A Mueller Walking to a Barr
A Mueller Walking to a Barr

Putin checkmated Hillary Clinton by returning the favor during 2016 US Game of Throne

The Russian reviving empire effectively executed the famous CIA-style regime change, helped Donald John Trump to overpower Hillary Rodham Clinton to become the king of America with the help of fake news and social media trolls. By the end of the investigation, the special counsel Robert Mueller can not find enough evidence to prove that Trump campaign cheated with Russian help cause the GRU aka KGB too good at cleaning their tracks.

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It is illegal to conspire with a foreign government during election. However to receive help passively without knowing about it is absolutely OK. So this is how the shit went down according to Mueller. Early 2016, Russia was armed with GOP polling data from Paul Manafort and stolen DNC game plan via hacking to execute a highly targeted and segmented Facebook ads buying to promote fake news on battleground states during 2016 election.

4 FPI Director Under Donald Trump

June 9, 2016, Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner hang out with a Russian operatives at Trump Tower to talk shit about Hillary behind her back.

Russian Operatives Meeting at Trump Tower

Dec 28, 2016, Mike Flynn received a text from Russian ambassador. “Can you kindly call me back at your convenience”. Mike Flynn texted Kathleen Troia McFarland, his deputy as well as a Fox News Girl who is at the Mar-a-Lago with Trump -- “Time or a call ? Tit for tat with Russia not good. Russia AMBO reaching out to me today”

Mar-a-Lago Sea-to-Lake Mansion

McFarland called Flynn later and told Flyn that Trump got Putin back, just do not escalate and misbehave right now. Just chill out. Got a green light, Flyn called Russian Ambassador and told him: “Hold off, there would be a new friendlier team in the White House in just a few weeks.”

4 National Security Adviser

December 30, 2016, Putin made a surprise move despite Obama’s poking. He just chilled out and ignored Obama. Trump tweeted “Great move on delay (by V Putin).”

Post Election Pre Presidency Tweet

Donald Caused White House Chaos by Firing American Top Laws and Orders Officiers

January 12, 2017, Washington Post rat Flynn out with a story saying Flynn was violating the Logan act. Logan act is a US federal law that put people in jail for negotiating with another Kingdoms. Only the King and his staff can talk to other kings. Trump was not king yet as of Dec 28, 2016. Trump was pissed, tell Reince Priebus, his chief of staff at the time, to clean up the mess. Priebus and Flynn think really hard and agree to deny the phone conversation about sanction response ever happened. So Flynn told Mike Pences and all his friends at White House that he did not chat with Russian ambassador about the sanction response.

Mike Flynn and Putin Sharing Vi-Water

January 24, 2017, Mike Flynn met with 2 FBI agents in black suits. He told the cool agents that Washington Post’s Logan Act story was a total made-up bullshit, not true. January 26, 2017, Acting Attorney General Sally Yates who has access the US’s surveillance tape of Flynn and Russian Ambassador's conversation knew the truth. So she went to tell later resigned Donald McGahn, the White House Legal Advisor that the US Justice Department knew that Flynn lied.

Trump Inner Circle and US Legal Watchdogs

Well lying does not work anymore since they have the tape so Trump, McGahn and Preibus decide to distant themselves fro Mike Flyn and unfriend the man. Also on this date, Trump grab dinner with senior adviser friends, he asked everyone what they thought off James Comey. Dan Coats, the boss of national intelligence, said he likes James so Trump should hangout with James before he decides to unfriend or not James Comey.

DT President and James Communist

January 27, 2017, James Comey and Donald J. Trump has a dinner date at the White House. Trump texted Comey last minutes to tell help to grab some food and Comey felt kinda bad about not getting invited ahead of time. Comey got to the dinner and felt awkward because he thought it was going to be a group dinner. However it is a dinner for two alone in a big dark room. Bannon and Prieus was jealous and Prieus want to join for dinner but Trump kicked him out. During the dinner, Trump told Comey that if Comey wants to keep his job, he has to play balls.

President DT told James Commy in the White House

Trump told Comey that “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty” if Comey wants to keep his job. Comey felt awkward and scared and decide to reply vaguely “You will always get honesty from me”. Trump corrected “That's what I want, honest loyalty”. James Commy later published a book on this awkward dinner with Trump.

Commy Book on Awkard Dinner with DT

February 13, 2017. Mike Flynn left and stop hangout at the White House. Trump did say goodbye and gave Mike Flynn a big hug when he was walking out. February 14, 2017, Trump met Comey again in the White House and he told Comey that Flynn has done nothing wrong. “"He's a good guy and has been through a lot. I hope you can see your way clear to letting him go, letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

Mike Flynn Resignin

Comey really like to investigate. His childhood dream was to investigate so when Trump said that Comey can not investigate anymore if Comey wants to be Trump friend, Comey did not like it. So i wrote a Memo about the weird encounter with Trump at the White House. He can later tell Congress about this and have a written record.

