The Caucasus and The Caucasian NATO Relentless Expansion
The Caucasus and The Caucasian NATO Relentless Expansion

The Race of Genes Mutation to a Superior Energy Conversion Formula

Some form of super strong space magnetic force, large space asteroids or earth core explosions caused the South American and Australian plates to first collide with the African continent and then bounce off back to its original position which killed off most of the apex predators of earth because of extreme climate fluctuation.

Primate Population Density Map

While the dinosaurs with its lack of ability to regulate its body temperature and use its energy efficiently died off during the extreme climate fluctuation period, the mammal branch with its ability to regulate the body temperature via its blood circulation system and its ability to digest food and use that energy efficiently evolved quickly in the new harsh environment. Millions of years after the massive tectonic shift, the earth climate fluctuation milded down and all the dinosaurs died off, the mammal branch with its countless mutations gradually became the apex predator of the new earth environment.

Human Blood Circulation System

Most of the mammal branch variants, quite similar to other animal branches, are still using their teeths and jaw chewing and biting as the first step in energy capturing and processing, 80 million years ago, first primate appeared and were the first one to start using both their jaw and their front legs to capture and process energy sources. With just this new energy processing habit, primates became few among the mammal branch that can peel off the protective layers of their food sources with their hand instead of their jaw.

Primates Using Hand to Process Food

While using less of their jaw for processing energy, primates' jaws started to reduce in size which allowed a lighter head and lower the center of gravity. Standing up and walking around became increasingly easier and more stable with a lighter head and lower center of gravity. However, the ability to stand up right did not become essential for primates outside of Africa since there are plenty of water and food in other regions.

Tectonic Plate and Mountains of Africa

The collision and split up between the African continent and South America and Australia plates formed the mountain formation both in the East and West of the African continent. These mountain formations blocked and limited rainy clouds to be able to reach deep inside the African continental shells which results in Savanna like climates with few lakes, rivers or vegetation food sources.

The Savanna Climate

The African Savanna primates need to be able travel much further than primates in other regions of the earth to find food and water. Walking upright on two legs became essential for the ability to find foods efficiently with the least amount of energy consumption. After many generations of African Savanna primate adaptations, the African Savanna primate developed several mutations to be able to walk up right efficiently.

Walking Upright Reducing Sun Exposure

The connecting point between the head of Neanderthal, Denisovan and Homo Sapien and their neck bone are both at the central of the head instead of the back of their head like in four legs mammals which allows these human variances to stand up and keep their balance easily with central gravity of the head and the entire body staying at the same vertical line.

Head Position Relative to Body Central of

Position of the big toe in upright human variances also adapted to enable balance standing and walking. These upright human variances were now spending most of their time on the ground instead of climbing trees so they no longer needed the grabbing bone structures in the back foot like we would find quite common in the tree climbing primates.

Toe Position Closer to other

The lack of rain and vegetation in Savanna climate also forced the early human to start hunting other animals instead just capturing stationary energy sources like fruits and vegetation like our tree-climbing primate cousins. Once again, the feet bone structure mutated to allow not just standing and walking but also running and jumping. The modern Homo Sapien, Neanderthal and Denisovan feet would all develop an arc-like shape to allow the feet to absorb the shock while running and jumping.

Arc-shaped of the Hunter Feet

Ancient Georgia - The River Fork of Early Human Gene Flow and Languages.

With several bipedal adaptations, many human genetic variants were able travel much further to hunt for food and water without having to compete with their own genetic groups for sacred resources in the same ancestor territories. Two of the early out of Africa human variants ended up settling in two much less hostile environments with plenty of rain and vegetation: European continent and East Asia continent.

Neanderthal Out of Africa Migration Path

The Neanderthals gene expanded into a large population in the high elevation, cold winter cool summer of the European continent. They developed lighter skin pigmentation and lighter hair color to better absorb vitamin D and heat from the Sun in the long cold and dark winter. Taller nose nasal adaptation was also developed to avoid cold air with snow and dust to directly enter the lung during several months of winter storms in Europe.

Neanderthal Territorial Map

The Denisovan gene expanded through the Caucasus mountain into the Steppes of Central Asia, Tibetan plateau and eventually the East Asian delta of Yellow, Yangtze and Mekong River delta. The Denisovan developed low oxygen, high speed of blood circulation adaptation to the extreme high mountain of the Tibetan plateau that later on enabled these human gene groups to cross the ocean into Australia and Pacific Islands.

Denisovan Out of Africa Migration Path

The Denisovan developed into large numbers in the East and SouthEast Asia area. Until the modern day, we can still find large percentages of Denisovan DNA in the Tibetan East Asian and the Pacific Islanders modern human DNA. These Denisovan early human explorers developed the light bone, high water to bodyweight ratio adaptation that allows them to float on water and survive in the regular flooding environment of East and SouthEast Asia.

