Aircraft Carrier Strike Group and Its Evolution
Aircraft Carrier Strike Group and Its Evolution

The Urbanization Process of Coastal Cities

Urbanization process of East Asian countries started with Japan before WW2 and continues to accelerate into the 21 century. Most of the East Asian population started moving from their farming life in remote countryside to the new city life in urban cities along the coastlines. Transportation infrastructure like highways, electrical power lines, water supply is much easier and cheaper to build around the flatland delta. Moving of export goods from sea ports via container ships to foreign markets and other local cities is also much cheaper than via land routes.

Chinese people boarding train to go home during Lunar New Year

The television images of city life draw millions of young adults from their spacy countryside homes to the crowded city apartment buildings. The farmers of East Asia gave up their ability to build homes, raise cattles and plant rices in exchange for new skills in manufacturing assembly, consumer services and office information processing.

11 Major East Asia Coast Cities

The cities of light along East Asia Coastlines extended human productivity duration from 10 hours of daylight to 16 hours or more. Direct interaction with hundreds of coworkers and acquaintances resulted in exponential improvement in large group productivity growth.

Guangzhou City Light at Night

After the failed attempts of Japan and the Qing dynasty to dominate the United States and European Power during the Opium Wars, World War 1 and World War to achieve their Alpha status, Japan and other East Asia has accepted their Beta status. East Asia will be the manufacturer and producer of goods with limited defense capability while United States and NATO allies will be the Capital Investors with dominating defense capability.

US Bases in Japan, Germany and Korea

The comfortable city life with hundreds of options for everything from clothing to food, drink and entertainment within a walking distance also became a magnet that attracted East Asian females first from the mountain cities and deep inland towns to the coastal cities and then from the East Asian coastal cities to foreign lands of the United States and European nations.

Thuong Hai Street Food at Night

The ability of United States Naval forces to both provide Air cover as well as threaten the East Asian coastal cities is essential for their ability to maintain their Alpha status over other East Asian powers. As a result, US Naval planners built exactly 01 Modern Nuclear Aircraft Carrier per major East Asian coastal cities.

Not just providing protection, the United States also seeded East Asian YORK cities with their spermbank babies and provide a highly selective immigration pathways for these spermbank babies just like the way ancient Chinese Emperor would seed their protectorade cities with the Emperor sperms and finally select the best son from these satellite cities for the emperor position.

Yorktown Class Carrier

Aircraft Carrier Evolution and Its Role in Naval Warfares

Aircraft carriers were a break-through during WWII and first used effectively and extensively by the British and Japanese Imperial Navy. It was a giant leap of innovation from the traditional large gun battleships. British aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal was able to sink the German largest battleship Bismark during the German battleship's first offensive operation in World War 2.

Bismark Battleships

And the Japanese Imperial Navy was able to deal a heavy blow to the American battleships parked in Pearl Harbor with its 6 aircraft carriers. Aircraft carriers gave naval force superior range as well as much more firepower and strike frequency than large gun battleships. The aircraft carriers with its torpedo and dive bombers are countless small attackers with striking range up to 300 kilometers while the battleships are slow and large targets with ability to strike only as far as the horizon of 30 kilometers or less.

Japanese ZERO view during Pearl Harbor

The first aircraft carrier was built in the Engineering island of England, also quickly adopted by both the Japanese and American navy. Without any aircraft carriers, the German military was not able to control the North Atlantic Sea or severely disrupted the British supplyline. And with a steel embargo, the Japanese Naval and Air Force was not able to armor their aircraft carriers as well as the Mitsubishi Zero like the American and British which later contributed to the destruction of the Japanese Carrier Battle groups.

Japanese Carrier with no Armor Deck Vulnerable to American dive bomber

Langley was the first American aircraft carrier built by the American Military in the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Virginia in 1920 shortly after World War 1. The USS Langley has no Control Tower above the deck and can carry up to 36 aircrafts. The USS Langley served as both the first experimental mobile long range recon and attack platform for the United State Navy in the Caribbean and Australia from 1920 and 1942. The USS Langley has elevators to move aircrafts and ammunition as well as a medieval catapult-like device to launch aircrafts off the deck.

Langley Class Aircraft Carrier

After learning from the first experimental Langley Class Aircraft Carrier, the US navy built 2 battle-grade aircraft carriers of the Lexington Class in early 1930s. The Lexington class carrier has an elevated Control Tower above the flight deck for easy monitoring of the battle space as well as managing the launching and recovery of aircrafts. Lexington class carrier can carry up to 78 aircrafts and still have 4 large battleship guns next to the control tower. The Lexington Class carrier was the first US Carrier be able to sink another Aircraft Carrier during the battle of Coral Sea against the Japanese Imperial Navy.

