The Power of Imagination and the Jewish Secrets
The Power of Imagination and the Jewish Secrets

Israel and The Invention of Western Religions


Western Chess is a reflection of Western thought on wars with fours driving forces: the Queen of highly attractive women lineage that could travel anywhere and approach anyone, the Bishop religious influences via worshiping sites, the Knight of highly Mobile fighting forces of Calvary and Naval ships and the Rook of heavily fortified castles and city walls.

Western Thoughts on War

A checkmate could be a treaty of alliance or a total destruction. Four steps in Western war are: first send the attractive women, then send the religious teacher, then send the army to capture the land and finally build a fortified castle on the newly acquired land.

The Bishop

The Bishop is a reflection of the role of Religion in War. Later on in the modern era, the Bishop role evolves beyond religion into the role of doctors, scientists and university professors.

The Bishop of Modern Time

Religion is a form of Public Order via Social Engineering invented by the Roman Empire to first collect intelligence in potential new targets before war and after war keeping their newly acquired frontiers like England, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa stable and in order.

Roman vs Norway

Protestantism, Catholics, Judaism, Orthodox could all be invented in the high mountains of Switzerland. Switzerland in Vietnamese means the Killer Bishop. With the invention of a singular highly polished script with some local culture adaptation, the fragmented religious practices of different local tribes in England, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe were quickly replaced by Christianity.

Religious Map of Europe

Catholicism is the Roman center of Power around the Swiss alps version of Christianity. Everything you do is right as long as it serves the main goal of procreation. Catholicism in Vietnamese means the Offensive religion and in Latin means the pursuit of Vagina aka the Trinity justifying all actions and morality. You only need to say sorry to god after the action is done. Catholics are popular in France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and some parts of the United States. Even some Vietnamese public security forces with French influences are undercover Catholics.


Protestantism is a version of Christianity dedicated to hostile Roman colonies of Germany and England. Every action by English and German tribal men is wrong besides protesting verbally hence the Protestant bishop uniform. Protest-anti-sm in Vietnamese means the Belief in Goodness religion and in Latin meaning to oppose verbally via protest and demonstration.

Protestant Pastor

Orthodox is a version of Christianity dedicated to the hostile Roman colonies of Scandinavia and Russia. The Ordin-Thor-Dox in Latin means the Simple Scandinavian men version and in English means the Official religion or the OX version. Maybe that's why Blonde women have a higher probability of being an XO.

Golden One

Judah and Judaism in Latin meaning JUDging AssHole Adolf Hitler version and in Vietnamese meaning the Windy Pregnant Women version and in English meaning the Trojan people. JEWS is the abbreviation of Joker East Wife Sons hence the large Jews population in Eastern part of Europe like East Germany, Ukraine, Russia and Israel. Judaism is an attempt of Western Christian planners to unite Christian kingdoms in the West by creating a BAD guy image of Adoft Hitler or the Muslim brotherhood and the un-essential Western men would be sent East to liberate and marry the local women there.

Social Network Jewish Founders

Muslim is also a highly polished script for religious practice in the Middle East and Central Asia with very similar core stories to Christianity and Judaism. Muslim is either an attempt by local nations and tribes in Central Asia and Middle East to stop the influences of the highly polished and viral religious scripts of Christianity by creating a indigenous version or maybe Muslim script is an attempt of Christian planners to shape Middle East public opinion and win without fighting. Muslim scripts do make Muslim followers to make highly risky moves and die via suicides hence the constant succide bomb attacks, knife wielding terrorists and even single-used suicide drones made by Iran in current Ukrainian war.

Fertilizer Blast by Israel

Jewish Global Influences in Science, Technology and Finance

The advances in Science are the main driving force that propel the Christian nations so far ahead after the fall of Constantinople. Maybe the story of Moses and his adoption into the Egyptian royal family is the reflection of Christian open mindset to strangeness, differences and its constant search for exotic cultures, know-hows and secrets in the far foreign lands.

European Backpacker

Maybe the Jewish in the United States were not the first one who invented the new Secret sauces but the one who bought or stole the secrets from the faraway land and scaled the new secret sauces with financial and energy reserves of the Western nations.

