Asymetrical Warfare, False Flag or A Knock
Asymetrical Warfare, False Flag or A Knock

Asymmetrical Warfare

Asymmetrical warfare tactics are normally used by weaker opponents against stronger actors to avoid a conventional high-intensity warfare by prolonging the war or expanding the battle field to a larger area to spread the advantage of more advanced, larger force.

The words Terror in the War Against Terror is an English translation of the French word La Terreur, the bloodiest period during the French revolution from September 5, 1793 to July 27, 1794.

During the La Terreur, any political opposition to the French revolution would be heavily persecuted via the Revolutionary Tribunal and punished by lynching or beheaded leading to the result of 300,000 suspects were arrested, 17000 people were executed and 10,000 died in prision without trials.

Is terrorism a tactic in the same asymetrical warfare category with guerilla warfare, cyberattack, faked news and disinformation?

How do you define terrorism ? According to the CIA website, the term “terrrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.

Civilian casualties in any war is a norm not a special case and most wars are for political purposes.

So I would argue that the danger of terrorism lays in its origin of subnational and clandestine agents since these groups could be international and has no diplomatic relationship with targeted nations.These groups also have no single capital or permanent central government.

It is a lot like fighting against a Lernaean Hydra. Each time you cut off one head, two new one would reappear. There is an interesting meme talking about GBU-43 nicknamed mother of all bomb: 10,000 new terrorists in a single blast.

A terrorist attack can happen any time any where. The battle field has been expanded to anywhere on earth and can continuously happen indefinitely.

So how do you fight against terrorism ?

Well the first very counterintuitive step would be helping the beast to have a strong one single head. Terrorist groups normally thrive in countries with weak and dysfunctional governments and very few terrorism groups in countries with strong central government. This is very similar to the Good Friday Agreement with the IRA in the Northern Ireland conflict.

United States does not want a weak central Chinese state cause that would be the worst terrorism group that they would have ever experienced.

The second step is to establish diplomatic relationship with this strong central government and make sure the strong central government is fully established with stable economy, police and military forces, most importantly a full fledged legal system . No hostile act or ground invasion should be conducted against this strong central government regardless of political differences.

The third step is to become an ally with this strong central government or just cut that one single head off and place a friendly one on.

False Flag Operation

However, what if 9/11 was a false flag operation to legitimize a Middle East war and gain control of the major energy reserves to ensure energy security for American economy.

The US Economy is heavily dependent on oil and gas. Germany lost World War II because of their lack of access to oil and gas reserves.

The 1973 oil shock caused by the Oil Embargo placed on Israel’ Allies by Arab nations show a vulnerability of the US economy. The first oil shock of 1973 happens while George H.W Bush was the UN Ambassador as well as the chairman of the Republican National Committee.

George H.W Bush was an oil businessman and become a millionaire by the age of 40 because of his fortune in the oil industry. After the first swift and successful Iraq war of 1991, maybe George H.W Bush come up with a 10 years plan to come back and ensure American energy security once and for all.

After all, the reason George H.W Bush volunteered for the Navy was because of the oil Embargo on Japan and their eventual last resource attack on Pearl Harbor.

An exclusive access to the Middle East oil fields for Oil Corporation also ensure Texas economic strength for decades to come as well as solidify the Bush powerbase.

The Exxon and Mobil merger in 1999 and become the largest energy company in the world with their headquarters in Texas. Now the Bush has the largest corporation in the world to back their plan.

Clinton’s impeachment, Tech bubble’s crash and Bush son became the president, the central gravity of power needs its one last kick to move from West and East coast back the South.

All the stars have aligned and the time to execute the 10 years plan has come. The 9-11 attack ensure three things: United States once again increase its military spending from 1999 post WWII level of 3.45% of GDP to 5.65 % GDP by 2012. Oil price once again increase from its 1999 low of $30/gallon to $160/gallon by 2008. Exxon Mobil has exclusive unlimited access to Iraq's oil fields after the Afghan and Iraq war.

Maybe this is the reason why once again, Republican and Russian oligarch works together to ensure a fossil fuel future of the world.

China will never be able to ensure its energy security if it continues to depend on oil and gas. Its highly vulnerable energy transport route via Indian Ocean and its lack of comparable naval forces to protect this route in case of war is forcing it into an electric future.

