Friday The Thirteen, Fear and the Benefactors of Chaos
Friday The Thirteen, Fear and the Benefactors of Chaos

So since when and why Friday the Thirteen generates so much fear and superstition. Loki is a Norse god of mischief. Once upon a time at the party of the Gods at the Valhalla, Loki walked in the party as the 13th god crossing the gate of Norse Heaven. By the time he stepped his left foot through the gate, the universe suddenly experienced a full eclipse and the party's over. The Moon covered the Sun and everything turned into darkness.

Loki The God of Mischef

All the gods and their power rendered useless under eclipse while Lowski got much more powerful and enhanced under eclipse. Loki used his power to plunge the world into chaos and darkness. There are also 13 people at the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus shared with his Apostle before his crucifixion.

Jesus Last Meal

With so much effort to exhaust control over our environment by building human systems that ensures human foundational needs of air, water, food, shelter, sleep and reproduction, the basic things that most thriving animal species could achieve without high level cognitive power, once upon a while, we again lost control, civilizations collapsed and societies fallen into chaos.

Mad Max Water Monopoly

Many other times though, it is the human genetics group that built systems that other DNA lineages living in, who have too much power and control, take away the foundational needs of other humans because that was as easy as taking a breath.

Blondes of Hanoi Video Programming the VIPs of Hanoi

Fire, Blonde, Gold and the Nordic Domination of Europe

The human condition has a major improvement with our newly acquired ability to create and control fire. No other species in the animal kingdom has the ability to control fire. With fire, it becomes much easier to turn other animals and plants into easily digestible food sources, scare other predatory animal aways and staying warm and safe at night.

Bon Fire Evolution Boost

Fire probably turns human from a fruit and vegetable picking primates into a meat eating predator. Human is not the strongest, fastest animal nor has sharp teeth and claw. However, we can create fire and use it to scare even the largest and most dangerous land predator like Tigers, Lions, Wolfs, Snakes, etcs.

Human Cook Food with Fire before Eating

With only 12 hours or less of Sunlight, human without the night vision of tigers, wolfs, snakes or owls becomes very vulnerable at night. We can not easily see or keep ourselves warm at night. Before the invention of fire, human population growth is probably extremely slow with most of infants or young children dying off to the cold, lack of food and other dangerous predators.

Tiger Has Night Vision

Fire and its yellow golden color probably becomes a crucial elements in every culture and religous rituals around the globe. So probably when for the first time, a human tribe in England saw a blonde human, they would immediately and subconsciously assosiate these blonde men and women to something supernatural or god-like. When you can instill so much fear and respect on a foreign tribe without taking any actions, half of the battle is won.

NOR Viking Expansion

With the harsh and cold winter of Scandinavia, the Scandinavian tribes probably have bigger built and much higher stamina than the Central and Southern European tribes. Plus the golden hair, the Scandinavian tribes already won the psychologial war before even throwing an axe or shooting an arrow. The most difficult tasks was probably designing an ocean fairing Viking boats. After the Viking boats, all the battles in Europe was easily won with Viking stamina and the obedience of local population was easily acquired with the blonde hair. The Nordic Viking genetics lineage was quickly multiplied through the Central European Germanic tribes all the way to Southern Europe with the final collapse of the Western Roman Empire.


The Nordic genetics expansion only slowed down by the Nomadic Kazak tribes of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 13 centuries but eventually these Kazak tribes fail to stop the Nordic blonde tribes of Russia to expand all the way to the Siberia and the Pacifics ocean. While blonde tribes are not numerous in number, being blonde is associated with royalty and the ruling classes of Europe. Even to the modern day, both Israel and United States first lady is Blonde and the President of European Union is also blonde.

Israel, US and EU

Probably these European ruling elites first realized the psychological effects of their hair color and started to use an useless but shiny material, GOLD, to associate all local transactions with their power and influence. The King of Europes started to issue golden coins with their symbol as the mean of exchange for all European commerces and build golden symbolic structures in government and religous sites.

King and his Valley shape Golden Crown

All complex organism from plant, bacterial to human seeks more energy via light or other intermediate energy source comming from light like vegetable or other smaller organisms. Light gives direction to all complex organism with all organism has the tendency to move toward light sources and staying around the light sources. However, some human can create light sources, light reflecting materials or light emiting objects and position them to give directions to other humans, animals and plants. With modern human, for the first time, an organism can give itselves directions and no longer relying on nature to define meaning of its existence.

Organism Moving Toward Light Sources

The Elite rulling classes of Europe has turn a shiny, light reflecting material of gold into a direction giving object that extending the influences of the Nordic blonde tribes to places where they are not even present.

Fire, Gold, Blonde Traffic Light

Fossil Fuel, The Conbustion Engine and the Nordic Global Control

With a network of Royal Nordic families across European nations, the Blondes of Europe was once again able to stitch the fragmented Europe into a one single strong coalition after the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 13th century.

