Richard Nixon and The Art of Manipulation
Richard Nixon and The Art of Manipulation

Politics is Temporary, Genetics and Geography is Permanent

At some point after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the superior Roman planner gene somehow gathered again on the high mountain of the Swiss Alps to redraw the European map into a Republics and move European people tribes into their own specialized nations. Engineering family was moved to the safe island of England and the English was invented, police family was moved to the Poland frontier and Polish was invented.

The Republics of Europe

European continent was transformed from a fragmented highland region into an all knowing Federation whose polices stole the top secrets from the East and engineers created the cutting edge technology in secret on the Island of United Kingdom.

Marco Polo Military Police Spy

This secret Republics of Specialized nations quickly created a great leap forward in European transportation, defense and agriculture technonology.

Leonardo Da Vinci

By the beginning of 1900, the Western world already mastered ocean fairing and air travel with the inventions of the combustion engines. Now Western young explorers can travel anywhere on earth within a week and possess personal arms advanced enough to deal with any potential threats on your journey with little risk of death and injuries to your crews.

Western are much more adventurous than the Eastern

Since humans are land animals with advanced organization skills, if a crew from Europe traveled on land into a highly populated area of a foreign tribe, they would risk triggering a hostile response from the local tribes when the tribes suddenly met a group of strangely looking foreigners. Even with modern guns, if they are outnumbered or caught in an ambush, there is nothing to ensure their safety. However with planes and the iron ships, the European power can keep a distance, maneuver and take advantage of their saturating fire power.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Probably after finishing the drawing of the World Map and collecting terrains and population data of the earth civilization with combustion engine powered planes, ocean vessels and cars, the West realized how outnumbered but more advanced they are to the other civilizations around the globe.

Leonardo Da Vinci

By moving core leadership components behind natural barriers like mountains and ocean, the more advanced civilizations of the West can rely on their air powers and sea powers to deal with the hordes of land-based East Asian and Indian civilization ambitions. And after completing the colonization of North America and migrating VIP European lineages to the uncrossable via land castle of North America by 1900, the Western civilization can start to switch from defensive plans to offensive plans by transforming the genetic makeup of Euro Asia.

The Castle of North America

Before WW1 and WW2, most of the earth surfaces were still empty with no major road networks or borders. By deporting and reshuffling tribes and kingdoms of people from the Caucasus to Central Asia as well as from China and Korea to Vietnam, European colonial powers can redraw the chessboard of earth surfaces to put enemy tribes into conflicts and friendly tribes behind major geographical anchors like in the case of Kazakhstan and Japan.

Great Walls of China

Why it is very difficult to find the Great Walls of China from satelite images, we can easily spot the mountain ranges of Western China near Chengdu and Xian.

Symbolic Great Walls of China

Why Japan was the first country in East Asia to modernize their military and society ? Probably because they were open-minded people who were willing to listen to the strange ideas of the Portugese sailors and tried out the strange modern guns of the British navy. Or maybe because the Western colonial powers have picked Japan because of their resemblance to England - the Engineering island of the West. By arming Japan and mechanizing Japanese industries and militaries, Japan will serve as the prison guards of mainland China.

Puji vs Meiji

Did Pearl Harbor ever happen for real or just a movie set like in the case of the present Ukrainian war between Ukraine and Russia. After the Pearl Harbor, the bloody date between Japanese soldiers and the Chinese men and women did result in famine and the victory of Chinese RED army supported by the once enemy of China, the Soviet Union.

Pearl Harbor

After China was fully submitted to Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union and Japan surrendered to the United States, all citizens of the most populous empire in the world, the Qing dynasty, had been boxed in from all 3 directions North by Russia, West by Kazahstan and East by Japan and South Korea. The only way out is to go South to South East Asia or negotiate an impossible Siberia migration and weather modification deal with Russia.

