Direct land border allowed mixing of genes between Yellow Yangzte, Black Sea nations and Eastern European via Migrations and Invasion in the past
Through lucks, spy crafts and mixing of Genes during and after the Mongolian invasion of Eastern Europe in 13 century, many of the Mongol and Yellow Yangzte best technologies in military and agriculture has been passed along to the Black Sea settlements near modern Turkeys and Eastern European nations.
Large Pacific Ocean and the Frozen Alaskan Land bridge did not provide continuous easy access paths for Migrations and Invasions.
The West alphabets allowed the West to make rapid improvement on Asian Tech resulting in the Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution allowed Western genes to expand across the Siberian Frozen Massland via Steam Engine and Railnetwork
Russian expansion to Siberia exposing the Yellow Yangzte and Manchurian Region to invasions from the North.
After the Russian and European Naval Power invasion of Northern China, the Chinese Qing Dynasty have to switch to Bio, Psychological and Trade strategy to catch up with the Technological Advances in to West.
They use GOLD to buy a LEE base in the middle of the High Mountain Swiss Alps at the Intersection between the German tribes of the North and the Italian tribes of the South. The QING strategists and LEE writers with English and Latin education then use the Psychological Information War and GOLD to Plunge EUROPE into Endless CIVIL Wars via a Series of propaganda Ghostwriter BOOKs like The King James BIBLE, the Communist Manifesto, Mein Kamp.
WW1 and WW2 broke out in the Middle of the Western Civilization resulted in destruction for largest industrial nations of Western world: England, France, Germany, Italy and Russia.
Civil wars between Western gene groups following the Qing Information Wars resulting rapid transfering of War and Industrial technology to the East. The Axis and Allies have to arm and modernize their Japanese and Chinese mercenary armies to protect their natural resource bases in the East.
COLD WAR following WW2 via contrasting ideologies between the Communist Manifesto and the Wealth of Nations resulted in the complete stop of Trades between Russia and Western Europe as well the transfering of CUTTING EDGE weapons and technology to fight wars in the Korean peninsula and Vietnam.
Large screentimes via Mobile and Desktop devices via Human Attention Research resulting in Low Productivity and Large Budget Deficits in Europe, US and Russia.
With the Invention of the Memory Card, the Internet and the TV Screen, the technology gaps between the West and the East no longer exists. It is possible to acquire newest weapon designs from US or the cutting edge Quantum Physics research from Europe or the next Space-based weapon engineering from Russia via a SWISS Banking transfer or a Cryptocurrency wallet.
The Post Soviet Union anti-migration policies and more Efficient Air and Ocean Aerodynamic Design and Engine resulting in ==> Larger migrations via AIR from East Asia to US ==> It is possible to fly people from Kabul to Phoenix in less than 30 hours flight. ==> More than 2/3 of World Trading Volume happening between US West Coast and East Asia via Highly Fuel Efficient ocean container ships rivaling High Speed Rail.
Low Weight Nanobots, AI Semiconductors and Engineered Viruses allowing the Nomadic North Asia genes to remote control Americans to vote for Donald Trump and Russian generals to start a War in Eastern Europe
The Arctics Sea in the North serve as ==> An impassible barrier for lower tech civilizations ==> A wide attack vector for submarines, ice breakers and aerial bomber and missile across the Arctics Sea and Siberia landmass
The Bering Strait in the East could be used as an Underground Tunnel or Bridge connecting Alaska with Manchuria to allow regular tourism, migration and trade passing through.
Lake Baika at the Center, north of Mongolian Ulanbatoor Capital ==> Offer a rare location with enough rain and milder climate in the middle of the Frozen Siberia to support two settlements ==> The Irkutsk settlements of Slavic-Manchu mixed and the Ulanbattar settlements of Mongol-Manchu mixed ==> Lake Baika is a high mountain lake that draining into the Arctics Ocean
The Yellow Sea in the East laying between Manchuria, Korean Peninsula and Japan. ==> A great Harbor for Chinese merchants and naval forces to project power toward to Pacific ==> Also serving as Invasion path directly to the Beijing Bac Kinh capital by Superior Naval powers in the time of War like The European Naval Coalition or the Imperial Japanese Navy.
