Buddhism - The Peace of Mind for Viable Uterus
Buddhism - The Peace of Mind for Viable Uterus

Buddhism - The Common Identity of Nations East of The Tibetan Plateau

Milan - Venice Delta

The advances of a civilization is normally correlated to the size of their Delta. In Western Europe, there are two main deltas that dominated two early civilizations of Europe: the Northern Italian delta stretching from Milan to Venice that fed the artists and soldiers of the Roman Empire and the Macedonian delta North East of Greece and next to the Aegean Sea.

Macedonia Delta of Alexandre

While ROME and ATHEN are two most famous port cities and capital of Italy and Greece, the two delta with its soldiers and farmers are really the main power source that control the Greek and Italian peninsula, created the arts, constructed the monuments and built the ships that sailed the Mediterranean Sea.

Nile Delta of Egypt

The same phenomenon repeated in Cairo with the Nile delta and the Ancient Egypt with the Pyramids.

India and Taj Mahad

India has the Gange and Brahmaputra river that fed the more dominant cilizations of Northern India.

Yangzte Yellow river delta

And China has the Yellow river and Yangtze river delta

Missisipi United States

Modern United States of America aka A-Marriage-A-Car with the Mississippi river.

Irrawady Mekong Delta

Every human civilization followed the same pattern: they first developed farming techniques to create food surplus. When there is more food than they can eat then they start to develop arts, invent new tools and build armies.

Wuhan Era Compass

With the abundance of food, then the population expanded and in one million inhabitants you would find that small group of geniuses that enabled a major tech upgrade like a new sailboat design, the wheel, the compass, sword making, composite bowl that greatly expanded the Empire from its original bread / rice basket.

Kyoto Tokyo Delta

And then there are the Japanese that came out of nowhere and dominated Asia from the beginning of 1900s. It is like someone destroyed all cultures around the Mekong river, kidnapped a ton of people and placed them on the Island of Japan.

Zen Fish

And then taught them all the advanced technologies of the 19 centuries and enabled them to quickly develop into advanced levels in both culture and engineering.

The Asian Doctor in Every JP Movie

The Island of Japan is like the isolated Jurassic Park where the lab-made dinosaurs of South East Asia suddenly got loose and started to attack everyone from Afghanistan to Hawaii.

Dharma Wheel on Japanese Flag

Maybe The Japanese were funding and creating Buddhism temples, arts and monks in SouthEast Asia. There were no large-scale naval wars in the Pacifics just footage of Pearl Harbor. Japan was created by collecting Islanders East of Tibetan Plateau by Swiss doctors then handpicking high potential one to seed the Island of Japan.

Japanese Samurai Castle with Chinese Style Roof

Japanese first copied Chinese architecture then improved upon it with their own styles. Swiss doctors then sent them weapons and close to the newest weapon and industrial knowledge but 10 years behind the cutting edge in Europe to enable them to take over East Asia.

Japanese Son Control of World Mobility

Wherever there are the Buddhist temples, there are Japanese sons living with the locals in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Taiwan, Korea, Mongol as Burmese, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Taiwanese, Koreans and Mongolians.

Afghanistan Buddha Statue

The Japanese sons controlled Western-imported tech. Grandfather of Japanese sons is the Swiss Doctor and Father of Japanese son is the Japanese soldiers seeded in the Island of Japan just like the Jurassic Park. Most Japanese DNA seeding happened during the chaos and confusion of World War 2 and maybe now during and after COVID-19. Maybe the Japanese built the Buddhist temples in Afghanistan to mark the deepest inland that the gasoline planes and cars of WW2 were able to reach from China's East Coast.

Emigration and Immigration Patterns of Buddhist Countries

While Christian nations like the EU and America is the immigration magnet that draw people from all over the world to move there. Buddhism nations like China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand has a highly singular gene pools with little DNA updates from immigrations. People from Buddhism countries have the tendencies to move abroad to create space for Japanese and Swiss doctor DNA.

HSBC Mission Since 1866

Vietnam gene pool for example is updated occasionally with Chinese migrating South from the larger delta of Yangzte and Yellow river. Since after the French colonial period, Vietnam DNA pool is also updated regularly with sperms and eggs from Switzerland. The Vietnam gene pool itself also improved gradually through internal competition.