Leonardo Da Vinci

By moving Chinese lineages South every 10 years via staged military campaigns and inserting new genetics lineages from Chengdu, the West can make the modern Chinese looking increasing more like them just like the Christian God mission of creating men after his own image. Hence there are major military operations every 10 year since 1950 after China Civil War concluded with 1st Gen in 1968, 2nd in Gen 1978, 3 in Gen 1988, 4th Gen in 1998, 5th in Gen 2008, 6th Gen in 2018. We will probably see major wars or pandemics again in 2028-2030.

China and Vietnam Flag

Richard Nixon and The US-China Alliance

While American looks mostly Caucasian just like European, they are much more inventive and persuasive than European. Since the American independence, the American economy has gradually surpassed European economy via American countless technological inventions as well as their ability to sell their ideas and products to the world.

American sales of American surveilance tool to the World

Once of the American greatest pitch of 20 century was the promotion of US Dollar as the De-Facto world currency backed by US Gold Reserves at the ending phase of World War 2 in 1944. While every countries in Europe and Asia was still shocked from the blood bath and destruction of World War 2 explosive weapons, the American was able to sit every presidents of all major European and Asian powers down at the negotiating table for their signature at the new American World Order document.

Signing of Document in Distress State by Unarmed Presidents

The Washington-Moscow aka Women-Men of the North deal has successfully funded and armed the British and Russian armies to overpower Continental Europe and Continental Asian powers of Germany, China and Japan. Now the World Map would be redrawn to American, British and Russian allies advantages. Any near pear competitors would be split up into smaller fragmented states or absorbed into Russia as part of the Soviet Union.

American subsidying Soviet Union, UK and France during WW2

The powerful Blood type B Empire of Europe, Austria-Hungary, was splited up into smaller Balkan states of Bulgaria, Yugoslovakia or absorbed partly into the Soviet Union. The powerful Mongolian Empire with Blood type B and AB dominance was also splited up, with Kazahstan became part of Soviet Union, Mongolia border will severely shrink in size with the Lake Baika of Mongolia became part of the Soviet Union.

Lake Bai Kar of Mongolian Empire

China naval capabaility was also crippled by the dividing line between the Industrialist Island of Taiwan and the Farming Communist Majority of China. The Japanese naval capability was also forever contained by American military bases next to Tokyo and in Okinawa.

American Containment of East Asia

To further detering any China naval capability to forever keep the Island of North America an ocean too far away from any threats abroad, the American planners divide Vietnam and Korea into half, with Southern Vietnam and Southern Korea became subject of gene modification. The newly introduced Southern Vietnamese and Southern Korean genes will serve as the guards of the South China Sea and Yellow Sea for any Blood type B expedition beyond their coast line.

South Korea Thailand ACB Mixing

Blood type B in North Vietnam was severely reduced in numbers through the American Bombing campaign of Red River Delta as well as the high casualty Truong Son mountain campaign that eventually ended with 1968 Tet Offensive with large Viet Cong Blood type B casualties. The initial "MAO" or "BAC" settings with blood type B leading newly introduced blood type A and O in the Communist Era for a more beautiful and advanced future of East Asia eventually led to the PANDA blood type A and O coup of East Asia.


After 1969 when Richard Nixon became the US President, blood type A and O of Southern Vietnam as well as of South Korea has became much stronger and more advanced than their Northern blood type B ecosystem competitor. Now it is time to charm Chinese Communist leadership into openning their doors to these new Asian looking blood type A and O male and female agents of the West. So Richard Nixon visited China after a friendly Ping Pong match between the Chinese and American team and somehow normalized the relationship between United States and Communist China.

1971 First Ping Between Califonia and Shenzhen

American agents abroad needs to get paid and USD standing for US-Dick needs to be a Globally Accepted currency across the World and especially in East Asia. So 1973, Richard Nixon tricked the world by claming to remove USD from the Gold Standard temporary but actually promoting USD to a World Currency status forever. The dividing line between North and South Vietnam was lifted in 1975 and blood type A and O started to infiltrate major cities and towns in the North as well as Chinese delta region in the South.