Mossad K Market

That's why Jewish people are the nomadic people with only less than 15 million people or 0.2% of world population but Jewish won 20% of Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Medicine and Physics. The atomic bomb that put the world in a new order under United States and Russian hands was created by the two Jewish scientists Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer and their team.

Jewish Science Leaders

The Nobel prize itself is a Royal Sweden award with financial contribution from Alfred Nobel, the inventor of the dynamite, a stronger explosive compound than the Chinese black powder. Sweden in Vietnamese means setting the capital sentence example and the Japanese were made an example of during WW2 with the atomic bomb.

Jewish Technology Leaders

In modern society after WW2, the world order is maintained by information. Humans make purchasing decisions, dating decisions and war decisions because of the information that they process from their past experiences and present surrounding environments. And somehow, the Jewish were ahead at the information control games with Facebook founder, Google founder, Oracle founder, Dell founder were all Jewish. Promising startups like Waze in Crowdsourcing mapping, Wix in Website Making, Mobieyes in Autonomous Vehicle sensors and Bit.Dev in Developer Tools were all based in Israel. And the Israel President himself, Netanyahu, is an MIT graduate.

Jewish Energy Leaders

The United States ultimate limitless power of printing US Dollars as well as its supercomputing hedge fund that control the global money flow were all under the management of Jewish. And even Russia's main source of income after the Cold War, energy export, is also managed by Russian Jewish. Were the Jews always able to measure infant potential and give them the highway direcion to success or whoever become successful would claim themselve Jewish to be able to promote GOD almight influences.

Israel and The Founding of A Forward Military City State


Israel is a forward military base for new weapon experiments and new public chaos stories test bed. Israel's geography is like a fortress staying behind a mountain range of the Jordan Height and the Jordan river. The sea behind Israel is highly friendly with the support from the Mediterranean naval powers of the United States and Europe.


Israel is very likely a military city state to guard the Shipping and Communication arteries through the Suez Canal connecting Indian Ocean nations and the Western European countries from the threats from Turkey and Iran.


From an East Asian person’s eyes, the Turkish and Iranian presidents have quite similar facial features and have close genetic groups. They look like two brothers one work inside a lot and have lighter skin and once work outside alot and have darker skin color. One will have a more aggressive and offensive mindset since he wears no glasses and one will have a more conservative and defensive mindset since he wears glasses.

Muslim Brothers

Israel, always at war status, allows regular real world testing of cutting-edge Military and Intelligence Innovation of Military Research Centers in Christian Western Countries like USA, England, Norway, France, Germany. Israel Airforce is the first one to use the F35 in real combat and F35 also has major Israeli upgrades from other export variants of F35. Western military can not fall into a state of stagnation if their tactics and equipment could be tested on the field constantly in the unstable region of the Middle East and could be improved and upgraded constantly.


While China's military never engaged in real combat since the Korean war, the Western militaries were always at small scale war in the Middle East and Central Asia to prevent any Turk-China coalition and repeat the disastrous collapse of Constantinople in the 1400s. Small-scale proxy wars also will not cause major infrastructure damages or drain the national economic resources.

Human Settlements

Maybe it is not a coincidence that the Israel 6 days Wars of 1967 and the Vietnam Tet Offensive of 1968 happened only 1 year apart. The large casualty of Egyptian Armies and the Northern Vietnamese armies both created a lot of vacancies in Cairo and Hanoi and eventually turned Egypt and Vietnam into US major allies 30 years later.

Airsupremacy on First Day of War

If we look at the world map as a chessboard then Israel and Kaliningrad are very similar chess moves with Israel being in proximity to the ancient Persian capital of Babylon, modern day Baghdad, Iraq and Kaliningrad in proximity to the former capital of Prussia , modern day Berlin, Germany.


Israel long-term genetics mission is probably to keep the Middle East in chaos and constant civil wars among different nations and ethnic groups, a steady migration of North African tribes from their safe homelands to European nations and gradually change the genetics mix of North Africa to European Caucasian via trojan babies and windy only single mothers.

African migrations to European nations

The recent Gaza war is just another weapon testing and media stunt to put a spot light on Israel, demonstrate the power of the Christian God and draw more people travelling toward the Pyramid and European nations.

Mess with target genetic groups safe home to infiltrate and change the genetic groups