Military Medicine - The Innovator of the Medical Industry
Military Medicine - The Innovator of the Medical Industry

The Art of Healing and Its Brief History

Humans like other animals still follow the same patterns of genetic evolution through competition and creation. However, humans are the only animals who deeply understand ourselves. From the first time a human looks into his reflection in the water and becomes self aware, human knowledge about the human body and mind have grown exponentially.

Monkey Looking Into Mirror Everyday

We started to build tools and processes to extend our biological limits. Within a tribe, there will be at least one healer with focus on reducing the chance of death and injuries for other tribe members.

Healer performing his task

From the small human tribes with 10 or so families with basic tools and clothings, human tribes with superior organizational skills started to absorb other human tribes and develop larger settlements and form city states along major rivers. With a large human settlement of thousands of families, we start to see the numerical superior effects. Large enough settlements will simply scare other predatory animals away as well as smaller competing tribes.

Human Camping in The Forrest

Even with a larger settlement of 1000 families, the risk of injuries from large animals have greatly declined, human tribe members’ sickness and injuries are still part of the harsh reality of existence. And while big animals are no longer a threat, wars with other competing tribes are still the main causes of death and injuries to the tribe members.

Prince of Egypt Snake

The ancient Egyptian empire could be the apex development of this numerical superiority era. The Egyptian pharaoh was able to build a massive settlement around Cairo and the Nile rivers. The large settlement always allowed the Egyptian armies to have numerical superiority in any battles against smaller competing tribes around the Nile.

The Egyptian Chariot

Large city states like Cairo always had at least a 10 to 1 ratio in local battles along the Niles and were able to capture prisoners of war as slaves from smaller tribes as well as turning children of the slaves into XO. Achieve and maintain numerical superiority also greatly reduces the risk of death and injuries for the Egyptian guards and its citizens as well as reducing the workload for the healers.

Egyptian Army Turning Jewish Babies into Crocodile Feed

In order to reduce the risk of death and injuries to the Egyptian guards, the Egyptian healers were also developing snake poision arrows as offensive tools to quickly take out the enemies of Egypt. So since the Egyptian era, we started to see snakes as the symbol of healers and the healers have been developing their abilities to both cure and kill with biological and chemical means.

The Pharmacist Symbol

During the Egyptian era, we also see major stone structures being built as homes and monuments. Before man became a stone mason master, the health of himself and his family members were always at the mercy of the weather. The Egyptian mastery of stonemason skills enabled much better health for both the Egyptian rulers and their slaves.

The Egytian Worker Home

Even with the healers, the recovery process of sick and injured men of the ancient era was probably mainly through the self-healing ability of the human biological cells. Large settlements with durable structures also allowed the sick and injured to recover via water and food rationing from other settlers in a much less volatile environment.

Regenerative Stem Cells

Human is only capable of memorizing in detail around 50 faces of their regular acquaintance. And it is also kinda of the limit of how many people one single organizer can manage directly. Organizing human tribes of more than 100 people are super challenging and require advanced human organization skills.

Human Tribe Classroom

The Egyptian contruction workers probably built a big ARC dam on the Niles to turn the area around Cairo into a large lake. The hydralic lift forces of the water inside the lake will then could be used to move large stone blocks with ease and build up the 150 meters tall pyramid, an equivelant of a 50 floor modern apartment building. The course of the Nile river was probably changed during the Pyramid construction to create the Sahara desert as a natural barrier between Central African population and the European population. After the Pyramid construction was finished, the dam was destroyed hence the story about a massive flood in the Jewish and Christian bible.

The Swiss DAM of Niles and Africa

If you can supply million men with with food and sex then you can command a million men. To build the three great pyramids of Giza would require the coordination of million workers, guards and other support units. The Egyptian healers and the Pharaoh probably figure this out and start developing mass XO population to be used as middle managers to manage their empires. Maybe the Jewish baby boys were not killed but got turned into XO instead.

Worker Ant Population Only Needs Food and Sex to Stay Motivated

Men are still biological animals driven by two main needs: more energy via food for activities and sex for endorphine and procreation. With the XO serving as endorphine sources and middle managers, The Egyptian pharaohs would have highly motivated workers whose population would only grow according to plans and too happy for any chances of rebellions. Maybe Moses was not just an Egyptian prince but also a healer felt sorry for the Jew slaves, liberated them from the Pharaohs after pyramids and desert construction was finished and wrote Myths about Moses, Jesus and others.

Baby boys turned into Ca Sau

The scale of this water dam, river course change and pyramids would require millions of workers. This project was too advanced for its time so maybe the Ancient Egyptian pyramids was actually built by the Swiss and other European planners to mark the feature of local North African women and built a common identity and culture for the North Africa and Middle East tribes. There is another pyramid in the east, the Qin Shi Huang pyramid in Xian but it was much flatter than the Egyptian pyramids just like East Asian women vs Western women.

Giza vs Qin pyramid

During this early human history, city states along major rivers like the Niles and the Yangzte rivers with better agrrigation lands were able to provide better nutrition via mass farming for the average human within the empire and as the result better health and faster population growth.

Egyptian Farmers

With better nutrition, hunger is no longer a concern for the citizens of ancient Egypt and ancient China, the minds of human societies in these early empires can focus on something else besides hunting and food. Human started to develop a writing system to record history and knowlege. With a same writing system used by hundred thousands of healers, ancient Egyptian and ancient Chinese healers were probably be able to develop a medical wikipedia and achieve exponential growth in medical knowledge via network effects.

The Egyptian Alphabets

While we are much more advanced than all other animals in our planet, the human societies are just like animals whose every daily objectives is to take actions to: maximize genetic footprints via competition, minimize risk of death, optimize healing for occasional sick and injuries.

