbroader program to keep the Ex-military and Ex-policies children of Hanoi in United States as a form of hostage taking to prevent any further insurgency activities from these Communist VA Veteran families.

Russian Thai Massage Store

While being abroad, these VA children will be surrounded by Orange County and Thai agents working for US goverments in a social bubble that gained trust from VA families and discovered hidden secrets about the insurgency leadership network. These imformation from American spies will then be passed to Russian agents in Hanoi to go after critical command control nodes of Hanoi and its defensive layers.

GRU Com Network via Gamers

From 2006 to 2016, while their children are being kept abroad as hostages in America, the inner network of Vietnamese Ex-Military Ex-Police families is slowly mapped out by Facebook social network and Voice recognition Skype app. These VietAbroader VA family members were then being cloned by Thai or Orange county doubles and imprisoned, kept away from their family and formal neighbors. The VA children won't recognize their parents via phone call since the Thai double would have a closely similar voice.

VietAbroader Program

After Skype, Facebook and Apple collected enough Facial and Voice Recognition data from Vietnamese families, the Thai military got an upgrade with the American supercomputer in Bangkok. The Thai migrating population in Vietnam started to install IP cameras in every alley and GPS tracking every motorcycles in Red River delta and Laos to identify all underground fighters and insurgency movements against the migrating Thai population who are rapidly replacing the Vietnamese Red River Son Ha delta population.

Thai Viet Control the IP Camera Supply of Hanoi

With massive numbers of IP Cameras feeding footages to Bangkok, all Viet-frienldy cops, military and secret polices houses and personal vehicles could be indentified. Summer 2017, Thai agents and the Thai Viet migrating population received signals from Russian and American goverments to simultanously attack and eliminate Viet-friendly security personels in Hanoi with many top cops, intelligent and military officers under corruption investigations and arrests. The Viet-friendly security layers house, personal vehicles and family members were also under harrassments from Thai Viet agents.

Broadcasting message for Thai agents to start eliminating Viet-friendly cops in Hanoi and Abroad

From 2017 to 2020, Thai migrating population started to use PVBank motorcycle tracking and VPBank IP Camera to remote control and take over houses with Son Ha water tank markers. With the ability to process billions of images and GPS coordinates in real-time, the Thai military and American supercomputers at Switch datacenter can predict and program human behaviors of all Vietnamese residents to increase the fatality of the Vietnamese population while protecting the migrating Thai population inside Vietnamese cities and provinces.

IP Camera in Hanoi sending footages to Switch Datacenter in Bangkok

Thai Viet clones of the Tran leadership also gained control of the Yellow Yangzte XO armies being sent annually to Vietnam as Soft power projection. Thai clones turned these XO entertainment girls into bioweapons by adding STDs and Skin Dicease and placed them in front of Vietnamese military barracks in Hanoi and other Red River delta provinces to cause wildspread sickness and dealth among the Arm Force protecting the Red River delta.

American DOD met Population Control Head of Vietnam

By 2020, Thai military and Thai Viet inside Red River delta with American surveilance technology had the ground control of Hanoi with the Vietnamese Red River delta population being pushed to highrise buildings or imprisoned on second floors or above in their private home.

Thai Viet Southern Encirlement of Hanoi

March 2020, with the help from Chinese PLA, the Vietnamese underground fighters launched a desperate attempt at regaining control of their water sources and food supplies from the Thai population in Vietnam and weaken Thai allies via the COVID-19 viruses. They opened borders with China to allow Chinese fighters to enter Vietnam, captured Thai military units and secret policies masking as Vietnamese families inside Vietnam and cremated them under the cover of COVID-19 positive test results.

Cremation of COVID-19 Patients

All water and food supplies of Red River delta also come with nanobots that allowed the Chinese military to read ideas from and write ideas to the human brain as well as control basic muscle movements of human and animals. These nanobots are also self-replicating self-energizing and could quickly multiplied in the river system, ocean or rainny cloud. After enough nanobots being installed inside food and water supplies around the planet, Chinese supercomputers gain command control of human around the planets via the Wireless Internet, 4G network or low-bandwidth radio frequency to remote control world leaders and military commanders. These enable synchronized actions of the Tibetan East Asian genes around the globe as well as starting advantageous wars in Ukraine using Russian miltiary Feb 2022, and in Middle East using Israel military. The nanobots inside the atmosphere water vapor also allow weather control with endless numbers of hurricanes hitting competing gene groups in United States and Thailand.

Russian Remote Controlled Tank Drivers

Russian commanders remote controlled from China marched most their tanks in straight line toward Ukranian positions with antitank weapons to be destroyed. Early 2023, after realizing Russian militaries have been remote controlled from China and Vietnam, Thai and Russian agents in Hanoi started to put chemical toxin in Water Factories of Hanoi to stop people from drinking water with nanobots. Thai and Russian agents in Hanoi attacked annd replaced Vietnamese and Japanese commannd control nodes in Hanoi with doubles to try to gain control of the links with supercomputers that orchatrated nanobots around the globes. July 2024, Vladimir Putin visited Hanoi to eliminate all protective security layers of Nguyen Phu Trong, a Xi Jingping ally who have one of direct quantum link with the super computers in China.

Thai PM Met Putin