Suspend Gold Standard Forever

To further ensure a permanent position for Blood type A and O within East Asian society, in 1978, Deng Xiaoping, first blood type AB, mixed of Blood type B and A and O, became the leader of China. Blood type AB naturally wants more blood type A and O in the mix to create more of themselves so Deng Xiaoping naturally developed an anti-bloodtype B policy and attacking Le Duan type B in Vietnam via the Chinese-Vietnam 1979 border war.

Young DTB

To give more access to blood type B eggs for blood type A and O in Indochina, first a genocide was triggered to remove blood type B males in Cambodia and then the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia was triggered to introduce more Blood type A and O from Southern Vietnam into Cambodia ecosystem from 1979 to 1986.

The Generals Looks Like Brothers

After securing safe spaces and supply routes between Cambodia and Southern Vietnam, blood type A and O from Cambodia and Southern Vietnam took off their police and military uniform, became unidentified criminal gangs members and started to take over key resources and power positions within the Red River delta of Northern Vietnam. The final collapse of blood type B leadership in Red River delta was triggered by the mass transportation of agents from Da Nang to Hai Phong via the sea route in 1988. Vietnam name was changed from the People Democratic Republic of Vietnam to Social Republic of Vietnam in 1990 to mark the complete take over of Hanoi by blood type A and O.

Dicease Spreading via XO and Gay Thai Agents and Residents

Blood type B of China and Vietnam recognized how these new Asian genes of the West are taking away their safe spaces, becoming increasing more powerful and influential both in real life as well as the television. So blood type B elites switched on the 1000s year Chinese defensive system by massing the XO population in Chinese southern Cities and Hanoi. These great looking XO with no uterus served both as decoys for US-Dicks as well as super spreaders of STDs among type A and O males.

The XO Protector of Chinese families

Recognizing sudden decline in fertility rate among blood type A and O in East Asia countries like Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, American leadership triggered the 9/11 event as execuses for mass surveilance tools to be developed to uncover the final defense of East Asian blood type B. Facebook, iPhone and the Airport fullbody MiliMeter wave scanner was introduced to identify all XO in United States, Europe and Australia.

Body Scanner for XO Detection masking as Terrorist Detection Device

After identified all XO in America, Europe and Australia, these XO and their cover husband would be cloned and returned back to East Asia to further photo tagging and uncovering more XO in East Asian countries. Security cameras Made in China but controlled by American programmers are being mass-installed everywhere private and public in East Asia to identify all XO in East Asian cities. After XOs in East Asia was identified, they will then be marked and controlled via their Bank accounts and VIN Vehicle Identification Numbers

Public Bank System for Mass Succide or Hong Kong Money Infusion

Donald Trump and The US-Russia Alliance

2008 ⇒ World Financial Crisis

One Dollar Foundation of Modern World

2009 ⇒ Bitcoin was invented

Switching from GOLD to Electricity Cost as Anchor of Value

2013 ⇒ Xi-Jinping became China's premier.

West Russian vs East Russian

2015 ⇒ Nguyen Phu Trong visited the United States and got the miracle technology of nanobots or he was chipped on the visit.

Mr Trong 2015 Visit

2016 ⇒ Donald Trump became US President on a harsh anti-China agenda ⇒ Donald Trump DT is a loud mouth to distract the world's attention from the real actions of American DT dark-templar CIA agents and their criminal gangs in China and Vietnam.

FLC and other Real Estate prison in East Asia

2019 ⇒ second SAR-COVID variant and a global pandemic originated from Wuhan, China

Vaccine to Chip people in East Asia

2020 ⇒ France, UK, Russia and US nuked Manchurian China, caused Chinese goverment to surrender and then clone Xi Jinping by sewing hand and faces of Xi on his doubles.

4 UN Security Council Member Bully The TEA people

2021 ⇒ Joe Biden BJ became US president on a diplomatic strategy against defeated China

Superspreading of STD

2022 ⇒ Russian War in Ukraine to finish the cleaning of Red elements in Russia by sending them to the front to die.

Red Russian being sacrified in Ukrainian battlefields

2024 ⇒ Massing of American controlled cameras in South East Asia that is manufactured in China to remote control the Vichy governments of East Asia.

Remote Controlled Humans with Nanobots