Thailand - A Forever Puppet Or Independence At Last
Thailand - A Forever Puppet Or Independence At Last

Buddhism and The Flows of Nature

The Creation of the Universe, the Sun, Earth, Water and Life Form

At the beginning of the Universe, there is the Big Bang, a massive explosion that scatters energies in all 360 degree directions. Where the energy releases were too strong, it punched holes through the fabric of known space and created the voids, black holes of energy leakage. Energies that do not leak out of known space, combined randomly during the first few milliseconds of chaotic expansion formed chemical elements.

The Multiverse Model

Random chemical elements continue to expand rapidly at near speed of light to form trillion of large hot balls of chemical mess. Among the trillion hot chemical balls, only the purest balls containing mostly only Hydrogen, the simplest element of the Periodic table, were able to kick start the nuclear fusion cycle. The nuclear fusion cycle stops the random scattering of elements, combining Hydrogen into an increasingly larger mass. When the Hydrogen ball got large enough, it created space traction, slowed down energy leakage toward the blackholes and attracted surrounding planets to form its Solar system.

Central of a Galaxy

Among millions of solar systems, there is our solar system with a random planet that cools down to the right temperature and has the right un-pured combination of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon to form air, water, and complex life forms. Water is essential for all biological forms on earth. It is the catalyst for all biochemical processes that create complex Carbon-based compounds that form cells, tissues and muscles. The abundance of water is the deciding factor behind the abundances of life. Where there is plenty of water then there is a massive number of humans, animals and plants while where there is water scarcity then life is difficult and it is always a struggle for all biological life forms.

Most Abundance Elements on Earth

Rivers, the natural channels for religions and genetic influences

Earth at first was a calm water ball with little wind or weather system. After the initial cooling down of earth surfaces, the earth core was still a hot ball of constant nuclear fission explosions. These constant expansion and contraction of the earth core causes the earth's surface plates to move around, collide against each others forming mountains, continents and deep ocean. The different elevation in earth surfaces cause the uneven heat distribution among earth's surface. Air starts to move from high pressure colder regions of the earth to low pressure hotter regions of the earth.

The Earth Core

So during the day, we have the wind blowing from colder ocean to hotter land and at night we have the wind blowing from colder land toward hotter ocean. Because the earth core is also not perfectly distributed, the earth tilts by 23 degrees which causes the hottest regions on earth to move up and down across the equator throughout 365 rotation of the earth. Because of the seasonal effect of our weather, wind blowing over the massive body of ocean water could become extremely strong and form high wind tropical storms. The category 5 wind could push the massive storms full of water deep inside continental cells and only stop by the high mountains of the Himalaya.

Mountain Stops the Rainy Clouds

All rivers in Pakistan, India, South East Asia and China were formed through the massive dump of water from tropical clouds at the top of the Him-Ala-Ya. Right above Him-Ala-Ya is the Tibetan plateau, a flat highland of thousand calm lakes. Waters and the people here do not experience the constant changes of lower lands and coaster regions but rather absolutely still like the Meditation experience.

Tibetan Highland Map

Tibetan was the birthplace of Buddhism which later on evolved into Indian version of Hinduism, Khmer Buddhism and Japanese-Chinese Buddhism.

Lhasa, Tibet

Before the age of the global position system and detailed printed map, you could easily get lost and die when you venture too far away from your birthplace. The benefit of cross-region travel is only available to the kings and generals with their hundred helpers.

Chinese Ancient Compass

The natural way to navigate across the landmass of Asia is downstream through the river banks. The monks of the Tibetan plateau with their high elevation stamina could walk for thousands of miles from one river settlements to others. Through their journey across the human settlements along the Indus river, Brahmaputra River, the Mekong River, the Yangtze River and the Yellow Rivers, they would encounter different languages and cultures.

Floating Log

In order to gain trust and learn the local languages, they will need to develop a phonetic writing system to memorize the pronunciation of local languages, spread their teaching in local languages and make their marks on stones in the newly developed Script.

