Japan - Nation That Tips The Scale of Future World Order
Japan - Nation That Tips The Scale of Future World Order

Aqua Sapien, Han Kanji Alphabet and the Wet Rice Culture

In a semiaquatic life-style, the female aquatic ape looks for water-submersive plant-based sources while the male aquatic ape would go fishing and hunting wild animal while they were drinking water. The wild wet-rice naturally became the stable food sources that the aquatic female ape would be able to cultivate reliably everyday.

Wide Wet Rice

After thoundsand years of harvesting wild wet rice, the divine peasant and agriculture god, Shannong, the forefather of every rice-paddy culture like Japan, China, Vietnam, Bangladesh starts to grow rice in his neighborhood lands instead of just relying on his wife wild-rice harvesting activities.

The Monsoon weather system in East India and East Asia contributes to the adoption of wet rice as main stable food source for the Aquasapien civilizations in this region of the world. Food security from wet rice farming technique results in surplus of time for the rice farmers and allow him to build better settlements as well as raising more kids and keep his family healthy. More free times from food security also results in more complex society with different social classes who choose to spend their new gain freetime differently after each full meals.

Monsoon Boost Wet Rice Region

The delta flatland gains most from the Monsoon weather system and produce the highest output of wet rice per square kilometer of farmland. The HAN Chinese number and writing system was developed probably to record trading and major historical events among food surplus settlements around the Mekong River Delta and Red River Delta of Vietnam, Pearl River Delta, Yangzte River Delta and Yellow River Deltas of China, Taedong River Delta and Han River Delta of Korea and Tone River Delta of Japan.

Japanese Rice Farmer

With the same high carbonhydrate food sources to boost human activities and closely similiar gene pools, the largest river delta of Yellow-Yangzte river come to dominate early East Asian civilizations with cultures in Vietnam, Southern China, Northern China, Manchuria, Korea, Japan all adopt the same Han Chinese writing system, Han Chinese wet rice farming techniques and Han Chinese Confucius governing and architecture.

Japanese Kanji

The East Asia civilizations stayed Yellow Yangzte Han Chinese centrics with Han Chinese ruling dynasties as the central of gravity or the Sun for East Asia civilizations. Newest ideas, technologies, food, fashion and architecture trends started in Yellow Yangzte delta and then spreaded to outer rim regions of China in South East Asia, Korea and Japan. However, the high speed current of the Tsushima Strait and Japanese high Western mountain ranges enabled Japan isolation and prevented Japanese clans from fully fallen into the Han Chinese orbit and became a province of Chinese dynasties like Taiwan.

Tsushima Strait and Western Mountain Range

And then, everything changed in early 1600 EDO period with the introduction of new DNA lineages, the females type D and Type O in the city of EDO, the formal name of Tokyo. Just like how the foreign African lineages helped the Western colonial powers to alter ecosystem balance and subdue Native American tribes, the new Egg D and O babies introduced in the Edo or Tokyo port city growing up and being armed with Fire-powder guns quickly centralized fragmented Japanese clans and turned Japan from an Isolationist to an Expansionist society that will rival Han Chinese influences in the next 500 years.

Type D or O Unifier of Japan during Edo Period

These type D and O babies of the EDO periods built many castles around Japan like the Western European castles, launched their first expansion into Korea peninsula and started to replace the Han Chinese Ming dynasty culture, military and political influences with their own.

Osaka Castle

In the next 200 years after the first Type D and Type O babies and the first invasion of Korean peninsula, these new Japanese lineages turned a small port city of EDO into one of the world largest metropolitan that would rival the size of Beijng on the other side of the Yellow sea. They turned most of the EDO delta into farmland and rapidly expand the type D and type O genetics footprint in this most fertile area of Japan.

The EDO expansion in Honshu Island

These EDO warlords would become so rich being the middlemen trading Chinese and Japanese goods and captured slaves with the West at the period when Chinese ports were fully closed to foreign Westerners. With their new-found richest, they can travel to most famous Western cities and sent agents to buy the newest Western weapons and technologies. American and Portugese traders also brought the lightest but rarest items they could find in the West to trade with Japan so they can make a profitable trip home in their fully packed ocean vessels.

EDO period firearms

These EDO delta warlords would become so powerful that they would dominate other more Han-Chinese warlords of Japan in Nagoya and Osaka delta and even be able to move the emperor and the capital of Japan from KYOTO to EDO and renamed the city of EDO to TOKYO.

Meiji Era Rapid Industrialization and the Japanization of Western Technology

After the second Opium war early 1800s between European colonial powers and the Qing dynasty of China, all Chinese ports are now open to Western trades. British, Gerrman, French, Dutch, Portugese now can trade directly with the Chinese merchants using their highly addictive substance of Opium. Japanese traders at the beginning of Meiji era and post Opium war can no longer trade Chinese and Japanese goods for the newest weapons and technologies from the West.

The rich Japanese warlords of Tokyo have to start to reverse engineers Western products and weapons and build factories to build those items directly in Japan for Japanese. The Tokyo Delta farmland area quickly urbanized with Japanese farmers from Tokyo delta as well as other deltas moving to the port city of Tokyo to work inside industralized factories.

