Singapore - The Asia Secret Police Capital
Singapore - The Asia Secret Police Capital

The Heart of East Asia Sea Faring People

The ability to regulate body temperature with blood circulation makes the mammal branches extremely adaptive. After the first mammal took its first step on land, the mammal branch of animal kingdoms quickly evolved from mouses living under the domination of the dinosaurs into modern humans who dominated all climates and terrains with our tools.

Blood Circulation like River

While humans are biologically evolved to live on land, we were also able to build boats to travel on water and planes to fly above the clouds. Just like in the Mediterranean, the South Sea of Asia also were the birthplace of two major sea faring civilization: the Malay sea-faring people of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, and the Southern Chinese sea-faring people of the Yangtze and Pearl River Delta.

The South Sea

Boneo is the third largest island in the world, two times the size of Japan and three times the size of England. Boneo is located 1000 kilometers from the Mouth of the Mekong river near Ho Chi Minh city. Yangtze river delta people made it to Japan to spread their alphabets so it is very likely that the Mekong delta people also made it to Boneo island.

Borneo Pirates

Boneo island with the shape of a human heart was very likely the capital of a Pirate Sea Faring civilization of the Malay people. Boneo in underground Vietnamese means Place to Anchor. After the colonization of the Dutch and British in the 1500s, the pirates' capital of Boneo was demolished and turned into a palm oil cultivation. The police stations of Singapore were installed near Boneo to watch over any Malay or Chinese rebellions. Boneo island then divided into three parts that belong to the modern day kingdom of Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Place of Anchor

The Secret Police Capital of British Empire

Singapore is the modern day capital of the Malay sea faring people and Hong Kong is the modern day capital of the Southern Chinese sea faring people. Interestingly enough, the capital of these two seafaring empires are still extremely bright at night today.

Singapore and Hong Kong

A daily routine of a modern human living in a city state like Singapore, Ho Chi Minh city or Shenzhen is like this. In the morning, he made his first purchases of breakfast and coffee using Credit or Debit cards. He might then buy some gas to fill up his personal vehicle to commute to work. Later that morning, he will have some conference calls with clients and coworkers. In the evening after work, he might have a phone call or send some messages to his friends and family members.

Credit Card Usages is Fully Trackable by Vendors

It does not matter if he is a criminal, a foreign agent or a regular office worker, his routine still contains the act of credit card payments, energy purchase, and sending communication messages to his networks. And Singapore was somehow built to be able to monitor all of those three essential channels: communication, energy and banking transactions.

The Personal Tracking Device

With Singapore being a major communication node connecting East Asia with the outside world, all communication between East Asia and India, Middle East and Europe could be listened in or intercepted and spoofed from Singapore. With 90% of the search volume of SouthEast Asia is on Google, every South East Asian individual's Intents and Ideas could be monitored from Singapore.

Communication Map

Everyone is using Google Maps so every person’s travel patterns could also be monitored. Many personal vehicle now also come with a GPS tracker so even if you are not using Google Map, your location could also revealed to the Singaporian secret polices. The smarter the car get, the easier for the secret polices and hackers to arbitrary shut off their vehicle in the middle of the highway.

Tracking of all Movement with Options to Shut off Engine

Facebook being the largest social network and messaging app in South East Asia so everyone's social connections could also be monitored, every message and phone call between these connections via the messaging apps could be logged and monitored. Facebook also has the largest database of people's biometric data: faces, height and fingerprints via smartphone authentication. Even an individual without a local Government ID will probably have a Facebook account.

Largest Human Database with Surveilance Capability

The tech companies of Silicon Valley could be the most extensive surveillance tools that any government could dream of to monitor every thought, every connection, every words, every actions of their citizens. And these tech giants all base their Asia operations in Singapore. And with the help of nanobots in drinking water and surveilance cameras, they can remotely control the leaderships of Hanoi.

Silicon Valley and Singapore Remotely Control Hanoi

Singapore's strategic stroke point position also allows it to monitor all oil tankers crossing the strait of Malacca from the Middle East oil fields to China, Vietnam, Korea and Japan. The economy of these East Asian countries will crash if Singapore and Australia decide to blockade their energy arteries.

Oil Tankers Map

And Singapore is also a financial capital of East Asia. All modern banking transactions are using the same internet infra-structures like messaging and video conference apps of Facebook and Google so all banking transactions could also be monitored from Singapore.