Denisovan Territorial Map

More than 2.6 Million years ago, the early human Homo Sapiens once again ventured outside of their harsh environment in the African savanna with a major mutation that enable them to outcompete the Neanderthal and Denisovan population and collaborate to survive and prosper in every climates and environment on earth: a larger voice box and a bigger brain.

Larger Voice Box Lower Larynx for more complex sounds

With the ability to travel bipedally on our two feet and the ability to survive in a larger territory, our environment became much more complex, our visual, auditorial, nasal and other senses received much more information than a typical primates would need to process in its lifetime. Homo Sapien started to develop larger brains than Neanderthals and Denisovan to process these information as well as a bigger voice box to describe these new information to other Homo Sapien in the tribe. Homo Sapien was probably the first human variants to able tell stories and make long term group plans with other Homo Sapien in the tribe.

Homo Sapien Blood Type O

These long-term Homo Sapien planners made last known updates to Neanderthal and Denisovan populations as well as populating every climate and environment on the planet. The origin of Jewish, Muslim and Christianity is probably the metaphorical result from folktale stories passing by thousands of generations about this latest migration of African Homo Sapien through the areas of modern Egypt, Israel, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran and Iraq to the rest of the world.

Homo Sapien Neanderthal Mixture Blood type A

Till the modern day, we can still find the traces of European Neanderthal and East Asian Denisovan DNA in Modern Human with (1-4%) of Neanderthal DNA in modern European population DNA and (2-6%) Denisovan DNA in modern East Asian, South East Asian and Pacific Islanders DNA. This mixture of DNA between Homo Sapien with Neanderthal and Denisovan might explain the antigen and antibody still existing in our blood today. Population with large percentages of blood type A covers the same territory as Neanderthal and population with large percentages of blood type B covers the same territory as Denisovan and Population of blood type O covers the same territory as the first Homo Sapien gene groups.

Homo Sapien Denisovan Blood Type B

Hitler, Stalin and The First Wave of NATO CAAC Expansion

The word Caucasian was first used by German anthropologist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach as a reference to the “white” race. The Caucasian according to Johann Friedrich Blumenbach are people of European, Middle Eastern, and North African origin. Blumenbach claimed that Adam and Eve were Caucasian inhabitants of Asia, maybe because one of them was the Homo Sapien and the other was Neanderthal.


This German godfather of anthropologist, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, theories would later on influence the economics and defense policies of continental Europe and once again reinforced by the discovery of blood type ABO by another German scientist Karl Landsteiner in 1900. Maybe there is no coincidence that Nazi Party was obsessed with their Iranian ancestors. Joseph Stalin was born in Georgia, a small country in the Caucasus mountain area between Iran and Russia and the United States had Obama as their first Black and White mixed president.

The Blood type A, C and their Mixture Expansion

After the archaeological data and blood type samples were collected around the globes by Western military explorers and scientists in the 1800, a macro strategy was set out by the Roman planners to dilute, eliminate and divide blood type B from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South America. African blood type O would be transport from Central Africa to South Africa via the slave trade to ease the pressure from North Africa and Medditerian as well as serving as Blood type O human tanks for Blood type A and O Hispanic explorers to eliminate and eradicate blood type B Indigenous Red Skin from South and Central America.

Total Replacement of Blood type B by Blood type O

World War 2 was launched by Adoft Hitler, Stalin and Churchill to eliminate any Turkish and Mongol traces from Eastern Europe. The marching back and forth from Berlin to Volgograd by the German Nazi Army and from Volvograd to Berlin by the Russian Red Army uprooted and eliminated hundreds of millions of Blood type B Eastern European families mixed with Turkish and Mongolian.

Blood type B Dilution via WW2 and the Communist Era

With the Soviet Union and Communism spreading in East Asia, blood type B in Central Asia, Siberia and China were also diluted, divided and eliminated by the new blood type A Russian Tatars being transported via the Siberian railways from the Caucasus to Central Asia, Siberia and Western China. Until the modern day of 2024, Blood type B does not have a single nation where their blood type is the majority but being divided and splitted by the NATO-CAAC borderlines of 1945.

Blood type B Eradication by Russian Minions

Blood type B population in China and South East Asia will need to gain military, infrastructure and medical control of their countries and redraw the borderlines of East Asia to make their blood type a majority. Blood type A in East Asia needs to have their own independent satelite states and being encouraged to expand West into the Eastern Europe direction while avoiding migration toward blood type B center. Blood type O East Asian would also need to expand East to Southern US States and Central America or West to Middle East to both increase influences East Asian culture but also avoiding the cross blood type inflighting within East Asia. However, what would be strong enough to push these AC Asians to overcome their fears of Soviet and American nuclear tests. That is a question not answered just yet.

Soviet and America Nuclear Test Map