Communism and the Reinvention of God
Communism and the Reinvention of God

Christianity and Its Lack of Adoption in The East

While Christianity and its various variants were quickly adopted by European tribes in England, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe who lacked sophisticated rituals, architectural monuments and government structures, Christianity met heavy resistance among East Asian civilizations. Even after The West had conquered Beijing, the apex of East Asian culture expression, during the Boxer rebellion in 1899 with the cutting edge firearm and ship building technology, the Christian missionaries were still not able to convert Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese or Thai into Christianity.


At the beginning of the 1900s, East Asian culture was too sophisticated and different with their own unique fortified castles, religious temples, military and social structures. There are not enough bullets or trained army personnels for the sheer amount of East Asian population. If the West can not subdue the minds of these Far East people with religion, they can not make the East Asian population become an obedient worker ants population.

Unique Product Made for the First King of Yiet

The bible and the bishop’s stories about some distant desert and resurrection did not appeal to East Asian commoners who already had their ritual teachers and heard plenty of highly scripted stories about ghost, fairy and supernatural phenomenons.

Shandong Confucianism

The high priests of the Swiss Alps need to invent a new story that is more appealing to all the common man and women across cultures outside of Europe and the Mediterrians. The stories need to be able to erase all cultures, social and government structures of the Eastern civilizations and rebuild it with Western thoughts and influences.Hence Capitalism, Facism and Communism just like Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox was invented and Lenin was sent to the Kremlin with a new script to forever change the societies in Central and East Asia.

Russia Kremlin

East Asian societies trade for good with currencies, build armies for war and organize large worker groups to build castles and cannals long before the invention of Capitalism, Facism and Communism. However, these new Western thoughts and their own bibles, somehow direct East Asian societies to destroy their own cultures, religious temples and castles and become extremely dependent on Western technology, firearms and medicine. That is why the Kremlin, meaning fortress in Russian, is still standing to the modern day while the 10,000s kilometer Great Walls of China were reduced to less than 100 kilometers and Vietnam capital Thang Long walls no longer exist.

Thang Long capital and its hidden joker card

Mommy-Fication and The Reshuffling of Asian Genetics

The first big challenge to Roman Empire and Christianity expansion outside of Western Europe were the North African and Middle East civilizations in Cairo and Babylon, modern day Egypt and Iraq. By using attractive European women and religious teachers to infiltrate the North Africa and Middle East elite circles, the Roman Empire was able to build a large spy network to gain initial important intelligence and finally capture and subdue Egypt and Persia.

North Africa Instagram Influencers

However, maintaining a large occupying force of Roman Legions in North Africa and the Middle East far away from the European uterus homebase around the Swiss Alps is very expensive. Rome needs to turn the North Africa local elites into their middle managers to manage these new colonies. And the Bishops proved to be helpful again.

The French Catholic Church

Bishops have been developing an army of XO aka the Nuns as part of their religious recruiters and protectors for the Holyfathers of Europe. XOs serve well as icebreakers to recruit women and men to the Christian faith as well as unexpected assas-sins against any hostile tribal men of Scandinavia, Germany or Russia.

The XO Wives

By sending XO from Europe to marry the local elites of Egypt and Persia as well as turning millions of Egyptian baby boys into XO via the process of Mommy-Fication, Rome were able to build a highly happy North African middle manager class and create a lot of vacant North Africa uterus to insert the European genes.

The Trinity

After just one generation, Rome was able to gain a huge genetic footprints in North Africa, make the majority of the North Africa population look like their Roman rulers and forever turn the hostile North Africa regions into Roman friendly regions. Even the Egyptian flag in modern day now has a Roman eagle on it.

The Roman Egypt

After North African success, the colonization and genetic conversion formula have been fully proven like a high speed winning Formula 1 racing car. The same genetic conversion process via Mommy-fication were again applied in Central America, South America and Indonesia hence many pyramids being built in these regions to serve as hundred year markers for these Roman-invented genetic conversion formula.

The XO-XV couple

So after WW1 and WW2, the Tzar of Russia, the Qing Emperor of China, Nguyen Emperor of Vietnam were no longer in charge. The mass of North Asia in Siberia, East Asia in China and South East Asia in Indochina now submited to the ideology of Communism, Capitalism or Facism. The Genetic conversion process of Mommy-fication is once again being applied to these newly rebuilt societies with fully compliance from local elites and the masses.

