Melting Ice Is Opening Up The Fabled Arctics Ocean Trade Routes
Melting Ice Is Opening Up The Fabled Arctics Ocean Trade Routes

Without the need for modern technological advances, the Tibetan High Mountain gene adaptation was able to allow this gene group to expand into the extreme climate condition of the Far North. Among all modern human gene groups, only the Tibetan Inuit was able to survive and settle in the Artics of Siberia and Canada with only food from Arctic animals as their sources of energy.

The Inuit Homeland

However, with both the Norwegian gene adaptation and British engineering, the European High North gene groups were able to not only survive but explore every coordinate of the Arctic Ocean, build large settlements of million inhabitants, dominate the Arctic circles with their cities of light, railroads, airports, natural gas power plants and pipelines.

Artics Nation

All these Arctic frontier conquerings started with a Norwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen. Roald Amundsen was born near Oslo July 16, 1872 into a Norwegian shipowners / captains family in Borge. In 1903, the explorer and his team of six men used the Gjoa 13-horse power single-screw paraffin engine fishing vessel setting sail West to find a path across from the Atlantics Ocean to the Pacifics Ocean through the Arctics Ocean.

Ronald Amundsen

The team first sailed Oslo formerly called Kristinia, Norway to Greenland. From Greenland, Amundsen and his crew then sailed through Baffin Bay to the Beechey Island and finally to Gjoa Harbor, The King William Island and spent 2 years here conducting Magnetic research. At King William Island, Amundsend came into contact and learned many survival techniques from the local Tibetan Asian Inuit. Amundsen also setup 8 magnetic stations on the island to collect data for his research and become the 1st one to discover that the North Magnetic Pole does not have a permanent location but moves around fairly regularly.

The Amundsen NorthWest Passage Route

Summer, August 1905, they continued their trip West and navigated through the Simpson Strait and then West through Cambridge Bay south of Victoria Island. They cleared the Canadian Northern Coast and completed their North West passage by reaching the Bering Strait on Aug 30, 1905.

The 80 Kilometers Being Strait

A direct trade route via the Northwest Canadian Passage would cut the distance between Rotterdam to Shanghai to less than 8000 miles instead of 10,500 miles via the Suez Canal or 13500 miles via the Panama Canal.

Canadian NorthWest Passage vs Russian Northern Sea Route

However, the United States does not export energy to China or Japan and prefer that Chinese and Japanese consumer goods travel through the US controlled Panama Canal than over the empty Northern Canadian coast. On the other hand, after the Ukrainian war, China's energy hungry economy is the main and only reliable buyer of the Russian energy export economy. Chinese consumer goods traveling via the Belt and Road railways to Russian major cities around Moscow in exchange for Russian Oil and Natural Gas traveling via the Northern Sea Route are highly repeatable and profitable business exchanges.


China is Russia's largest trading partner with 14% of Russia exports sending to China and 25% of Russia imports coming from China. So both Russia and China have incentive to invest and develop the Northern Sea route along the Russian coastline to avoid the Indian Ocean route controlled by the US Navy and its 10 Aircraft Carriers. China is only the 2nd largest trading partner after the United States for Canada with only 4% of Canadian exports going to China and 12% of Canadian imports coming from China.

Shanghai to Rottersdam

The will of macro planners also need the support from the masses. While many Russian Arctics and Near-Artics cities full of East Asian Russian who have incentives to cement the Chinese-Russian alliance and capabilities to survive and build large settlements along side the Russian Northern Sea route, there are very few American, Chinese or Canadian who are willing to live along the isolated Canadian Northern coastline to maintain this potential trade route.

Yakut People

Largest Arctics population centers with genetics groups who are genetically adapted to Arctics climate as well as having experiences surviving in this environment are concentrated in the Scandinavian and Russian Northern regions. Norway, Iceland, Denmark and Russia cities can all utilize the Northern Russian sea routes to sell their energy products to China.

Largest Arctics Population Centers

The trips from Shanghai to Northern European cities like St Petersburg, Amsterdam and London will be significantly shorter with less chances of interception by American destroyers and aircraft carriers. And in the case of a Naval decisive battle, the Chinese and Russian could combine forces at the Bering Strait instead of the Chinese navy fighting alone against the combined American, Indian and Australian navy.

Trip Length from China to European Ports

The Russian navy also has more advantages in the Arctics Ocean with their Nuclear Ice-Breakers, coastal radar stations and airfield while the American Nuclear Aircraft Carriers would have a difficult time operating in the icy Arctics Ocean. The American Navy will have to rely only on Nuclear Submarines to fight the combined Russian and Chinese navy near the Russian coastline.

Yamal Baltics Nuclear IceBreaker

In order to make this Northern Sea Route becoming reality, both China and Russia are investing heavily in developing energy infrastructures and ice breakers fleet. China is the main investor in Russian Gas Exploration cities like Sabetta and Murmansk along the Russian Northern coastline.

Sabetta Natural Gas Exploration City

China is also developing their own Ice-Breakers fleets with engineering support from Ukraine and Russia. Notably, the two Chinese Ice-Breaker Xue Long I and Xue Long II meaning the Snow Dragons were built with engineers from the Ukrainian war torn city of Kherson. With the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Ukrainian engineers could have been moved to China with the right diplomatic support.

Xue Long Chinese Ukraine Ice Breakers

Russia and China are also building Oil and Natural Gas pipelines connecting directly the Russian Siberian gas stations and China Northern cities. These pipelines will both provide energy for new Russian settlements in Siberia as well as energy to the hungry economy of China.

Natural Gas Pipeline

To kickstart the development of a brand new settlement in the extremely cold and isolated Russian Northern coastline will require a large amount of energy. A mobile Nuclear Power Plant like the Akademik Lomonosov will enable Russian builders to instantly power their construction machinery and worker homes anywhere along Russia's Northern coastline without the need to build a large seaport, airport or railway network first.

Russian Floating Nuclear Power Plant

Yakut people of Siberia were able to survive and build a large settlement of hundred thousand people along the 62 degree North latitude with just their Siberian horses, Siberian milk cows and frozen fishes. With the right economics and genetics alliance, maybe the Tibetan East Asian gene can finally expand to the millions like the famous city of Saint Petersburg.

Tibetan East Asian In The Artics