James Commy

February 22, 2017, Priebus told McFarland, Flynn deputy, that Trump also want to unfriend her. However Trump will make McFarland the ambassador of Singapore, a small but important country with great Asian food. McFarland chatted with a White House lawyer about the ambassador thingy. The lawyer said that lying to the press is not a crime but draft an official email could be one. Also using the email as a bargain for the ambassador position does not seem to be a good idea. So McFarland is too scared to do it and later on does not want to be a Singapore ambassador either.


March 2, 2017, Jeff Sessions said he is not going to hang around Comey and spy on his investigation. Trump was pissed and asked McGahn, the White House counsel to chat with Jeff Sessions, the US Attorney General and tell him to man up. Sessions was supposed to be Trump’s best friend. He should watch Comey for Trump in case Comey going to make some move on Trump. Trump kept calling Sessions but Sessions just ignored him throughout the day.

3 US Attorney Generals Under President DT

March 9, 2017. Comey rat with congress that Trump administration was suspected of hangout and party all the time with Russian during the 2016 campaign, Trump was pissed and threw stuffs everywhere. March 22, 2017, Trump called two of his best friends, the National Intelligence boss - Coats and the CIA boss - Mike Pompeo to complain about the Russian investigation. He told Coats to stop Comey but Coats said he knew that Comey really like to investigate so he should just let Comey have fun

03 CIA Director Under President DT

March 25 ,2017, Trump called up another powerful friend, Michael Rogers, the NSA boss to stop Comey. Rogers felt weird and wrote down the phone conversation. March 30, 2017, Trump called Comey and ask him directly what could be done so Comey can stop his investigation game, to “lift the cloud”. However, Comey said i like to investigate, it’s fun so I will keep doing it.

Micheal Rogers NSA Boss

April 11, 2017, Trump told Fox News that no it’s not too late for him to unfriend Comey but I still kinda like Comey and want to keep Comey as Facebook friend. Trump then Facetime Comey later that day and tell him to stop playing the investigating game again. Trump winked at Comey and said: "Because I have been very loyal to you, very loyal — we had that thing, you know," but Comey decline to stop playing games.

Trump winked at Commy

Trump later that afternoon call Attorney General Jeff Sessions and said: "This is terrible, Jeff. It's all because you recused. Attorney General is supposed to be the most important appointment. Kennedy appointed his brother. Obama appointed Holder. I appointed you and you recuse yourself. You left me on an island. I can't do anything." Jeff Sessions said maybe you can unfriend Comey and add a new friend as FBI boss.

Boss of Comey told Trump to fire Comey

April 12, 2017, Jeff Sessions handed Trump the resignation letter, offer to unfriend Trump but Trump decline the unfriend request. However, on that day, Jeff Sessions finally made up his mind and decided to find a way to fire and unfriend Comey. Trump called McGahn 3 times to tell him to tell acting Attorney General Rosenstein to fire Comey but McGahn kept hanging up and does not follow the order.

Chaos In The White House

May 9, 2017, James Comey was fired by Trump by recommendation Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. This seems to be a miscalculation by Sessions and Rosenstein since they thought by firing Comey would effectively the beginning of the end of Trump presidency.

Trump fired FBI Director James Commy

May 17, 2017, Rosenstein appointed Robert Muellers as special counsel for the Russian investigation. July 7, 2018, After the Hamburg, Germany G20 meeting, Trump’s staff heard that the NY Time about to rat them out. A frontpage story about his son playtime with Russian operative at Trump tower a year ago is about to be published and went viral.

Putin Trump submit in Hamburger, Germany

Hope Hicks, Trump’s communication director, drafted a cool story for Trump junior to tell the whole wide world: “It was a short meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to stop by. We discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at that time and there was no follow-up. ”Donald Trump Junior add “primarily” to the statement so it becomes “We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children.”

Trump Family with Donald Jr Russian Connections

July 19, 2017, Trump was pissed with the continuing investigation, pissed at Jeffs Sessions for not help him. He told the New York Times that if he knew Sessions would be a pussy and does not stand up for him then he would have appointed someone else as Attorney General. July 22, 2017, He called McGahn, the White House counsel to check if did he get Session to resign yet ? McGahn kept ignoring and postponing the request and Trump change his mind the next few days.

DT Donald White House Turn Over Rate

Aug 2017, Michael Cohen lied to Congress about the Moscow Trump tower negotiation timeline as well as hush money to women who had sexual encounter with Trump. Oct 2017, Paul Manafort - Trump campaign manager and Rick Gates, the deputy campaign manager was indicted on bank fraud and failing to register as a foreign agent. Dec 2017, Mike Flynn pleaded guilty for lying to the FBI.