Tesla and China are pulling the world out of oil/gas to a future of electrics way too rapidly.

Both Texas and Russian economy are defense and energy based so they have aligned interest in crashing the Chinese economy, slowing down the transition away from fossil fuels to electrics and a global increase in military spending.

There is a direct link between Russia's largest oil corporation LukOil, Ted Crush and Cambridge Analytica.

A Knock - Putin, the mastermind, 2 Terror Attacks To Make Russia Great Again.

Last but most dangerous is that 9/11 is a knock to test the response of American Homeland air defenses for future campaigns as well as drawing America into a War that will eventually weaken the country.

Putin did not become the main guy in Russian until the shocked bombing of 4 apartment buildings in Russia from September 4 - September 16, 1999.

Now the Russian people are trembling and in need of a strong, military man with intelligent background like George H.W Bush to lead them.

The 9/11 attacks also have 4 targets. Number 4 and its four horsemen has significant meaning in Christianity’s Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, very little meaning in Islam.

So maybe the person who decides the number of targets is a deeply religious Christian man.

Putin did make a call to warn about the attack on September 9, 2001 but was ignored nevertheless. A call from Putin, an American adversary, will ensure all warning of 9/11 will be ignored as false intelligence.

Just like the actual 9/11 event is very similar to NORAD exercises of potential airplane hijacking leading to the slow and no response from American Air Control and Air Defenses.

NORAD radar system is outdated and American was not prepared for or expected a homeland invasion.

US air defense was built on the believe that the best defense is a good offense. The missile defense network was built to counter ballistic missile from Soviet Union.

The Nike SAM system has been removed after the Cold War with the believe that no bombers would be able to reach the US mainland.

Maybe Texas and its confederate belief wants to be an independent nation.

Donald Trump became US President in 2016, accelerating American budget deficit and money printing, leading the world closer is a Gold Standard without US Dollar as the world reserve currency. Donald Trump is helping to weaken Russian only strong neighbor in the Old World, China.

With US gradual withdrawal from the Middle East, Russian become the big brother of the OPEC. The US and UK is also weakening NATO with Brexit, trade wars with EU and it protectionism trade policies.

The US is asking NATO members and its allies to pay for their own defenses, a great opportunity for Germany and Japan military build up without original WW2 constraints in place. Maybe Germany and Russia won’t be on opposite side this time.

American focus and budget allocation toward its Southern border and its strangle relationship with its Northern neighbor Canada could prove to be fatal later on.

Very few border defenses between Canada and the USA and open plain from Northern West Canada to US Heartland that is perfect for tanks blitz invasion, looking similar to open plane of Germany and Ukraine during World War II.

Newfoundland has actually seen the appearance as well as sinking of German U Boat. Its distance is close enough to New York and Washington DC.

Would nuclear deterrence works if the invasion force is inside American mainland.

What if the nuclear launch mechanism is disable electronically or the US President is actually controlled by foreign power and in support of the invasion.

CIA placing a friendly dictator as president of a country is a norm but a foreign power placing a dictator on top as US president is unprecedented but not impossible.

Maybe after thousands of years, the Viking eventually rule the world. English, French, German and Russian are Vikings. US will be Viking’s land soon. They discovered America way before Columbus anyway.

1940 Nuclear Device

Soviet Missile in Cuba

1960 Semiconductor

The Monk Feel no Pain or Great Doctor and Great Photographer

Vietnamese Troop in Cambodia

First 911 Services in United States

1980 Night Vision Camera

Boeing 767

2000 GPS Expansion

World Trade Center

President Bush Jr on 911 Terrorist Attack News

Planned Demolition

Malay Taiwan Saudi Tallest Buildings

911 Memorial Site

Airport Fullbody Scanner for XX XO Detection

Afghanistan IED Devices

Cold Region Sperm Markers

Kabul Airport Withdrawl

Starlink Satelite

2020s Internet Satelite

The Brain Computer Interface

Evergrande Container Stucking in the Suez Canal

Unfinished Researches and Investigations

FALSE FLAG THEORY 9/11 ⇒ The only country with GPS tech. ⇒ American push right after a major tech upgrade like starcraft after GPS online Will soon be copied by the EU, Russia and China.

