One Korea And The Awakening Of Third Asian Tigers
One Korea And The Awakening Of Third Asian Tigers

One Korea And The Awakening Of Third Asian Tigers

The Founding of United Korea

Wang Geon was born in 877 to a powerful merchant family based in Songak, modern Kaesong. Geon’s family gained great wealth via ocean trading with China and Japan. Wang Geon's grandfather traces his ancestry to the Northern nomadic tribes of Manchuria. Wang Geon was a big believer in Pungsu, the practice of meticulously selection of geographical locations to take advantage of natural energy forces. He applied Pungsu carefully in his choices of the capital and region military base locations.

Taejo of Goryeo

Before Wang Geon was able to unite the Korean Peninsula, Korea was divided into three main territorials: the Northern Delta region belongs to Goguryeo, the Southern Delta is controlled by Baekje and the Eastern mountainous region and its Eastern ports controlled by Silla. With advantages in both cavalries from his ancestor Northern tribes and the family newfounded ocean trading trait, Wang Geon, the gifted military commander, was first be able to overtake Goguryeo capital via a coup, then overtake Baekje capital in the South and then with the combined Cavalry and Navy eventually overrun Silla Capital in the East and unite Korea.

The End of Korea Three Kingdom Period

918 AD, The Korean Peninsula was fully united the first time as the Kingdom of Goryeo. Wang Geon placed his capital in the same location as modern day North Korean capital, Pongyang or Binh Duong and his Kingdom of Goryeo would oversee an unprecedented flourishing of Korean culture. Goryeo is the original phonetic sound of modern English name, Korea. Wang Geon later on was given the posthumous title of Taejo meaning 'Great Founder'.

Ancient Korean Kingdom Goguryeo

North - South division, how did it happen

Before the end of WWII, Korea was under Japanese occupation. After the war ended, Soviet Union and the United States divided up the Korean peninsula along the 38th parallel into North and South Korea. The North follows the Soviet Communist model and the South follows the American capitalist model. A unification election for the entire Korean peninsula, very similar to Vietnam later in 1954, was promised but never happened.

Balance of Blood Types in North South Korea

Both North and South Korean uses the same Phoenetic alphabet, Hangul, invented by a native Korean Christian missionary by combing the logogram like sketches and phoenetic logics of Latin alphabet into an easy to learn, easy to use writing tool first for the Han Chinese Korean scholars and later the Korean farmers, traders and workers.

East Asian Phoenetic Alphabets

Both North Korean and South Korean will go through the gene-updating policies setting out by the Switzerland highland doctors to create East Asian men after Christian God image. Most of the blood type B and C Koreans will be moved to North Korea via the Civil War evacuations or eliminated in the fighting and South Korea will become a blood type A majority country with most of South Korean blood type B and C will be placed at the concentrated population centers.

North and South Korea Founder

1949, The Communist Chinese forces drove the Nationalist Kuomintang force off Mainland China to Taiwan and ended the Chinese Civil War. Nationalist Kuomintang Chinese Government still hold a UN seat after the end of Chinese Civil War until 1971. Now the Communist bloc turned their focus to the Korean Peninsula and started to execute the Switzerland hidden agenda.

Korea Major Geographic Areas

29 August 1949, Soviet Union successfully tested its first nuclear weapon. June 25, 1950, with the military equipment aids from China and Russia, North Korea forces crossed the 38th parallel in an attempt to unify the Korean peninsula under Communist leadership. Under-equipped and under-prepared South Korean Army were caught by surprise. After 4 days on June 28, Seoul - the capital city of South Korea has fallen.

So Viet Union First Nuclear Test

June 30, President Truman authorize Far East Commander in Chief to use all available force to stop the North Korean invasion. July 7, 1950, The United Nation passed Security Council Resolution 84 to deploy military forces in Korean peninsula with: 7 supports from the UK, Ecuador, France, Norway and the United States, the Nationalist Chinese Government (Taiwan), Cuba ( under Batista government). 3 abstains from Egypt, India and Yugoslavia. 1 Absent from Soviet Union, a veto-wielding power.

UN Security Council Resolution 84

So why Soviet Union did not just stop their boycotting and show up to veto the intervention ? Maybe he just does not expect the UN will actually get enough votes to send ground forces to intervene into another country's internal politics. Maybe he thought the force is on his side and North Korean would be able to end the war before any UN force would be able to set foot on South Korean shore. Maybe he wants the American to get dragged into a war with China and leave his Southern border worry free. Most likely, Stalin is a Switzerland follower and the War would be the quickest path to update the Korean Penninsula gene landscape.

Korea Major Rivers

By Aug 4, with US and UN support, the Southern Korean forced was still pushed back to a small area behind a defensive line known as the Pusan Perimeter in the southern tip of South Korea. An army of 140,000 UN troops were rallied to make a final stand against 98,000 North Korean army at Pusan port area.