The Ural Mountain in the Far West ==> Serving as the Mineral and Industrial base for the Soviet and Russian Industry ==> Largerest Russian Tank manufacturing base here ==> Ural mountain and the Volga river serve as the last line of defenses against invasions from the East and the West.
The STAN mountains and Gobi Desert dividing Central Asia from Yellow Yangzte China civilization ==> Still allow regular commerce via the Silk Road Camel transportation ==> The Water Gap between the ARAL Sea and the YELLOW River allows Rapid Horse or Endurance Camel to make it through via Mobile Water supply transport. ==> With the disappearances of the ARAL SEA the modern Russian Border checkpoints, migration from the East to the West became extremely difficult ==> With the new Chinese modern Silk Road rail network, Astana is serving as the Middle Point of High-speed Rail transport between the Qin Shi Hhuang Xian and the Samara Stalin Bunker.
Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and other Caspian Sea nations are West of the STAN mountains ==> Rivers draining from the STAN mountains to the Caspian sea creating large agriculture area served well as the Food Basket during the Silk Road and Mongolian Era. ==> The Stalin hydroelectric dams and artificial canals did destroy the Aral Fresh Water lake and turn it into a Sea Salt slowly but create the modern Industry for Uzbe-Kiss-Stan and Taji-Kiss-Stan ==> With less Landmass but more Arable Land than Ka-Zakh-Stan, Uzbek and Taji people have higher population growth the Ka-Zah-Stan ==> Ka-Giap-Stan seving as the Protector and Door Guard for the Soviet Union and Russian Federation with large domestic OIL and Uranium Reserves or the Reseller of Russian OIL and Uranium Reserves.
Mongolia and China are East of the STAN mountain and the Gobi desert. ==> Yellow Yangzte dynasties with less skilled horse archers were also able to reach Ulanbattor but not Central Asia Caspian Sea area. ==> Ghenis Khan moved his capital from Ulanbattor to Beijing area with direct access to Yellow Yangtze breadbasket agriculture rich area after the Yuan conquering of the Song farmer dynasty. ==> Ghenis Khan of Mongolia was able to recruit Caspian Sea Kazah horsemen to join their Calvary Units to conquer Middle East and Eastern Europe ==> Manchu Nomad Horse Archers kings also moved their capital from Shenyang to Beijing area following the conquering of the Ming farmer dynasty
The Tibetan Plateau and Its Thousand Lakes allows Milder Climate for Sichuan Highland with Chengdu and Chongqing as 10 million plus mega cities with large Qing gene group population.
The Him-Ala-Ya as the Southern most Barrier stops Tropical Rain to reach North as well as most Naval-base Invasion force of Britain and United States. Large air-transport like C130 and Long-Range Missiles and Bombers allowed US to have limited occupation of high mountain Afghanistan but at extremely high cost of fuel, ammunition and human life.
Yakutsk Arctics Climate North Asia region Arctics Extremely Cold Climate with Yakutsk as the Highest Latitude coordinate Horses in North Asia developing Extremely Thick Fat Layer to survive in the Sub-Freezing Temp The Steam Boiler Invention and the Following Steam-Engine Train ==> Allowing Slavic and other European settlers to survive year around and build large settlements along the Siberian Railroad
April-September ==> Easy to navigate and build projects during the Summer with temp range 2.6-25.8 in Yakutsk
October-March ==> Snow and Icy road, dangerous to navigate, have to stay indoor with heater on or need Eskimo house and lot of Food. ==> Water Pipe will be frozen so need to melt ICE into Drinking Water with Heater using Natural Gas, Cold or Wood. ==> Lot of Wood even in the Snow though, could chop some WOOD to melt the ICE into WATER
Mongolian Steppe Climate with mild amount of rain that allowing Grass to grow but not enough to create a Forrest ==> Nov01 to March30 0 to -13 degree, light SNOW or even ICE CITY like in Harbin ==> April01 to October30 Halloween Harvest Mild Amount of Rain ==> Lot of Grass but not Rain Forrest ==> Food for Castle like Sheep, Cow and Horses ==> Ulaanbaatar Mongolia Capital and Shenyang Manchurian Capital and Chongqing are three largest modern settlements for Cold Region Eggs
CaspianSea-STAN Mountain Steppe Climate before 1989 ==> Large castles and horses population ==> Nomadic tribes easily integrated with the Mongolian Calvary and Horse Archers ==> Quickly developed in the Snow Ball Hordes of Horsemen that overrun Eastern Europe
CaspianSea Desert Climate after 1989 ==> Extremely Water Leakage along the STAN mountain drainage via Artificial Canals ==> ARAL Freshwater Lake disappearing and replaced by the ARAL Salt Lake ==> Slow population growth of STAN nations with much less Mongol and Wuhan genetic influences.