Nordic Royal Families in Europe

By scheming together for a common genetics interest instead of fighting each other, the North Atlantic genes reversed the decline of Europe after the fall of Constantinople and propelled European nations into the dominating colonial powers. The power of fire first via the Steam engine and then the Combustion engine outperformances the Horsepower of Central Asia. While most of the oil reserves of the world are not in the North Sea, Brent Oil is a most important benchmark for Fire making technology and the people of the Brent oil fields are Blonde. Is this a miracle, coincidence or marketing?

NOR Global Control

By evolving the Stock Market invention in Amsterdam into more complex financial instructument for commodity future trading via the merger of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company of the Netherlands and The "Shell" Transport and Trading Company of the United Kingdom, the Nordic genetics was able to accumulate enough financial firepower to have exclusive drilling rights to majority of the oil fields around the globe.

Daily Oil Output

No matter what is oil and gasoline price is, people of earth still have to fill the their tank to get to work, to transport essential daily supplies across provinces, nations and continents. People move around more during chaos than stability so wars and uncertainties are great for the oil producers. The volatility of oil prices only results in the oil dealers of the North Sea be able to sell more of their inventories way ahead of time.

Brent Crude Oil Prices

With advantages around human major energy inputs, Norway and North Sea nations achieve highest productivity per person or highest income per capital in Europe. Oil reserve detection and estimation requires advanced radar technology with British having the leading edge since 1940s. High protein salmon fish farms requires advanced bio engineering experties with Denmark, Sweden and Norway having the leading edge. By selling the sweetest crude oil and highest level of protein Salmons to European nations, Norway was able to make on average 114,899 USD annually or 235 million VND a month.


Two of the most widely used operating system of the world: UbuntuOS for data centers, MacOS for high income individuals, Android and iOS for mobile devices are all based on UNIX which was invented and controlled by Oslo engineers. With these Operating Systems, the Oslo Sovereign Wealth Fund managers were able to access the newest and most accurate datapoints of the world as well as censor all future and present financial and daily plans of the most influential individuals on the planet. These advantages enable the super wealthy oil rich country of Norway and their North Atlantics genes to predict the future better than everyone else and invest in the most impactful technologies of the future.

World Largest Soverign Wealth Fund

NATO, OTAN and the Blood Type A and O Relentless Genetics Expansion

There should be only one royal lineage only for the entire globe after the North Atlantic's lineage was able to travel and conquer every corner of earth at the beginning of 1900s. That decision was made sometimes ago with Thai and Japanese royal families being slowly diluted with more Western genes like in the case of Miko Japanese princess while the Qing royal lineage was mostly eradicated through the Blonde-lead Communist revolution of China.

Communist Leaders Obession with Russian Blonde

The global future for every gene groups have been planned out by the North Sea gods. The French Napoleonic world will be doing tasks with little competitive advantages and could be replaced by other colonies or dominions, will drive on the right and do the right safe thing all the time like mass manufacturing, farming, food processing. The French Napoleonic local authorities will discourage writing, free speech, creativity while promote reading, uniformity and standardization.

Right-hand man countries vs Left-hand man countries

British Common Law world will be doing the risky, creative, experimental tasks, architecting new competitive edges over everyone in the world. North Sea companies like ARM, AstraZenica, Deep Mind are doing the leading edge research and development in Computer Chip Design, Bio Engieering and Artificial Intelligent that would allow the North Sea genes to earn Royalty income for next decades or even centuries.

The NATO Royals

The British Common Law, driving on the Left world also needs to keep the French Napolenic world divided and fight each other like the US-China trade war or the EU-Russia Ukrainian war. The expansion of NATO via imaginative wave of fears first with the Soviet 1950 nuclear test, then Communism Elimination of Asset Ownership of 1975 and the Terrorism Succidal Bombing of 2000s will keep wars out of the North Atlantics sealanes and only between Napoleonic world in the Pacifics, Eastern Europe or Middle East.

NATO Wave of Fear and New Memberships

By controlling the North Atlantics Gene pool via the New England New York program, the British Common Law world are holding the Pull advantages by having more attractive people. English speaking companies are controlling all fiberoptics cable, internet and television content to promote North Sea images. These Built-Men-After-His-Own-Images advantages give NATO CAAC genes easier games every night on the streets, at the offices and in the bars in Berlin, Karachi or Shanghai.

AC Genes of America, Pakistan and China

British Common Law world are also surpressing and throttle the growth of other gene groups in the Napoleonic French world via bioengineering daily water and food input of the dominions. The guard dogs of Central Asia, Pakistan, India will have a higher protein diet like Beef and Bean while the Western productive workers will have higher carbohydrate diet like Chicken and Rice. China and India, Vietnam and Philipine are having counter-balancing population count via the British engineering.

Finnish Design Water Factory of Hanoi Central District