Stormy Daniel XO Porn Star So Viet Operative

April 2018, FBI raid Cohen’s office, home and hotel room. Trump called the searches "an attack on our country, in a true sense." Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer told Cohen. “"Very Very Positive. You are 'loved.' … they are in our corner … Sleep well tonight, you have friends in high places." when he was asked about the possibility of a pardon.

Trump Loyalists Stay Out of Jail after Trump Presidency

August 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty in August 2018 to campaign-finance violations, based on the payoffs he had made to Daniels and the other woman and said he did that in Trump direction. Trump contrasted and tweet: “I feel very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family. 'Justice' took a 12-year-old tax case, among other things, applied tremendous pressure on him, and, unlike Michael Cohen, he refused to 'break' — make up stories in order to get a 'deal.' Such respect for a brave man!"

Paul Manafort Revolution Consultant

November 2018, Trump admitted that the discussion of the Moscow tower deal continuing throughout his campaign. Trump said. "There would have been nothing wrong if i did do it ... That was my business ... I was focused on running for president ... I was running my business while I was campaigning. There was a good chance that I wouldn't have won, in which case I would've gone back into the business. And why should I lose lots of opportunities?"

Trump Tower in Moscow and Potential Moscow Washington Name Swap

Russian Sleeper Agents Start to Execute People to Ensure Donald Election Win

November 6, 2018, US midterm election result in a split with Republican gain seats and kept the majority in Senate while the Democrat gains enough seats in the House to flip the House to Democrate Majority. Good news but not good enough for Democrats since an Impeachment proceeding would require broad support from both House and Senate.

DT Donald Trump Dead Oppositions

November 7, 2018, Jeff Sessions resigned as Attorney General of the United States. December 7, 2018, Trump appointed William Barr as new Attorney General. February 14, 2019, Barr was confirmed by the Senate 54-46 near party line vote as the new Attorney General. March, 2019, Mueller concluded his special counsel investigation and the final report to Barr. Barr wrote a 4 pages summary to Congress. Mueller wrote a letter expressing that Barr’s summary “had inadequately portrayed their conclusions"

FBI has lower Authority than Military and Spies in War

April 2019, Department of Justice release a full REDACTED version of the Mueller’s report. Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein resigned as Deputy Attorney General. May 8, 2019, The House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to hold Barr in contempt of congress for failing to comply with a subpoena which requested the full and unredacted Mueller Report. Contempt of Congress is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees. Historically, the bribery of a U.S. Senator or U.S. Representative was considered contempt of Congress.

Barr Blocking Release of Robert Muller Report

July 24, 2019, Robert Mueller is a Vietnamese era Marine Corp veteran so it seems like his past experience in Vietnam affected his decision in the investigation. The impeachment of Richard Nixon essentially helps to accelerate the end of the War in Vietnam and unite the country. September 2019, Donald Trump moved his primary residence to Mar-a-Lago in Florida when the investigation is getting close to his inner circle and maybe to stay closer to Florida Russian operatives and the escape route out of United States via submarine to Russia from Florida.

Donald Trump running from the prosecutor

Maybe that's why Mueller was so reluctant to charge a sitting president and impeach him because it reminded him about the war in Vietnam. Maybe he saw Trump and Russian improving relationship as a better geo-strategic position for US in the 21 century which is too obvious to be true. So he puts the ball on House of Democrat court and they just chicken out because of the timing escalating trade war with China.

William Barr and US Secret Initiation of WWW3

The Democrats can not launch impeachment during an escalating tradewar with an adversary, not like Nixon’s impeachment during a de-escalated War in Vietnam or Clinton during a peacetime. Not sure if China or Trump administration times the escalation but it was perfect timing to get Trump out of the target scope.

Xi visit Donald Mar-a-Lago Mansion

Aug 2019, 2019, the Supreme Court announced that Ginsburg, one of its 9 Judges, recently have been going through cancer treatment. Eventually, the Supreme Court Justice Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg, appointed by Bill Clinton, passed away on September 18, 2020 leaving a vacant spot for Trump's appointed Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett. Barrett sworn in 1 week later making the Supreme Court Republican-leaning with 5 out of 9 Judges appointed by a Republican president. Supreme Court justices can not be replaced unless they died or incapacitated and have authority to make or break Presidential and Congress policies.

Nomination of Friendly Judge to replace Unfriendly One

After the first attempt at using the Presidental National Emergency Declaration to authorize the use of Military Personnels on US soil to build a Mexican Southern Border Wall in Feb 15, 2019, Donald once again used the Presidental National Emergency Declaration to authorize the use of Doctors and Medical Personels to take over US key power positions and eliminate any opposition during the Chaos of the Novel COVID-19. Presidental National Emergency Declaration has only been used once to authorize the use of US military on US soil during 9-11 attack by George Bush. Rossovelt Presidental National Emergency Declaration once to declare war on Nazi Germany and Truman used Presidental National Emergency Declaration once to start the Korean War.

The Novel Made-UP COVID19