Rimland Met Heartland - An Impossible Alliance
Rimland Met Heartland - An Impossible Alliance

The Norman Dynasty - When Heartland France Shaked Hand With Seapower Norway

NORMAN genetic footprints

The Baltic sea is also an enclosed sea like the Mediterranean which is suitable for early human trial-and-error experiments at boat buildings and sea faring. Sailing from Norway to Holland and England should also be much less effort with the flow of the Northern winds.

Viking sailboats

The Norman with no wheels or horses but only their sailboats and aggression somehow dominated England, France and even worked as for-hire Royal guards for the Roman and Byzantine emperors.

Baltics vs Medditerian

Maybe it's more than just the harsh environments of Northern Europe that create tougher humans but also the lighter color hairs draw more attention and command more followers.

The High Table

The High Table northpole position and the secret handshakes between Moscow and Washington allows the Norman decendants to always stay in the offensive positions without worrying of being outflanked or surrounded by any other genetic groups. The earth shape is even a better geographical anchors than any oceans or mountains. The Eskimo and the Inuit are the only other genetic groups that could threaten the Norman dominance but these subfreezing East Asian extreme adapters do not even have a nation state and at their extinction level population counts.

Hitler and The Fail Attempt At an British - Germany Coalition

Dunkik-Normandy Tricks

The Dunkuk evacuation could be an attempt by the Norman within Britain to bring more Norman men into England in one single evacuation. That’s why Hitler stalled the attempt of the German panzer division to march on to Dunkirk.

After the evacuated Norman soldiers entered England, they took over the key positions within England in Ireland and Northern England while London and Southern England were bombarded by the German air force.

With DDay, even more American soldiers, who could also be Norman descendants, piled into England to fill in the blanks left by fallen southern Saxon English men.

Southern England was also part of the Roman empire so Southern England could also be much more ROMAN genetically while Northern England is much more NORMAN and Scandinavian genetically.

European history is all about the competing influences of the bigger built and lighter hair Northern men of Scandinavia, the engineering men of the wheels and the arc structure of the Roman Empire and the Muslim horsemen of Turkey and North Africa.

Central Asian horsemen made their marks in the Balkan and Russia but they were mostly erased after the WW1, WW2 and the Soviet Union with the collapse of Hungary-Austrian empire in the Balkan after WW1, destruction in Russia in WW2 and the lengthy purges and starvations during the Communist time in Russia.

After WW2, many Germans migrated to Argentina to create Lione Mecci and other German - Native American sons and daughters. German engineers and scientists were also evacuated to America for their advanced skills.

German V1 1st Cruise Missle

Many Lockheed Martin engineers in Texas have their German heritage and could be sons and daughters of Nazi Germany scientists and engineers. Even though Germany lost WW2, they still made German popular around the world and their dating game became much easier via the grandfather reputation. Modern German and Austrian men are quite conservative and mild, not aggressive like the Hilter era while the American-German in the Southern US are much more aggressive and confrontational just like the Nazi Germany in history. The surviving Nazi-German lineages could have been moved to the United States and Argentina after WW2 and did well in their new homeland.

Lockheed Martin Stealth Cruise Missles

Lockheed Martin products are generally very expensive and not being used in combat very often though not like the Raytheon products in Virginia, North East United States.

Raytheon Cross-Platform Cruise Missles

Russia - The Sea Power if Japan Lets The Dog Out

The Sea of Japan between Korea and Japan also enabled early development of Seafaring ships but at much higher risk and probability of failure.

Sea of Japan

Russia had to build their Pacifics fleets in Vladivostok or transported men and materials via the Siberian railways or sail the Ships from the Northern fleet or the Black sea fleet over. With the development of Long range missiles and long-range bombers and interceptors, the need to build a strong naval fleet in the Pacifics is not urgent for the Russian military. Unless Moscow is seriously threatened by NATO then they would need to collaborate with Japan or China to deter the US expansion in Europe by applying some pressure on the US West Coast and US NORAD.

West Asia and East Asia

At the end of the day, you do not need to have bigger boats than your wife if she already owned some and Moscow stands for Man and Washington stands for Women. Everyone else are dogs or chickens.

The Japanese are falling behind in the Applied Physics and hardware development especially in chip making equipment with ASML of Holland having a monopoly position. Without an ASML lithography machine in the Netherlands, neither Taiwan nor Samsung can produce their chips or their smartphones. And ASML is still pushing the boundary of known physics everyday with their top physicists and engineers in US and Europe to retain their monopoly position.

Chip Making Machine

Taiwan is a small chip in the end, to draw in China for a poker game that could quickly escalate to All-in game and All-out war between China and US. However, if the US and the West have controlled Chengdu and Xian since after WW2 and the founding of the Chinese communist party then why does the US need to go to war with China at all.

Real Balance of Naval Power between Taiwan and China

It seems like China leadership saw through US Taiwan gambit and made big bet on the land route into South East Asia instead with their high-speed rail and highway project into Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. However, this land-based gambit met heavy resistance from the West air-travel transmitted diseases. Chinese villas and offices in South East Asia are being abandoned because of viral diseases and criminal gang members funded by CIA in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

Kunming Vientiane Rail Station