⇒ Need an excuse to build more military bases around the world with GPS ⇒ Need an excuse to install agents and develop surveillance tools around GPS

2021 ⇒ Push again right after a major tech upgrade ⇒ Global high speed satellite internet. Push Right After The Tech Upgrades Theory 1940-1945 ⇒ Nuclear bomb invented ⇒ Copy of Nuclear Devices by Russia, China and India ⇒ Can attack large enemy formations with numerical superiority. ⇒ Push East Asian genes Back to Kazakhstan, Korea and Truong Son mountain range.

1965 - Guided Missiles with onboard computer chips ⇒ Copy of Guided Missiles by Russia, China and India ⇒ Can attack beyond the range of enemy aircraft. ⇒ Draw Chinese genes South while advancing Western genes passed Kazakhstan to Chengdu and Kunming.

1985 - Night Vision Goggle invented and mass Produced. ⇒ Copy of Night Vision Goggle by Russia, China and India ⇒ Can fight at night when enemy is sleeping and not able to shoot or attack accurately ⇒ American night vision goggles special forces eliminated all Vietnamese troops in Cambodia near the Thai border and replaced them with Orange county Vietnamese youths returning from America in 1988.

⇒ Vietnamese Orange county youths withdrew back to Hanoi from Cambodia, conducted a COUP to take over the leadership of LE Duan and Open the Vietnam economy to Western power.

⇒ Western Genes advanced from Thailand and Kunming to Hanoi.

2000 - GPS constellation in orbits and available to civilian uses around the globes

Counters ⇒ GPS signal jamming, Clock Syncing interruption or 4G Signal blocking by Local Cell providers against detected foreign agents.

⇒ Massing doubles to avoid detection from Smart GPS devices like Smartphones, Electric Cars and Motorcycles, Wifi router, Facial Recognition Internet Cameras with all Public Security and Military Personnels having doubles.

600.000 military personnel on paper but actually maybe 1.2 million or so.

⇒ National Intranet Network with Local Data Centers for Local GPS and Contact Data. Mirrors of Data and Web Services from Foreign Internet Companies. ⇒ App Store control with No Foreign app be able to access GPS, Photo, Video and Contact data. ⇒ National Operating System for Mobile Devices like Smartphones, Internet Routers, Motorcycles and Cars.

Advantages ⇒ No longer get lost in unfamiliar terrain, accurate map of the globes and accurate location of friendly and enemy position. ⇒ 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan GPS guided tanks, planes and missiles wars, advancing from Israel toward Central Asia. ⇒ Western Genes advanced from Hanoi to Shenzhen and Southern China ⇒ Mass constructions in China with Company like Evergrande becoming a trillion dollar company ⇒ China became the manufacturing hub and Shenzhen became the tech center of China.

2021 - High speed Satellite Internet and NeuralLINK nanobots ⇒ Be able to remotely control enemy leaderships and combatants. ⇒ Kunming and Thailand replacing the genes of the Red River delta. ⇒ Western Genes advanced from Southern China and Chengdu to the Yellow Yangtze river delta.

Counter Self Sufficient Water, Food Supply and Packaging. Wifi 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz Signal Jammer from Light Bulb ?!

⇒ COLLABORATION in LARGE NUMBER with EFFICIENT SPACE USE to reduce ENERGY CONSUMPTION and SAVE TIME. THE ASYMMETRICAL WARFARE THEORY Symmetrical Warfare ⇒ North South, East West ⇒ Military fighting each other in an open battlefield with uniformed soldiers, insignia and national flag.

Asymmetrical Warfare tactics ⇒ Guerrilla Warfare ⇒ Combatants dressing as civilians, using sneak attack tactics to attack military installations and military units.

⇒ Terrorism ⇒ Combatants dressing as civilians attacking MEDIA STUNT targets to cause widespread fear among the target population.

⇒ CHXH ⇒ Combatants dressing as civilians and criminal gangs orchestrating public unrest using civilian disobedient tools like food poisoning, breaking of personal vehicles and homes of targeted public security, military, government officers, spreading of STDs among soldiers, cops and their wifes. A KNOCK THEORY 9/11 ⇒ Tran video programmers direct Middle Easterners to attack America's financial center via social engineering and psychological research ? ⇒ Tran are Chinese farmers with many food stores and restaurants across the World. ⇒ the ED male will make an IED and take much more risk than other males.