Wet Rice Circle

Singapore is very multi-cultural with 4 official languages: English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil Indian with immigrants from China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, United States and others. The mix of cultures and languages make Singaporian citizens an effective secret police population with familiarity with local languages, histories and cultures of the Wet Rice circle in Asia. It does not matter what languages or encryption methods being used between 2 individuals in the Wet Rice circle, the Singaporian can intercept and decode the message.

Multi-cultures faces of Singapore

This explains why the TSA of Asia, Singapore has the highest Income per Capital in the Wet Rice circle of $72,000 USD per year, 2 times the average income of a Japanese citizen, 6 times the average income of a Chinese citizen and 30 times the average income of an Indian citizen. Singapore, SING_APO_RE, stands for SING and Asian Public Order and Rabbit Egg managment. One Singaporian police would be able to vector and manage thounsands of Grab Drivers in South East Asia.

Singaporian Secret Services

The Gateway between East Asia and English speaking world

All money flowing from Europe, the Middle East and the United States to investments in South East Asia and China will probably stop at Singapore first for due diligence.

Wet Rice Circle

Money invested in this region needs to serve one of three purposes: give the American and European companies more competitive advantages at home via cheaper labors or better talents, give the American and European governments more influence over the decision making process of SouthEast Asian and China leaderships, give the American and European military bases for covert intelligence collecting and advantages in any war scenarios.

KKR Invest in Vinhomes

Like in the case of KKR investment in Vinhomes, the largest property developer in Vietnam in June 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemics. 650 million USD or 0.5% of Vietnam Annual GDP was invested in exchange for 6% of Vinhomes shares. The deal between Vietnam Vinhomes and the American notorious Leverage Buyout investment bank KKR was closed under the advisory of Singapore financial advisors.

El Gau Cho

The KKR-Vinhomes deal will probably give the firm little competition at home and little expected profits from reselling its shares. However with Vinhomes being the most famous luxury housing brand in Vietnam, the American governments and the American military will be able to capture key command control nodes of Hanoi, make double of them or remote control them.

UN Double Hospital

With 650 million USD investment, the American and Singaporian governments can have access to all Vinhomes properties across Vietnam. Through the due diligence process post investments, KKR and the Singaporian advisors probably can: inspect all Locks, security Cameras, building management equipments and procedures, inspect all financial data of Vinhomes properties across Vietnam, access to the databases of all Vinhomes residents and all Vinhomes employees, all driver licenses, VIN vehicle identification numbers and license plates of all residents living in Vinhomes properties.

Vinhomes Lock is Remote Control with HikVision Camera

Without the Singaporian knowledge about the Vietnamese leadership inner circle, it is probably not possible for the American governments and militaries to fully control Vietnam long after their withdrawal from Saigon in 1975.

The Bar of Wet Rice Circle

All containers ship passing through the Strait of Malacca and Singapore will need to make radio contacts with the Singaporian authority or being inspected by the Singaporean coastal guards. The narrow Strait of Singapore with some point being only 3 kilometers makes the policing of these highly valuable water way relatively easy.

Tankers and Ship Transiting Through Singapore

As a secret police city state, the Singaporian arm force is relatively small and serving as the support forces for the US and European Navy. All Singaporian submarines and torpedoes are made in Europe with Sweden and Germany being the two main vendors. Singaporean surfaces ships and its radar system are either made in France or in collaboration with French defense contractors.

Singaporian Naval Ships

Swedish and German submarines for Singapore are all AIP air-independent-propulsant that allows a diesel submarine to stay underwater for up to 1 month without surfacing. These highly efficient and quiet AIP submarine design would allow a Diesel-powered submarine to perform as good a nuclear-powered submarines in regional ocean.

AIP Air Independent Submarine

A fleet of 4-6 Singaporian AIP submarines would be enough to patrol the narrow strait of Malacca and surrounding area without letting the Chinese submarines to sneak through to Indian ocean without detection or be able to attack US carriers when it is parking in Singapore.

Changyi Naval Base

Singaporean airforces compromises of mainly American-made aircrafts with Singapore being among the few in East Asia who are part of the F35 programs along side with Korea and Japan.

Singaporian Changi West Airbase