Lexington Class Aircraft Carrier

Yorktown Class Aircraft Carrier was the final aircraft carriers the United States Navy was able to finish before World War 2 and Pearl Harbor. Three Aircraft Carriers of the Yorktown class saw the most actions during World WW2 against the Japanese Imperial Navy during the battle of Coral Sea, the Battle of Midway and the Guadalcanal campaign. Yorktown class carriers have no large battleship guns to reduce weight and increase speed of the carrier. Yorktown Class Carrier class was also the first Aircraft Carrier with ship-borne search radar installed on the Control Tower. The Yorktown class also comes with armor bell around the Waterline and Control Tower to limit damage from Japanese torpedos and bombers. These US armor Carriers were able to sustain heavy attacks from Japanese aircrafts and still come back to the frontline shortly after a repairing and refitting periods.

Yorktown Class Aircraft Carrier

The Midway class was the Aircraft Carriers built right after the finish of World War 2 in 1945. These aircraft carriers come with full flight deck armor and waterline bell armor. The Midway class continued the innovation in Yorktown class with no large battleship guns, many anti-aircraft guns, upgraded search radar and upgraded aircrafts. The Midway class carriers saw action during the Korean war and Vietnam and had never been attacked or damaged by enemy aircrafts.

Midway Class Aircraft Carrier

The Forrestal Super Carrier class named after the first US Secretery of Defense - James Forrestal. It is the among largest US Aircraft carrier ever built hance the Super Carrier classification. The Forrestal Supercarrier Class was the first to constructed with an angle flight deck, steam catapult and an optical landing system. The angle flight deck allows the carrier to recover landing aircrafts on the angle flight deck while still launching new aircrafts at the front flight deck with her steam catapult. The optical landing system allows aircrafts to land safely during low light condition as well as total darkness at night. USS Forrestal were among the last few US aircraft carriers with conventional fossil fuel engine. USS Forrestal was the only aircraft carrier ever been damaged after WW2 during an accidential missile launch above the fight deck.

Forrestal Class Aircraft carrier

The first Nimitz Class carriers was finished right after the Vietnam War. Nimitz class carriers were the first Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier classes. Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier allows the carrier to carry more Bombs and Missiles as well as larger Aircrafts with further attacking range. Nimitz long-range aircrafts puts the carrier outside the range of coastal radars, coastal artileries and even coastal land-based attack aircrafts.

Nimitz Class Aircraft carrier

Nimitz class is a strategic transition of US Carrier role from a Sea control platform to a Coastal cities control platform. With the cutting edge US Radar and Satelite network as well as additional Air-borne radar aircrafts, United States naval strike force is still alway be able to detect any hostile forces above the waterline first and launch their attacks first. US Navy is currently operating 10 nuclear-powered Nimitz Class aircraft carriers. The Nimitz class carriers saw most actions during the Gulf War against Iraq military. While Nimitz aircrafts came under fire from Iraq airforces, the carrier itself was never in the firing range of any Iraqi aircrafts or naval ships.

Nimitz Class

The unlimited range US Nuclear-powered carrier can use her aircrafts to threaten any coastal cities along the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and could be escorted by other unlimited-range nuclear-powered attack submarines like the Virginia or Los Angles class attack Submarines.

Virginia Nuclear Attack Submarines

The new aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford was the 1st of its new class. Its construction begins on Nov 13, 2009 and finally commisioned by Donald Trump, the 45th President of United States July 22, 2017. FORD Aircraft Class Carrier comes with latest Surface and Air search radar, fully automated Close-In weapon defense system, electro-magnetic atapult launching system as well as a larger parking space at the tail to allow more Aircrafts load.

Ford Class Aircraft carrier

So America currently have 11 aircraft carriers in service with 2 more Ford-class Carriers under construction, a larger fleet than the rest of 7 less advanced carriers from all other countries combined. All American carriers are nuclear-powered while only France has one nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier. US Navy is not only still dominating the sea but be able to threaten most coastal cities while still staying out of range for any form of counter attacks.

Ford Class Under Construction

Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Composition

The main United States Aircraft Carrier never travels alone but with other underwater Nuclear Attack submarines, surface Battle Cruisers and Destroyers and other supply and support vessels. So while the Aircraft Carrier itself has no anti-submarine capability and few anti-air close-in weapon defense system, its escort submarines, surface battle cruisers and destroyers come with cutting edge sensor for early detection as well as a weapon arsenal of torpedoes and missiles to take out any potential threat.

Carrier Strike Group

The two main defenders of the Aircraft Carrier Strike Group is the Ticonderoga class Battle Cruisers and the Arleigh Burke class Destroyers. Ticonderoga cruisers comes with anti-air capability packed in its 3 long-range high resolution Aegis Phase-Array Air-Search radar at the front of the ship and surface-to-air missiles that could be launched from two vertical launchers at the Front and Back of the Cruisers. Ticonderoga air search and track radar and its surface-to-air missiles could intercept both aircrafts, drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.


For surface ships, the Ticonderoga class cruisers can ultilize its Surface-search radar for detection and tracking as well as its Naval artileries, Phalanx automated machine gun or anti-ship harpoon missiles launched via its MK41 vertical launchers. And for anti-submarines warfare, the Ticonderoga class comes with its a submarine-hunting helicopter and two MK32 torpedos launchers.

