Pornography - The Third Pillars In The Trinity of Power
Pornography - The Third Pillars In The Trinity of Power

Hard Power, Soft Power and the Pink Power

America power projection was built on a trinity of power with three pillars. First pillar is its military strength via eleven aircraft carriers, a global network of military bases and nuclear triads.

American Carrier Strike Group

Second pillar is its financial strength via US Dollar Bills as the currency reserve, World Bank and the IMF to create financial and political influence via lending.

Lending to secret wifes countries

Third pillar is Pornography and the Hollywood movies and entertainment industry. These soft powers are extended and scaled to billions of mobile screens with more than 8 hours daily usages via the Ocean Fiber Optics cables, mobile app stores and social media companies.

Delivery of American stories and images to global audiences 24/7

According to Joseph Nye, large countries can yield Hard power and Soft power to influence small countries’ behaviors. I would argue that he forgot or think it is too controversial to mention the third one: the Pink Power.

The Pink Power

Every American and global audience knew about the Stormy Daniel and Donald Trump sex tape scandal. I would argue that Stormy Daniel is the best thing that could happen to Donald Trump domestic as well as global influence. The scandal served as a pink power projection, reaching deep inside each man and woman's subconscious psyches.

Dopamine Induced Scandal to Pull Voters

Switzerland Doctors Reprogram The Animal Code in Human

Men from the stone age to the ICBM age instinctively look for three visual cues of a great mother for his children: large hips, large breasts and a nice face. Large hips lower the probability of micarage during childbirth aka a large gate for entrance to life. Large breasts provide plenty of milk during the vulnerable period of the newborn that comes with both nutrition and immunity against common diseases. And a nice face ensures a large circle of friends and supporters to raise the child to his or her adulthood.

Black Girl Feeding Baby

PORN actresses, XO Hookers and American movie stars were all modeled after these three metrics in men's visual instincts via selections and surgeries with a big ass, a nice pair of boobs and a pretty naughty face. The animal process of making a baby is first spotting great looking visual cues in the wild, then approaching and capturing the female looking like a great mother and finally ejaculating into the female womb to kickstart the baby making process.

Bitch Feeding Puppies

However, the smarter genes had figured out the way to trick billions of men into going through the same process imaginatively by spotting great looking females on mobile or desktop computer screens, clicking or touching the female picture on a mobile or desktop computer screen and finally jerking off while watching images or videos on the bright light screen.


Digital Mammary images are very cheap but also very effective at programming human behavior just like real sex. Naughty digital images trick the body reward system into releasing dopamine into the brain which results in 8 hours or more daily average mobile screen time among smartphone users around the globe.

The Dopamine Pathway

The higher screen times the superior genes can trick other less advanced genes to look at the screen and go after the decoy targets, the more times and females the more superior genes have access to. Larger screen time means lower probability of procreation for the male. Lower to non screen time means higher probability of procreation for the male. Males with high shares in the human gene pool probably have very little screen time and might not own a smartphone, laptop or television.

Home Arrest via FPT TV Box

These global scale social engineering efforts to expand the Caucasian genes are not reaching global scales via the use of technology but also were carefully segmented and scripted since the founding of three major Hollywood studios: Universal Pictures, Warner Bros and Walt Disney.

Social Engineering via Great Images

Universal Pictures movies are social engineering tools to program the Pee Pee population behaviors that maximize the expansion of the American economy and territories. Warner Bros movies encourage behaviors among White American baby girls and women that led to high gene survival and continuous genetic footprints expansion. And Walt Disney movies program baby boys and men to do things that are great for their gene expansion.

High Risk Courageus Behaviors for XO Trinities

The American planners did not only use mass media to promote advantageous behavior among their NATO CAAC gene groups but also preemptively weakened other competing gene groups by adding interesting compounds in baby formula, water factory and daily food season to ensure Asian girls having smaller mammary and Asian men experiencing Erectile Dysfunction in large numbers.

The First Bottle

These seem to be intimate private details for the couples actually results in major advantages in global strategic balance. People from Asia have a tendency to migrate and move assets from their gene base to Western European countries, leak national and defense secrets to Western women with more curves. These NATO gene appearance advantages are helping CAAC to gain more allies and lure enemies into geographical traps like Hungary, Milan and California.

Female Brain Scan During Orgasm

When Computer Algorithm Know More About You Than Your Spouse

So how American competitors can counter these three pillars of power. Conventional hard power via ‘gun-powder’ could be countered via public opinion, ideology or religion. If someone can wield enough support from the masses, there are not enough soldiers and bullets to stop the human wave.

However with WMD, the only way to counter is to also have WMD to be used as deterrence. Since the Soviet Union’s successful development of Nuclear Weapons, not a single case of Nuclear Weapon has ever been used against the Russian population and its allies.

The Dollar as the world reserve currency and the SWIFT network for global payment settlement gives America tremendous influence but could be diminished via the gold standard, larger share of Yuan and Yen in the IMF currency basket or new non-NATO satellite-based Global payment settlement network.

American porns could be countered via sexual liberation among young people, plastic surgery robots or get control of the porn script and shape public opinion via porn. Brazil has the hottest people in the world but no porn or movie industry and the Japanese were able to control the Hollywood porn scripts to give them major gene expansion advantages in East Asia and around the world.

Japanese Hentai

The Japanese, Chinese and Korean plastic surgeon doctors are also countering American influences in SouthEast Asia with their plastic surgery supermodels and human behavior analytics via the massing of IP cameras. These IP camera-guided supermodels are serving as cash cow businesses, real estate bubble promoters, social engineering tools and biological weapon spreaders.

MB Smart Bitches with Big Boobs

By turing human fat into material for boob and ass enhancement surgery, these real-life porn scenes on the street of Hanoi serve both as hard power via viral skin diseases, soft power via money lending and cash handout for men health activities and pink power via dopamine addiction in both men and women of Hanoi.

Fight Club Human Fat Scene

Cow Breast

Chimpanzee Mom

Seal Feeding Baby Seal