Vietnam - The Gene Colosseo of East Asia
Vietnam - The Gene Colosseo of East Asia

The Early Naval Expansions of 100 Viet Tribes

Before the concept of nations and borders was created, the early Hu-Man liked birds and fishes roaming their environment freely from Africa to the Caucasus to Scandinavia and Asia. However, life was a struggle for the early historic man and woman until the meeting of Homo Sapien and Aqua Sapien at the Altai mountain near modern day Kazakhstan. The child of Homosapien and Aqua Sapien is the hybrid Denisovan with their advanced mathematics, music, astronomy capability and a little bit of autism.

Birds migrating across Naional borders

Denisovan are the first group of humans to create a musical instrument, the flute, probably the ancestor of the Egyption pharaohs who architected three Great Pyramids of Giza. Maybe by no coincidences that the letter M in Latin originated from the ancient Egyptian letter for water. Sounds have interesting and mysterious effects on human brains. Showering under a waterfall is probably a human's first music experience. Any creative person knows that letting your mind wander in a long shower has miraculous effects on generating new creative ideas as well as breaking through mental roadblocks.

Egyptian Empire Provides Water to Tribes in Desert

The Altai mountains, meaning the mountain of gold, is also the birthplace of Bronze-Copper base weapons in 2100 BC as well as massive migration from this area Westward to the Baltic sea and Southward to Southern China. The Hun, their horse-based nomads and its famous leader Attila also trace their origin back to the Altai mountains.

Free Grasses Provide Horse with Unlimited Range within Steppe Climate

In 1965, during the American escalation in Vietnam, a rare and unusual sword was found in a tomb in China. Despite being well over 2,000 years old, the sword, known as the Goujian, did not have a single trace of rust. The blade drew blood when an archeologist tested his finger on its edge, seemingly unaffected by the passage of time. The Sword of Goujian has 8 characters that have been deciphered as King of Viet.

Sword Made for The Viet King

Viet in Japanese Kanji or Han Chinese means the Pioneers. The Bach Viet or the 100 Viet Tribes were the Yellow Yangtze delta explorers and pioneers with the highest tolerance for risk and the greatest sense of adventure among their original gene pool. These engineers of Ly, fishermen of Le and farmers of Tran were among the first pioneers who migrated South via the earliest East Asian ocean vessel design along the coastline.

Early East Asian Sail Boat Design

They made landings in Pearl River delta, Red River delta and Hainan island, started Northern Viet and Southern Viet settlements with hundreds of thousands of families that left highly sophisticated culture and architecture marks in Chinese and Vietnamese history. They also developed a large trade network between Red River delta, Pearl River delta and Hainan Island with tens of thousands of merchants.

The Naval Nhue Mega Metropolis

Until the modern day, the people of Pearl river, Red river and Hainan still have a highly similar spoken language but vastly different writing languages, one is Han and the other one is Latin. Their culture and appearance is also highly similar, proving the close genetic links between people of Northern Vietnam and Southern China.

Japanese and Chinese Vested Interest in Hanoi

While Pearl River delta geography is indefensible and Hainan lacks the fertile land and water sources for large population growth, Red River delta geography looks like the exact replication of ROME geography which enabled these Viet tribes to develop their own independent powerful kingdom after the spin off from Yellow Yangtze gene pools.

Red River Delta The ROME of East Asia

When Men Commanding Nature to Overpower Pure Human Muscles

The Viet genes Southern naval expansion met heavy resistance and competition from native genes in the Southern Mekong delta. The Truong Son mountain range made moving supplies and people quite difficult and costly. The tropical hot and dry climate of Savannakhet and Bangkok delta also created high stamina foot soldiers that stopped the advances of the Viet genes for many centuries.

The Danang Savanakhet Geographical Barrier

Later on during the Nguyen dynasty with the introduction of Steppe horses imported from Northern China, the Viet gene were finally able to outperform and subdue Southern tribes in the Mekong delta. The natural game of gene competition could have been decided then in the 1800s with the Viet sons becoming the Royal kings of Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and united the Peninsula into the United Viet.

The United Viet

However, with the newly introduced Western genes from the Mediterranean sailing to Malaysia, these smartest and bravest men among the original 100 Viet tribes were once again pushed back North across the Truong Son mountain range. With the introduction of gasoline combustion engines for cars and naval vessels from the West, the Truong Son mountain range is still the geographical anchor the Viet genes not yet able to overcome until the modern day with Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand are still the territorials and playgrounds for the Western genes.

Nimitz Class Carrier Parking in Singapore

Gene expressions are quite like quantum physics with random extremely rare events independent from each other but somehow repeated themselves exactly anyway. Two people who were born 1000 years apart could have almost exactly similar DNA but not have any common parents or grandparents. When the environment for a gene group becomes extremely hostile, the gene group as a whole could be able to self-select its best combination to counter the threats and outweigh the replication of these counter-genes.