Japanese Textile Factory

These newly built factories were mass manufacturing clothing, printing books, making riffles for the Japanese Imperial ArmY. For the first time, every young male within the fighting age in Japan is equipped with an uniform, trained in Western military tactics and was capable of eliminating multiple males of all sizes and ages with riffles made in Japan.

Meiji Era Japanese Imperial Army

The Japanese traders and agents with extensive knowledge of Western Europe market realized that British and French were making superior Steam-powered Iron ocean vessels and advised the Emperor and Warlords of Japan to purchase these vessels from Britain to equip the Japanese Imperial Navy. With that purchase decision, Japan naturally joined the Allied Power of France and England during World War 1 and were able to eliminate the Russian Far-East Navy during the Battle of Tsushima and became the first East Asian navy to be able to win a naval battle against a Western power.

Battle of Tsushima

Following the victory of Japan against Russian navy, the Japanese ability to purchase any kind of lethal weapons from the West is severely restricted. The newest Western technologies now would be kept secret from Japanese traders and agents. These new trade regulation and technology transfer control measure of Western powers furtherly forces Japan to make everything domestically and only can import raw material and scrapped metals from abroad.


MIT and other IVY-league American research universities were founded in New England, USA as a single repository of truth that Western scientists and engineers can deposit their research and experiment results to. And Mitsubishi was founded by the EDO lineage as a single exclusive Japan importer of Western technology for the ease of Japanese import control.


At the beginning of World War 2, even scrapped metals imported from the United States was embargo and the radar technology invented in Britain was kept secret from Germany and Japan. Radar technology ended up to be the deciding factor stopping the Germany Airforce from achieving air superiority over the sky of Britain and led to the defeat of Japanese Imperial navy in the battle of Midway.

WW2 Imperial Navy Aircraft Carrier

Modern Japanese Development Under North Atlantics Alliance Watchful Eyes

Faces of Famous Japanese

During World War 2, many of the old Japanese lineages from the Southern Islands of Kyushu and Shikoku was eliminated during the ground battles in China, South East Asia and Siberia. The EDO lineages of 16 century had an even larger share of the Japanese population after World War 2 and even started to leave their genetics footprint outside of Japan.

Japanese four main island

Japanese cities quickly recovered from the bombing of American airforces. Just like Germany, the tank and fighter aircraft factories got turned into car manufacturing plants. Both Germany and Japan can no longer mass produce aircrafts domestically though. BMW and Mitsubushi, two aircraft manufacturers of World War 2 are only allowed to make Cars this day. Thirty years after WW2, Japan would become the largest car marker in the world with United States and Germany taking number 2 and number 3 position.

Top Car Marker

And the North Alantic Coalition is once again activated in 1980 to put a stop to Japanese economic expansion. With American military bases in Okinawa, Nagaski, Hiroshima, outside Tokyo and near Sapporo, the Japanese half-indepedent government has no options but concede to the American trade demand by appreciating the YEN agaist USD to cause Japanese cars to become more expensive against American and German cars. Following the trade concession of the 1980s, Japanese economy felt into a Stagnation period with near zero percent economic growth from 1990s to 2010s.

Japan Major Metropolitans and American Military Bases

After the 1st trade restriction of WW2 on war production and the 2nd trade restriction of 1980 on car production, Japanese makers learn not to put the country of orgin into their products and use third party manufacturing countries to produce their goods. With the Abenomics, Japanese goverment and corporations start to invest oversea in South East Asia and Southern China to built up infrastructure and manufacturing factories to produce Japanese products under Japanese brands or Chinese brands or American brands. Japanese economic and population growth outside of Japan is less scrutinized by the American and Western observers. Japan also invested more into intangable products like softwares and entertainment media whose geographical production location is highly flexible and easily concealable.

Japanese major players in US West Coast Tech Scene

While on paper, the fiber optics cable connecting the world is built with American dollars, Japanese goverment purchases of US Government Debt and Japanese largest investment bank like Nomura and Softbank investments in United States with Abenomics ultraloose monetary policy, maybe Japan actually controls the information following between two side of the Pacifics ocean.

Fiber Optics cable between Japan and United States

With only 125 million people with 30 million people concentrated in the Tokyo formally EDO delta, the superior infrastructure of Japanese rail network and highway allowed billion of human interactions online and offline per year between Japanese students, entrepreneurs, engineers and researchers online and offline.

Japanese Rail Network

And just like the ancient time, the transportation of goods via sea route is much cheaper which enabled Roman Empire to prosper, the European sea powers to surpass East Asia, the numerous Sea Ports of Japan allowed Japanese companies to produce good at much cheaper price at the same quality as top manufacturer of China or American or Europe.

Japanese sea ports

As of 2023, The Russian ballistic missile threat via North Korea missile program, the American carrier battle group in the Pacifics and Japanese energy dependent on Middle Eastern oil are still major obstacles stopping the YEN and Japanese people from gaining larger share in IMF currency basket and larger influences in world affairs.

IMF Currency Basket