⇒ All Middle Eastern food imports come from India, Egypt and South East Asia. ⇒ Russian direct and assist Middle Easterners to attack ?! ⇒ Vietnam has been the money laundering center for Russian global efforts since 1990 ?! ⇒ Russian has been using Chemical Valve for ED among adult male since 1954

9/11 DAMAGES ⇒ Pull American into disadvantages WARS in Afghanistan mountainous region ⇒ Increase FED interest rate drastically by Increasing Risk of doing business in US ⇒ Resulted in millions of businesses closed and millions of Americans defaulting on their home later in 2008 ? The TEST of former Communist states planners to go after extremely high value target deep inside enemy territorial

The slow and no response from American Air Control and Air Defenses. ⇒ American Carriers and its forward deployed strategy has been making the American homeland extremely safe since the 1900s.

⇒ Both Nazi Germany and Japan were never able to reach US Soils and attack any high value targets. Always had to fight at their door steps in England, Hawaii, The Philippine and Australia.

⇒ The Pacifics and Atlantics Ocean were always the impassable barriers for any invasion force. Delivery of heavy military equipment across the vast ocean of 1000s kilometers without being detected and intercepted by a superior Navy and Airforce is impossible.

1960 ⇒ Interceptable via Reagan Starwar program CUBAN missile crisis was the first time the US Homeland has been under threat since the American independence day from the British Empire. ⇒ Delivery of Nuclear warheads using ICBM is possible and not interceptable by US aircrafts or naval vessels across the Atlantics and Pacifics ocean.

1975 ⇒ Interceptable via Information Control agency. Delivery of images and stories across the vast ocean is also possible ⇒ Persuade the American student to protest ⇒ Persuade the African American to dodge drafts from government Using mass propaganda and religious techniques.

2000 ⇒ Interceptable via NSA and its Mass Surveillance Tools ⇒ Video Programming a local target inside the United States to conduct Median Stunt attacks to cause widespread fears inside the US and EU is possible using Mass Shooting, Home-Made Explosive Devices or Crashing of Cars, Planes or Ships into Buildings and Bridges are possible using Internet Usage Analytics Financial Data Social Bubble via Phone contact list around the Target.

2020 ⇒ Interceptable via Smartphone Bluetooth Contact Tracing and Cloud Syncing Contact List Delivery of STDs or VIRUSES are also possible using civilian transportation vehicles like cars, planes or ships.

⇒ Wild spread of STDs among the American population by 2010 with 30% of Americans having STDs using former Soviet state Hookers and Agents as well as African and Latin American males also possible.

⇒ COVID viruses and Skin diseases could also be transported undetected using civilian planes, trains and cars across the Atlantics and Pacifics ocean or across the Mexico and the Caribbean sea in 2020

2021 ⇒ Interceptable via Custom Tracking, Product Barcodes and Electron Microscopes ⇒ Delivery of light weight nanobots could also be conducted undetected using Consumer product container ships coming from China and SouthEast Asia.

911 Emergency Phone Number - AWFFAK ⇒ 911 Night One One stands for NONO or Khong Khong

Established by Lyndon Johnson after escalated number of sabotages attacks inside America by African American and communist sympathizers

In the United States, the first 911 service was established by the Alabama Telephone Company and the first call was made in Haleyville, Alabama, in 1968

AT&T made its first implementation in Huntington, Indiana on March 1, 1968

Regarding national U.S. coverage, by 1979, 26% of the U.S. population could dial the number. This increased to 50% by 1987 and 93% by 2000. As of March 2022, 98.9% of the U.S. population has access.

1972 ⇒ 911 also became available in Canada 2016 ⇒ Mexico switched to 911 numbers

Enhanced 911 gives the dispatcher location of the caller Landline would map the caller address to a database Mobile devices could triangulate or GPS locating the caller coordinates but not floors.

On 9/11/2001 ⇒ many people called 911 ⇒ is this a practical joke ?!

Full Body airport screening only available after 911

The Dick Measuring Contest ⇒ aka Skyscraper

⇒ Arab Dick ==> Saudia Arabia Skyscapers ⇒ Japan Dick aka Taiwan and Malaysia Skyscrapers ⇒ English Dick ==> American Skyscrapers