Iraq Buddha Mark

So nowadays, we could find the Buddha marks from Iraq to Japan. The Tibetan monks or the Soviet Union Kazah builders got to Iraq by traversing the Indus river then following the coast of Iran to Iraq. They then build the Buddha statues by carving out a mountain to mark their voyage as well as a way to store the knowledges about the locals for the next explorers.

Iraq Buddha Mark

The Tibetan monks or the So Viet explorers also traversed the Brahmaputra River to modern day Bangladesh then sailed along the Indian West coast to Sri Lanka. Nowaday, we can still find the strong Buddhist influences in Sri Lanka as well as the famous Buddha tooth relic.

Sri Lanka Buddha Tooth

The Tibetan monks probably traveled down the Mekong river through Laos, North East Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam Mekong delta region and built temples along their travel paths as a way to get resupplied by the local workshippers. Modern day Thai, Lao and Cambodian buddhism seems to all developed out of the original Khmer Buddism with similar Hat-like roof architecture.

Khmer Buddism

While the Vietnamese and Yunnan Chinese Buddhist temples have the Pole-like shape. These Pole-like shapes and the female-only Buddhist worshiping custom shows the competing influences of Buddhism and Taoism in South West China and Vietnam and the genetic mixing of Taoism and Buddhism worshippers as well as architecture.

Yunnam Vietnam Buddism

And the Chinese - Japanese Buddhist temples look totally Taoism with little resemblance to Tibetan architecture. The extremely long trip down the Yangtze river toward Japan probably could not be done by a large party of Buddhist monks and only fews made it all the way to Japan to spread their teaching. However, the local kings and warlords of China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan still seem to be big admirers of Buddhism and built their large temples with the local architecture for them.

Confucius Buddism

There could be the Salt-trade between Tibetan regions and the lower stream to sustain the religious trips of monks and their workshippers up and down the major rivers. The buddhist monks did not seem to be long sea voyagers so we do not find their marks outside of major river systems in the islands of Indonesia, Australia or the American continents but only in coastal islands like Sri Lanka, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan.

Himalaya Salts

The making of Thai alphabet and its Hydroelectric Dam

In 1930, at the beginning of the American Great Depression, the Hoover Dam, the largest Lake of Lights in the world was built on the Colorado river of the United States. The Hoover Dam, the world largest Hydroelectric Dam and Water Reservoir, turns the natural downstream gravitational force of the Colorado river into irrigation channels and electricity that feed and power millions of homes in California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico states.

The Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam also serves as the population regulation device for the surrounding area and the last resort military defensive device. This tradition of using water as a tool of population control probably started with the Roman Empire Aquaduct. And later being used extensively within the Soviet Union, Mexico City, Communist China and Vietnam.

Son Ha Water Tank

After the rise of Japan in the East and its victorious Naval war against Russia in Siberia during WW1, the need to regulate the population growth of East Asian descendants in the US West Coast is increasingly more urgent.

Battle of PORT Author

After the construction of the Hoover Dam, the agriculture production of the US West Coast as well as its population could be limited. At the same time, the agriculture production of Mexico in the South slowly declined and more Mexicans started to migrate to California and Texas, renounced their Mexican citizenship, became American citizens and swore to protect the American constitution and the American father land.

Mexican Migriating to United States from Drought Regions

California cities of Lights and Television stars draw increasingly more Mexicans away from their dark desert homeland to Los Angeles Movie Capital and San Francisco High Tech Capital. While the Mexican could be easily programmed by Christianity, the Japanese intelligence and Chinese massive population and their attachment to Taoism is a big threat to the American growth in power and wealth. If there is ever a naval amphibious landing in California and invasions of the US mainland in the West, the Hoover Dam could be used as a water bomb to stop the advances of the invading Asian armies.

Craig Ferguson Late Night Show

The hedging of Asian powerhouses’ military and economic growth turns out to be not necessary after WW2. The Qing dynasty totally collapsed, the Chinese suffered the largest casualty in World WW2 and Japan was bombarded with two atomic bombs and their emperor had to offer unconditional surrender to the American and Russian forces.