Kunming Vietiane Railroad

Maybe the Hoan Kiem lake meaning “the Returning of the Sword” lake in the center of Red River delta is like an ancient covenant that the Goujian sword and any other most advanced weapons and gene groups created by Yellow Yangtze dynasties and explorers from other direction could always be transferred to their Southern pioneering explorers in the time of wars and hostilities.

DF21 Antiship Missiles

The Dynastical 10s Generations Gene Competition Continues

The 21st century is quite different from 2000 years ago at the time that the Sword of Goujian was created. However, the human DNA, their level of creativity, focus and craftsmanship of a particular gene group is still quite similar. The makers of the Roman Arc nowadays are making 1000 parts engines for motorcycles, cars and planes and the maker of Goujian swords are now making nanometer chips and engineering Gene-edited viruses and pets.

Capital of Naval Nhue

Will the nanometer miracle machines of the 100 Viet tribes be able to outperform the 1000 part hydrocarbon engines of the Mediterranean gene or the 100 km long distance runners of Kenya for a larger share in the human gene pool and larger spaces on earth for their family and children. That could only be answered by the power to weight ratio in the next generation Panasonic battery.

One Mount Om Girl Vectoring

As of 2024, the genetic competition between East Asian genes vs Western genes and their local Asian allies are happening quietly via the form of biological and chemical weapon targeting using security cameras, gps-tracking motorcycles, light bulbs with radio-antenna and high performance computers.

HikVision Squid Game

Security cameras are being mass installed everywhere in South East Asia with the capital of Hanoi having close to 1 Internet connected Camera per resident. Security camera could be used both as a human tracking tool via facial recognition as well as a neural-link brain to computer interface to send ideas directly to the human brain.

Facial Recognition for Men Targeting

These Internet-connected cameras and the massive database of human habit of choices is being used to vector the lick girl army to spread STDs, lung and skin diseases among healthy men and women to reduce SouthEast Asia population and stop young people from forming families and making babies. The range of wireless routers is being extended via the radio-antenna light bulbs to cause infighting, civil wars, internal chaos among neighbors and security forces of SouthEast Asia. The health of the Viet genes in South East Asia are being damaged directly while few Missiles had been shot or any major buildings had been demolished by Artilleries.

Duong Luoi Bo Doi Liem Buoi Lick Girl Army

These biological and chemical warfare programs initiated by American and their Western allies in SouthEast Asia with the help from local “Cong Hoa Xa Hoi” gangs happened in response to the advances of the Viet genes and their placement of defensive weapons in South East Asia. Beidou GPS satellites are now allowing the DF21 and other Dong Feng missiles to be guided independently from American GPS satellites to target American Carrier battle groups within the South China Sea from Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam.

Beidou Satelite Constellation

The light-weight, low-powered consumption mini-computers designed and manufactured in Taiwan are also allowing much smaller Ukrainian and Turkish armies to severely weaken the Russian armies in Eastern Europe, destroying thousands of Russian tanks and hundred thousand military personnels. The OK result of the Ukrainian war reduces the pressure from the North for Northern China and prevents any chance of major conflict between China and Russia in near future.

Ukrainian USV Taiwanese Design

Since the end of WW2, Russia and United States are still the bad cop and good cop of the World. Russian were supposedly doing the demolition works while American were supposedly doing the rebuild reconstruction works. With the diversification of weapon exporters like Turkish exporting their TB2 drones or South Korea exporting the K2 Tanks to Poland and other Eastern European countries, both American and Russian are losing their influences in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Turkish UAV Taiwanese Design

While the American influences are declining around the world with rising powers like China, Turkey and Korea having bigger say in the world affairs, United States carriers battle group are still dominating the 4 Seas with no near-peer competitors that can contest the American sealane ocean trading routes control. So is it possible to challenge the dominance of American carrier battle groups with just long-range missiles. Maybe if any countries can develop a large ocean surveillance platform in the form of fixed sea-based assets like deep ocean fish farms or just massive numbers of small boat fishermen with satellite phones.

247 Ocean Surveilance Platform

Solar and wind energy are two forms of unlimited free energy that are being used in the lastest Sail Drones developed by a Californian high tech startup with definitely some Viet-gene engineers within the team. These 24/7 wind and solar powered sail drones are providing weather data within the eye of tropical storms which were not possible and two dangerous for human pilots and sailors in the past. These sail drones could be mass produced in hundreds of thousands to provide accurate location data of submarines and naval vessels just like security cameras in Hanoi.

Sail Drone

As of today, no American Carriers have ever been sunk since World War 2. Every non-American naval admiral dream is probably to sink an Aircraft Carrier. Even American admirals want an Aircraft Carrier to sink to get defense budgets for a more creative system. The quickest way to sink a naval vessel is making a big hole right below the waterline. All aircraft carrier defensive system and its protective destroyer layer is designed to intercept incoming missiles above the waterline. So if somehow an anti-ship missile can dive below the waterline and detonate on impact below the waterline then it is possible to sink an Aircraft Carrier with just one missile at much higher probability of success. Now American Carriers can no longer threaten and control East Asian coastal cities so Red River delta with Hainan island can freely develop into the new ROME of East Asia.

Anti Ship Cruise Dive Missile