Conversion with Full Compliance

Tatar tribes living in Eastern European being deported from their homeland into the new strange regions of Central Asia. Many Tatar baby boys being turned into XO, Tatar fertile women would marry Eastern European men and the Tatar elites would marry Eastern European women XO. So after just one generation, the Tatar nations would look very Eastern European, live in a newly relocated home of Kazkhstan, Uzeberkistan, Turkmenistan and fully comply to the guidances from the West.

Mommyfication of Chinese Babyboys

The North Asia genetic groups living around Mongolia, Manchuria, North Korea also were reshuffled and deported South via the railways to Southern China and Vietnam and the Southern China and Northern Vietnam genetic groups were also relocated to Southern Vietnam in the Mekong Delta regions. Million of Chinese and Vietnamese baby boys would be turned into XO, the local ruling elites would marry XO from the more North West genetic groups and the local women would marry men from the North West genetic groups. So after each generation, the East and South East Asian would look increasingly like their North Western neighboring tribes.

The Railway Genetic Reshuffling Route

The mausoleums of Lenin, Mao Ze Dong, Kim Jong-Il and Ho Chi Minh were also built in MosCow, BeiJing, PyOngYang and HaNoi just like the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico and Indonesia to mark the Mommy-fication and Genetics conversion in these regions.

North Korean Mommy Model

The Genetic Encirlement of 4 Billion People

Woodrow Wilson presidency marked the completion of North America colonization and genetics conversion and the beginning of Washington and Moscow expansion outside of their border. Moscow communist teachers and female agents started to be sent South to China and Washington scientists and women started to be sent West to Japan. Since then, we are seeing disappearing RED color from national flag of countries around the globe after each global and regional wars.

Woodrow Wilson

Indigenous genetics groups of India, China, Japan, Korea and South East Asia started to have a difficult time travelling outside of their Wet Rice circle. The spreading of their DNA via marriages outside of the Wet rice circle is severely limited. Anyone from countries of the Wet Rice that allows to travel and live outside of their circle is most likely unviable so they can not create a human bond with outside DNA group.

Chris Do vs Hoang Do

All technology transfers, foreign investments, expertise training and entertainment media will serve as the promotion of new foreign genetic groups inserted from the West. While the public leaders of the Wet Rice circle will mostly likely still look very indigenous, the genetic landscape outside of their highly secured offices and military barracks is changing every minutes that cash is being exchanged among the people. The foreign investments, educational contents and movies will have much more influences over the youth dating choices than the local officials.

Leader Face vs Cash Face

Housing and public security were also designed to erase the indigenious group faster while promoting the adoption of foreign introduced genetic groups. Public security forces carrying the indigenious genes will have the higher risk of casualty than the foreign-introduced public security and mostly likely being pitched against their own genetic groups. Like in the case of Vietnam, cops with darker uniform will have higher chance of casualty than cops with lighter uniform.

Cop Casualty Rate by Color

The foreign-introduced genetic groups have control over major infrastructures like water, electricity and mobility while the indigenous genetic groups become subjects of water, electricity and mobility blackmailing when they live in the Soviet era or newly built highrise apartment buildings.

Soviet-Style or American Style Prison

To break out of their genetic encirlement, the Wet Rice circles will need both internal strength via energy independence and defense capability and external supports from the global communities via trading and diplomacy. However, at the present day, Wet rice circle only produces less than 10% of their energy need, do not have an advanced defense industry, barely possess any nuclear weapons and have strong diplomatic tie on average to only less than 15% of global community.

The Wet Rice Circle

Both the South Sea and Bay of Bengal possess large reserves of oil and gas that will serve well as a stop gap before the Wet Rice circle can fully transition into Solar and Nuclear power. Currently most oil exploration technologies and licenses are monopolied by American and British big oils. If India, South East Asia and China can collaboratively extract oil and gas from their ocean without internal territorial dispute then Wet Rice will have a small chance of cutting their dependence on Western oil import.

Oil and Gas Map of South East Asia

Even though the Wet Rice circle have 4 billion people, energy per capital for this region is still very low with an American consuming 6 times more energy than an average Vietnamese at 12,983 Kilowatt hours per Year. Thorium 232 Nuclear Power plants being developed by Indian and Chinese engineers could serve well as a clean limitless energy sources to enable Wet Rice circle to achieve energy independence as well as higher energy per capital. And with energy independence, maybe the Northern and Southern tribes of Wet Rice can once again expand North to Siberia and South to the Ocean to reclaim the lost homeland of their great grandfather instead of cannibalizing and pushing each others to the Hong Kong exile status.

Haiyang Thorium 232 Nuclear Power Plant