2001 ⇒ World Trade Center built on extremely low reserve capital lending of Wall Street banks collapsed after a Kamikaze style attack by Central Asia actors
2008 ⇒ World Financial Crisis and mass Banking Layoff threatening Dollar Dominance
2009 ⇒ Bitcoin was invented with Electricity Cost as Anchor of Value replacing Gold and Dollar
2012 ⇒ Bitcoin became popular in Silicon Valley with price surging passing 1 Dollar per Bitcoin
2013 ⇒ Xi-Jinping, a Xian Japanese baby, became China's premier.
2015 ⇒ Nguyen Phu Trong visited Washington and got the miracle technology of nanobots or he was chipped on the visit. Nguyen Xuan Phuc visited MIT.
2016 ⇒ Donald Trump with Ivanka Blonde Hair Blue Hair daughter became US President on a harsh anti-China agenda ⇒ Donald Trump DT is a loud mouth to distract the world's attention from attacks by American DT dark-templar CIA agents and their criminal gangs in China and Vietnam.
2017 ⇒ Massing of Russian controlled HIV-Vision HikVision cameras in China, Vietnam and Laos that is manufactured by the HIKVISION Chinese Secret Police Corporation to remote control the Vichy governments and citizens of East Asia via Nanobots and RF broadcasting devices.
2018 ⇒ FLC properties and other Real Estate prisons being built rapidly across East Asia with HIKVISION cameras
Dec 2019 ⇒ second SAR-COVID variant and a global pandemic originated from Wuhan, China, mass vaccination like in 1980s to insert nanobots into people in East Asia
2020 ⇒ During COVID lockdown, CIA cloned Xi Jinping by sewing hands and face of Xi on his double. The double did not initiate a Nuclear Retaliation Strike after 4 Blonde Hair Blue Eyes UN Security Council Members France, UK, Russia and US Nuking Manchurian China that caused the Chinese goverment to surrender.
Jan 2021 ⇒ Joe Biden BJ became US president on a diplomatic strategy against defeated China via Superspreading of STDs, HIV and Pink Skin diceases like in 1988.
Feb 2021 ⇒ Russian Intelligence Services or CIA replaced Kim Jong Un with a Double or there were always multiple Kim Jong Un showing up in public.
March 2021 ⇒ Chinese Secret Police overrun Hanoi and Viettel Corporation, starting to use Viettel factories to manufacture Chinese HIKVISION RF-Broadcasting IP Cameras with Viettel logo on it.
Feb 2022 ⇒ Russian War in Ukraine started to finish the cleaning of Bloodtype B Red elements in Russia by sending them to the front to die, Red Russian being sacrified in Ukrainian battlefields
2023 ⇒ Joe Biden seems to lose his mind or being remote controlled by a Super Computer. ⇒ The Quantum Link might be causing Health damages to its Connected nodes ⇒ A Super Computer running the Global Presidential mouthpieces now and even the President of United State is not able to control his own brain or his mouth anymore.
2024 ⇒ 20000 blood type B North Korean soldiers being sent to the Ukranian front to die without Russian or North Korean use Nuclear ICBM against Kiev highly vulnerable HydroElectric Dam target.
⇒ Failed Assassination Attempts against Donald Trump by Remote-Controlled Americans.
⇒ Donald Trump became 47th US President and continue to make damaging moves against US Global Dominance established since the end of World War 2 and the Brenton Wood Agreement