Seahawk Anti Submarine Helicopter

Burke class destroyers is a smaller, lighter, faster and cheaper carriers strike group defender than the Ticonderoga class but come with the same high resolution long range AEGIS air and surface search radars as well as well-rounded vertically launched anti-ship, anti-air, anti-ballistic-missile and ground attack missiles. Both Ticonderoga and Burke can intercept and destroy any air and surface hostile objects with the Ticonderoga slighly better at anti-submarine while Burke class slightly better at anti-air.


The main anti-submarine capability of the Carrier Strike Group is its escort Attack submarines belong to the Los Angeles, Virginia or Sea Wolf class. All escort attack submarines come with a nuclear-powered engine and can travel at the same speed and range as the nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier. The Los Angeles Nuclear Attack submarines is the first nuclear-powered submarine class being mass-manufacturing by the United States Navy. There are currently 26 active Los Angles submarines without any more new one being built. Los Angles nuclear attack submarines come with Vertical launchers for Harpoon antiship missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles and tube-launched torpedos to anti-submarines tasks.

Los Angeles Nuclear Attack Submarines

Sea Wolf nuclear attack submarines was designed and built as a replacement for the Los Angeles Class submarines with better sonar, bigger and stronger hull that can carry more missiles and torpedos. Even though the Sea Wolf class is larger, it is more quiet and faster than Los Angeles class submarine. However, the Sea Wolf Class has become too expensive to build and maintain and the program was discontinued in 2005.

Sea Wolf Nuclear Attack Submarines

The Virginia class is the main anti-submarine capability of the US Carrier Battle Group is currently active and additional one still being built. In 2023, 3 Virginia-class submarines was purchased by Australia and the Virginia nuclear-powered submarine technology will be transfered to Australia Submarine Building program. Overrall, United States is among the fastes, most quiet and best armed submarines in the world. Only Russia, China, India, France and United Kingdom can produce Nuclear-powered submarines domestically.

Virginia Nuclear Attack Submarines

With the protective screening from submarines and destroyers, hostile aircrafts, drones and submarines will have a very small chance of being able to get within striking distant of an aircraft carrier. The Super Aircraft Carrier only become vulnerable in an ambush attack when a submarine could lay waiting in an expected travel path of carrier strike group and score multiple torpedo hit on the Carrier below waterline. During a naval exercise, a diesel-power Swedish air-independent propulsion was able to lay quietly and theoritically sink an US Aircraft carrier without any detection from US Submarines or anti-sub destroyers and cruiser. Currently, only Germany, Italia and China are building these diesel-power air-indepedent propulsion ambush-first attack submarines.

Type 212 AIP Attack Submarines

While the Carrier Strike Group protective parameter is looking impregnable, this protective layer is out of possition while the Carrier is parking in friendly ports. A ballistic missile like the Chinese DF21 could sink a carrier parking stationary in the port of Manila or Singapore without any aircover from Burke or Ticonderoga class destroyers.

Nimitz Class parking in port

And even with the protective layer of Cruisers and Destroyers, if a large number of antiship ballistic missiles could overwhelm the missile defense system and damage the carrier flight deck and its control tower. During current simulation, 25 DF21 could sink an US Aircraft Carrier and 2-4 protective Destroyers and Cruisers.

DF 21 Antiship Ballistic Missile

A carrier strike group formation is normally lead by submarines with the aircraft carrier in the middle and destroyers and cruisers protecting her flank and behind with their Vertical Missile Launcher and Phalanx automated machine gun. A frontal hypersonic cruise missile strike targeting the aircraft carrier lauchning nose could sink the aircraft carrier or disable its ability to launch aircrafts.

Brahmos Antiship Cruise Missile

If the trajectory of an Aircraft Carrier could be calculated accurately, one single Submarine-Launch Ballistic Missile could penertrate the flight deck or capsize the carrier.

JIN Class Submarines

While there is a small chance that the US nuclear-powered carrier could be targeted by enemy anti-ship missiles while the protective parameter was compromised by out-of-fuel Destroyers or Cruisers, both China and India with all their anti-ship missile stockpile only can sink maximum 5 US Carrier Battle groups. After that, the remaining US Carriers can stroke the Chinese and Indian coastal cities out of fossil fuels by blocking the Oil Tankers from Middle East to deliver fuels to Indian and Chinese cities.

Fuel Lines of Asian Coastal Cities

Probably, the largest threat to the US Aircraft Carrier is its own modern Destroyers. Aircraft Carrier is much more expensive to build and maintain. Aircraft Carriers have many more moving parts making it difficult to optimize for cost and manufacturing time reduction than Burke class Destroyer. The newest Burke class Destroyers is currently providing better air cover option for friendly city with its long-range air search and track radar system, anti-ballistic missile interceptors than a FORD nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Burke Destroyer and Light Carrier Shipyard

Burke class destroyers have become a crucial part of NATO and Japan air defense network against conventional and nuclear balistic missiles. The Burke class Destroyers is also a more economical options for land-attack with its vertical launcher for Tomahawk cruise missiles than traditional Aircraft Carriers. Maybe US Aircraft Carrier in future will evolve into a Mobile Recon-Drone launcher than an Attack platform.

Raytheon Missile Defense With Burke Class Destroyers