Vietnam Capital Random Genetics Mixing

Switzerland and Christian nations contained China by balancing the DNA portfolio of nations around China like Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Korea and Japan with their lab-grown one. These lab-grown DNA from Switzerland will compete, slow down and eliminate any Chinese DNA expansion outside of 1945 Chinese border.

The Flag of Myanmar

While it is possible for Chinese to get out via the Air and Sea routes, these fast but expensive and low throughput migration route will not result in the redraw of geographical borders while migration on personal vehicles could result in the redraw of borders.

The American Trident of the Sea

Air and Sea migration travels in disconnected small pockets. Even if they end up settle in United States or Europe, they would pose no security threat and only become an obedient isolated DNA cluster. This is why the US favored Asian immigrants over Mexican immigrants.

Asia vs European Area of Influences in USA

Myanmar and Vietnam is afraid of a Chinese invasion so do not construct a highspeed rail network with China while Thailand and China has a direct high speed railnetwork connecting these two largest delta of East Asia.

Rail Network

In Zen We Find Peace vs In God We Trust

The American and the World currency US Dollas was built on the Invicibility God-like characteristics of the US Government and United States. United States is the nation with the best geographical and genetics characteristicss of any nation on earth.

In God We Trust

US geography is an unfair advantage for the American planners with the largest irrigable landmass on the planet, on par with China and India. While Russia and Canada has a larger landmass, most of their land is too cold for human settlement building and agriculture.

North America Farmland Area

The Island of United States is also a natural fortress that is shielded from all 4 directions with large geographical barriers: North by the North Pole, East by the Pacifics Ocean, West by the Atlantic Oceans and South by the Carribean and the naval stroke point of Mexico and Panama.

Caucasian Mexican Mission of Guarding Central America

US geography was initially not this perfect but with only 13 colonies on the East Coast of modern United States. Their unmatched geophgraphical advantages was only shaped gradually through Wars and Infrastructure development from 17 century to 19 century.

American Reshaping Their Geography Destiny

The American gene pool is always upgraded regularly via immigrations. Most of the US population growth comes from importing the best and brightest from all around world via foreign students and researchers, foreign warriors, foreign entrepreneurs filtered through a highly selective immigration pathways. United State itself also develop their world leading genetics and DNA research program. The advantages in gene pool results in huge advantages in technological and art with American products, services and entertainment media dominates every corner of the earth.

East Asian and German Replacing Hispanics and British

The unrival security via geographical and technologial barrier makes the United States of America is the safest place to raise a family and hold your assets. Any presidents and dictators who are friends of the United States always have the options to move his families and assets oversea to United States as the last resort move. While Bitcoin is a much better cross border mean of exchange and Gold is a much better storage of value, US Dollar could be both easily moved via the SWIFT banking network or stored in reserve without losing significant amount of values.

Soviet Le Duan

While Le Duan beat Nguyen Van Thieu in the battle fields of Vietnam, will the Le Duan meaning The LE with enough Supply DNA clusters survive and prosper longer than the Nguyen Van Thieu aka Sleep Too Well and Lack Supply DNA clusters. The faces on the streets of Vietnam and United States seems to point to the interesting fact that both generals won the genetics compeition in Vietnam while the Vietnamese boat people in United States lost.

Nato Nguyen Van Thieu

United States of American is still the safest country on earth with the lowest chances of a civil war or external invasion leading to the collapse of the country and its currency. Americans have a credible reason to believe that they are god favored and god chosen. And this national belief has become part of American identity, reiterated in every presidential speeches and printed on every US dollar bill.

In God We Trust

Unrival security of the American nation allows the American government to issue unlimited US Dollar and lift the US government debt ceiling to whatever it fell necessary.

Negative Interest for Highly Wanted Makers

The only potential limit to US Dollar printing spree is a second safe haven that could rival the United States. Is there any other safer place on earth for a human female to settle down, store her egg basket without worrying that her house could be bombed, her saving could evaporated, her children could be kidnnaped? Chengdu, Switzerland, Australia, the Moon?

Chengdu highland heaven

After COVID-19, no where looks very safe and the United States of America still seems to be the best place to raise a family.

First Time North America Under Real Attack