Compete Survive Heal

Human civilizations started to develop Armors to give the male adults advantanges in the genetic competitions to cover major arteries during the inevitable battles for the female eggs and resources to raise his family. Civilizations with better war tools and healing techniques started to outperform civilizations that relying only on farming and numerical superiority.

The Armored Tough One

The Roman soldiers with better armors started to outperform the Egyptian empire, and the Roman healers with better alphabets and better road networks started to outperform the North African city states. In the East, the Japanesse sumurais were able to unite the island of Japan via full body armors and superior swords and archoring training and The Qin dynasty were able to unite China with the crossbow invention and better individual soldier armors.

The Qin Crossbow

The Mongol combined range and mobility via their mounted archors to outperform other more static armor formation in China and Europe in 13 centuries. A fast moving mobile target is very difficult to hit so the risk of death and injuries for the horsemans is much lower. A mounted anchor also can target and fire at multiple enemy combatants from a distance then maneuver without letting the enemies to close the distance. A horse for everyman, a meal everyday via practicing archory enabled every male adult of the Mongolian society to become a highly skilled mounted archor.

The Mobile Archor One

The Mongolian empire with million of horse archors quickly overran entire China, Central Asia and Eastern Europe and left the Genetic footprint until modern day. However, the climate is still a major obstacle of the horse archors of Mongolian. While they dominated Asia, Europe and only stopped by the sea, the Mongolian armies did not develop immunne system and adaption to the tropical climate of South East Asia. So the Mongolian mounted archors attempted three times but fail to conquer Vietnam attrition war strategies. The world conquering armies will need to wait for the development of vaccines in 19 century to extend their influence beyond the climate lines.

Rain Forrest

With the industralization, the Western civilizations made a major leap forward in understanding of our body and our enviroment. With the invention of the microscope, the thermostats and the stethoscope for every individual doctors in 19 centuries, scientists of Europe were able make major leap forward in Western medicine.

The Medical Tools

While the Chinese herbal medicine of the East is not an exact-method to create mixture of chemical compounds, the West with its precise weight, thermometer scales and the periodic tables were able to extract precise compound for medical purposes. So by year of 2000s, modern day medicine in the East is mostly Western imported technology and experts.

The Periodic Table

However, each cycle of heavy industry innovation is taking much longer while software and biologial experiment could take just few days or weeks. How nation chooses to invest their surplus today could result in a leap forward in software and biotech in just few years or decades not centuries like the case of heavy industry innovation. Software and Biotech breakthrough is also much easier to keep in secret than other industrial innovation.

The Nano Kill Chain

Combat Medic - The Secret to Winning War

War is such a chaotic messy endeavor with so many players that countless kings, generals and politicans got carried away with short term gains and lost sight of what is really important. The widely broadcasted goals of war was always territorial gains, numbers of troops casualty on each sides and number of accidental collateral damages. However, the Western planners and doctors have always known what really matter is the genetic balance of the ecosystem and choose to start and end war to adjust this balance.

Contested Zone Vietnam War

Understanding of the animal and human behavior would sometimes allowed the planners to make the human animals to act against their own long term interest by following an alpha blindlessly. In the case of the Vietnam War, the Swiss doctors were able to plan their agents in all three sides of the wars within the Northern, Southern and Cambodian leadership to lead the Vietnamese and Cambodians into attacking their own genetic groups in order to make spaces for the newly introduced Genetics group selected by the West in Indochina.

General or Maybe Real Dad

The TET offensive resulted in massive losses of man power in the North and made spaces for fresh troops from China mountainous region of Kunming and Chengdu to migrate to Vietnam and replace the Northern native local males population. Tet offensive also resulted in the change of leadership in the North with Blood type A and O group within the mostly blood type B population in the North to gain all major military and economic decision making powers.

The TET Offensive

With fresh troops and new heavy equipments from China as well as the secret handshakes between the United States and China, the Northern Vietnamese military composing of mostly Chinese troops was able to quickly overrun the abandoned Southern Vietnamese army. The seem-to-be-shocking victory of the Vietnam Communist Army in the North resulted in the collapsing a barrier between genetic groups of the North and the South. Swiss doctors sperms from the South now can move freely to the North as well as have the controlling power of the entire Vietnam.

Fall of Saigon

The Swiss doctor sperms in the North and South gradually replaces the Northern population after 1975 quietly with the cover of endless construction projects in the country. To make it faster, the US embargo following 1975 Fall of Saigon and the Chinese withdrawal of Aids after 1979 resulted in famine in the North. Famine and the spreading of French viruses with the help from Thai infiltrating agents eventually led to the collapse of Hanoi leadership in 1988 and the openning up of Vietnamese economy in 1990.

1988 and 2018 Maybe

After 1988, Hanoi control is falling under the Thailand secret polices and Western doctors while it still keep its Communist name. The Vietnamese military was gradually disarmed with little to none new military equipments being produced locally or imported from the West. The Northern Vietnam from Thai Nguyen to Nghe An became the Hoa Lo prison for Blood type B with the local polices and governments being run by Thai and French secret polices from behind the curtain.

French Doctors Used Thai Secret Police to Spread Viruses in Hanoi

While the televised images and pictures of Vietnamese leadership still seem to be quite Northern Vietnam, the statue of 1988 horror are still being posted right behind the top leaders of Vietnam to remind them that French polices is actually in control of Vietnam and they could come back anytimes with more horror diseases.

Patients Got Turned into Food

War - The Stressors for Medical Advancement

Hanoi Military Hospitals

The Military Decoys

TP Bank French Technician and Thai Police Social Control

HikVision used as Targeting Tools for Viruses

Dahua used as Marker of Infected Targets