Irish Republican Army And The Maze Prision Escape
Irish Republican Army And The Maze Prision Escape

IRA Irish Republican Army - A Thousand Year Independence Movement From English Norman.

Attila, frequently called Attila the Hun, was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in March 453. URALIC people, descendants of Attila, spread from Hungary to the Baltic Sea and Scandinavian regions over the next 500 years.

The Nomadic Hun Expansion from North Asia to Finland

The Vikings with their Attila gene and ADHD furious energy eventually finalized Altila’s Westward expansion in the 10th and 11th centuries. After continuous Vikings raids, the Franks people eventually gave in and Rollo, a Viking leader gain political legitimacy and start the Norman dynasty in the Normandy region, Northern France with profound influence on Medieval Europe.

Viking Settlements in France

Since the Norman invasion of Ireland in the 12 century, the Irish people were still struggling to regain their independence from the United Kingdom until 20 century. The Irish War of Independence, started in 1919 until 1921, at last led to the independence for most of Ireland with the exception of Northern Ireland.

Belfast Norman city inside an Irish island nation

The IRA Irish Republican Army continued their guerrila campaigns in Northern Ireland which caused nonstop unrests in Northern Ireland from the late 60s until the 90s. Over this 30 years civil war, many Irish guerrila fighters was imprisoned in the Maze Prison outside of Belfast, Northern Island by the British military.

Irish city vs British city

And then the Maze Prison Escape or the Great Escape took place on 25 September 1983. This is the biggest Prison escape in UK history with 38 Provisional IRA members escaped the maximum security, most escape proof prison in Europe. During the escape, one prison officer died of a heart attack and 20 others were injured.

Maze Prison

Eventually all the Northern Ireland unrest subsided following the Good Friday agreement in 1998. The hard border was removed after the agreement and Irishes living in Ireland are now allowed to cross into Northern Ireland and enter the city of Belfast following the Good Friday Agreement. However, the United Kingdom still retain administrative right of Northern Ireland with the Pound being the currency for the city of Belfast.

Good Friday Agreement

After Brexit, the homeland of the Irish people are still being splited with Ireland Republics and its largest city, Dublin, using the EURO as their main currency and being a member of the European Union. Northern Ireland is once again becoming a major unrest flask point and proxy war just like what happened in 2019 at Hong Kong.

Belfast Chaos

Hong Kong and Red River Delta, Two Defacto Colonies of British Empire

Like Ireland, Hong Kong was a colony of the British Empire. Hong Kong island became part of the Empire after the British Victory in the First Opium War in 1842. And the Hongkong Peninsula and Lantau Island also became part of the British Empire after the Second Opium war and the march on Beijing. After two Opium Wars, it became Legal to sell drugs to local Chinese citizens and soldiers without any interference from the Qing local officers.

First and Second Opium War Territorial

Since 1899 to years of 2000, Hong Kong has been the main gateway to export Chinese cheap labors and entertainment XX and XO to Europe and the America with companies like CK Hutchison Holding and HSBC making trillion of dollars from generations of Chinese immigrants shipping abroad via ocean container ships to the Western world.

CK Hutchison Holding

After two fail attempts of the Norman branches of America and France to subdude the best Viet genes in the wars in Vietnam, finally the Norman of Britian stepped in 1988 to put an end of the Vietnamese ambition in Indochina. The British naval vessels packed with Hong Kong XX and XO entertainment girls docking at the port of Hai Phong somehow collapsed the leaderships of Communist Hanoi via STD diceases, force the withdrawal from Cambodia and the openning up of the Vietnamese trading ports to Western vessels. British spies also cloned most of Hanoi important command control nodes and placed strategic nuclear weapons inside Hanoi to prevent any form of Communist Chinese involvement in Indochina.

The Pink Le Hong Phong Collapsed Hanoi in 1988

Since 1988, Hanoi and the Red River delta has been a private cage with a Progressive Communist cover on all newspapers, government offices or television stations. Most of native Red River delta residents have no access to health care, clean water and being slowly replaced by the genes of two English Norman allies: Japanese and Thai. The attempt of the PLA and Vietnamese underground fighters to liberate Red River delta in 2021 has failed with British once against spreading STDs and other diceases in Red River delta to reduce population count and punish the Red River rebelions against British covert rule of this region.

Hong Kong Pink Offensive

Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997, one year before the 1998 Good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland. Like most borders drawn by the Britain, the North-South Ireland border or the Pakistan & India border in Kashmir will sustain local conflicts and prevent that countries or regions to ever become fully united and stable. A destabilizing border is the best way to keep your enemies weak and divided, forever prevent the region to become a major threat to Bristish neo-colonial influence.

Pakistan Indian Border without Geographical Anchor

The Hong Kong return to China has made the Chinese military commanders becoming overconfident in their 2021 campaign in Vietnam and Indochina which is leading to mass closures of Chinese company offices in Laos like Huawei, ICBC and the permanant stops to Chinese immigrant settlement building in Laos, Thailand and Cambodia.

2024 Empty Office of International Construction Bank of China

Future of English, The Language

The continued struggle of Northern Ireland is the result of distance between Irish and English language. Irish is a Celtic-based language while English is a Germanic based language. Borders should have been drawn based on language usage. If we can talk, the less likely we have to kill.

Celtic Irish vs Germanic English

Latin was originally spoken in the area around Rome, known as Latinum. Through the power of the Roman Republic, Latin become a dominant language in Italy, and eventually entire Western Roman Empire. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, pure Latin is gradually disappearing from existence. Vulgar Latin developed into Roman languages like French, Spanish, Italian, Portagues. Latin has contributed many words to the English language. Majority of English descriptions of theology, science, medicine and law used Latin-root words. However, English is mainly a Germanic language.

Latin Medical Terms

The Western Civilization history is the violent struggle of the disciplined farm-based society of the South and the chaotic nomadic hunter-gatherer societies of the North. And the victors bring their gene and their languages with them to new frontiers.

Germanic vs Roman Wars

British influence is erosing everywhere but the English language is still spreading like wild-fire. English is no-longer the language of British people but the language of the world. Will British English eventually disappear like Latin and English evolved into many different localized form like American English, Indian English, Singlish, Hong Kong English. After WW2, the British crown often covertly rules over their colonies via a Twin or the Son of a British Royal and a Local Rare Egg Unicorn. Will these half-blood governers become too powerful and finally put an end to the last Royal lineages of our world ?

Indian English briefly overshadowed British English

Facebook was a fun social platform for college students in United States, a defacto colony of British Empire, for the first two years after its founding. However, when the site got to Cambridge and got the attention of British Royals, money started to pour in the company and then it gradually became a mass-surveilance and social engineering platform for the secret polices of the British Empire. The Norman Northmen genes knew too much about everyone in China, Vietnam and Russia and with the COVID vaccine, they can censor every thought and ideas now. With the projected location of the North pole moving closer to Russia and the East, will the Kazan and Tibetan East Asian gene can make a final successful stand against the endless expansion of Northmen genes wherever there is a coastline.

North Pole Position