Wind Pattern near Busan Battlefield

However, the North Korean military leaderships were not aware of 1 million American and UN troops still stationing in Japan after the end of WWII in 1945. UN force with unchallenged Air and Naval support as well as continuous new troop landing at Pusan port from Japan occupied bases was able to make a stand against further North Korean assaults. September 15, UN troops dealt a decisive blow by executing landing near Inchon near Seoul and successfully cut the North Korean supplyline. North Korea was forced to retreat and push all the way back to Pyongyang. Oct 19 1950, Pyongyang was captured

Inchon US

However, too eager from his continuous victories and want to continue the success momentum, MacArthur pushed American troops close to the Chinese border near the Yalu River and fell into a trap. Oct 25, Chinese PVA 13th Army Group secretly crossed the Yalu River and made a surprise attack on the UN forces.

Yalu River Crossing

They inflicted heavy casualties to UN forces at the battle of Onjong, battle of Unsan, the battle of ChongChon river and the battle of Chosin Reservoir. After mounting loses, UN forces have to withdraw back to South Korea across the 38 Parallel by mid December. Chinese and North Korean forces launched their third offensive campaign on Dec 26 and captured Seoul the second time January 4, 1951. Chinese peasant army with Soviet Artilery doctrine for the first time was be able to defeat a modern Western miltary with tanks and air supports in the Northern mountainous terrain of the Korean peninsula.

Chinese Forces vs UN Forces

General MacArthur was considering using Nuclear Weapons against Chinese and North Korean forces that would risk starting WW3 nuclear war and was removed by Truman in June 1951. The fighting felt into a stalemate from July 1951 to 1953 and on July 30, 1953 the North Korean Armistice Agreement was signed between UN Command, North Korean KPA and Chinese PVA to cease fire. No peace settlement has been achieved in Korea peninsula since this Armistice agreement.

John Security Area - DMZ

After the North Korean war in 1951, the same combination of Chinese peasant Army and Soviet Artillery doctrine was once again proven to be effective against Western Tanks and Air support in the 1954 Battle of Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam. Until the modern day, North Korean military are still applying the same Soviet Artillery doctrine to its DMZ defense by placing saturating firepower well within range of Seoul highly concentrated Blood type B and C population.

North Korea Artilery Positions in the DMZ

So why Kim Jong Un and North Korean wants and needs to have nuclear weapon? Well because MacArthur was very close to use US Nuclear Weapon against North Korea and Chinese forces during the Korean War. North Korea with its spread out population, no major city, harndened bunkers and underground train tunnel could be Russian and Chinese once incarcerated Bogeyman who would do the dirty job for the big boss and willing to take full retaliation from United States nuclear force.

Hoa Sao Hwasong ICBM Family

As of 2024, the North Korean program is not only making progresses without any further challenges from United States but also receiving additional helps from Russia after the Ukrainian-Russian war was launched since Feb 2022. More ICBM technolgy, advisers and parts are being imported from China and more Nuclear tech are being imported from Russia.

North Korea ICBM and Nuclear Research Center

Modern Unified Korea and Its Potential in the Global Stage

Korean path to unification is pretty mucky. China probably wants a buffer state between its border and American military bases. North Korea no longer possesses any element of surprises and the outcome of trying to overrun the heavily fortified DMZ would be heavy losses and potential collapse of North Korea state itself.

East Asia Cold Region Cities

One potential scenario would lead to the Korean Peninsula unification that would get external support from China and the US is: South Korea military becomes self-sustainable with potential nuclear-deterrence capability. Japan might not like this and get a nuke themselves. US foreign policies would shift its focus to Latin America and internal affairs and the large numbers of US miltiary bases in South Korea would become too expensive and unnecessary. North and South Korea peace agreement leading to the single unified democratically elected government and Kim Dynasty would keep his wealth and potential monarchy title like Japanese emperor or Queen of England.

Countries with High Number of US Military Bases

So how a unified Korea would look like: A combined North-South Korea possesses vast natural resource and mineral as well as infrastructure and sea port that would be a great boost to the overall Korean industrial strength. An South-Korean educated North Korean young workforce would at least double Korea GDP from current 1.6 Trillion USD to 3 Trillion USD after ONE decade, surpassing the United Kingdom to take the number 5 spot after US, China, Japan and Germany.

South Korean Chaebol as part of GDP

A combined population of 75 millions plus potential North Korea larger population growth would put Korea next to Germany in population size. An entire East and West coastline from North to South would open up vast potential trading ports and commerce with US, China and Japan. The greatest potential leap would be better resource allocation from defensive military spending to economic development, education and outward naval capability.

South Korean K2 Tank Exported to Poland

With a common spoken and writing system and closely similiar genetics lines of some South Korean and North Korean population, there must be already many secret collaboration projects between North Korean and South Korean engineers that could lead to eventual unification between North and South like their Vietnamese counterpart.

Keangnam and Landmark 72

However, the United States and NATO has the incentive to hold the dividing line to fully transform the South Korean genetics landscape as well as containing and slowing the population growth and technical advances of North Korea so eventually when the DMZ is removed, the heavily Southern Blood type A would easily overpower their Northern brothers and sisters. Hence once again in December 2019, the United States and NATO preemptively launched bio weapons and economic disruption programs in East Asia to slow down Chinese, Japanese, Korean and South East Asians population growth and technical advances.

US Novel Faked COVID19 Emergency

Since 2019, The NSA and CIA are launching propaganda campaigns via the Internet, Television Entertainment, Radio Waves and local agents to cause social divisions and civil wars within East Asian societies. Cash and technology are being injected asymmetrically to empower East Asian blood type A while weaken blood type B and C command and control.

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