Moscow Washington Alliance Won WW2

After the great calamities of World War 2 of death and darkness, the gods of SouthEast Asia were sent home from the West to bring light to their people. In Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, whose name means the Lake of Light, returned from Russia and became the president of Vietnam. And In Thailand, King of Rama IX, born in Boston, US and educated in Switzerland, became the King of Thailand.

Rama IX vs HCM

Ho Chi Minh brought knowledge and enlightenment to every Vietnamese by teaching everyone how to read and write in the Latin alphabet. Thai and their Buddhist King Bhumibol built Asia largest and first Lake of Light in 1964, the Bhumibol Hydroelectric Dam. The Bhuminol Hydroelectric Dam had the capicity of more than 600 MW that generated enough electricty to light up capital Bankgkok and surrounding regions of 10 million houses.

South East Asia First Hydro Electric Dam

Even though the Thai alphabet is basing on a Sanskrit system that is closely related to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Indian alphabet, the strange thing is that it is also a phoenetic alphabet not like Han Chinese and Japanese alphabet which are logogram. A phoenetic alphabet based on sound could be adapted to use in a different spoken languages while the logogram alphabet based on visual diagram could only be used for that inventor of the logogram alphabet. So either Sanskrit alphabet inventors and the Latin alphabet inventors have the same mindsets or Sanskrit and Latin were invented by the same group of people for diffierent purposes. Both India and South East Asian countries were totally colonized while China and Japan were not. So maybe Latin or Sankrit were all invented by the European planners.

Bua Toi

The Bhumibol water reservoirs and six other water reservoirs in the North and South West regions of Thailand offered food, water and energy security for the growth of Thai population while their neighbor in the East, Vietnam experienced constant bombardments and wars from 1945 to 1990. The Bhumibol Dam could also be the last resort military defensive water bomb from any Burmese invading armies from the West just like the Hoover Dam.

Thai Water Reservoirs

Downstream from the first and biggest Dam, the Bhumibol, is the Chao Phrayha river and its tributary rivers and canals. Entire irrigation system and water supplies of Bangkok and its surrounding population centers are well within the Thai border and look like a heavily engineered river system. Hundred of bright towns and cities appeared along the bank of the Chao Phrayha river and its tributaries.

Thai Rivers and Settlements

While Thailand can still rely on the North East region near Laos and Cambodia for rice cultivation to feed its population, rice export is not the main income of Thai people. Even if in the worse case scenerio that the Mekong river went dry like the Mexican river, the desert will serve as the buffer zone between Thailand and Vietnam. Cambodia and Laos population will migrate to Thailand, lead to a stronger population core around Bangkok.

Vietnam vs Thailand

However, since 1988 Thai population growth has been slowed and not a lot of new Hydro-Electric dams being built after the Bhumibol. At the same time, Vietnam population started to grow rapidly after Doi Moi and the openning up in 1990. Vietnam also built too major Hydro-Electric Dams, the Tri An hydroelectric dam and Hoa Binh hydroelectric dam with combined capacity of 2400 MW in 1991 and 1994. So maybe Thai immigrated secretly to Vietnam since 1988 leading to the slowing of Thai population growth and the rapid Vietnam population expansion.


Muay Thai and The Mixing of East and West

The Mixing and Adaption of Thai to Outside Influences

The boxing rebellion under the Qing dynasty marked the height of tension between China and the West. The capital Beijing or The Northern Capital was overrun by the coalition of England, France, Russia, Germany, United States, France, Italy, Austria-Hungary and Japan. The largest and most powerful nation in the East was just chewed through by 7 small nations of the West and the tiny island of Japan.

G7 Nations Invasing Beijing fro Occupied Ports

Powered by the Iron-age naval ships, canons, guns, ammunition and a full time standing army that was highly trained, the numerical superior Qing army of the Wooden-age was no match. To make the matter worse, all the Chinese Qing army was softened up thoroughly with Opium imported from India.

Indian Spices and Opium Specialty

At the beginning of 1900s, Qing collapsed, China fell into a fragmented warring state, all China ports and women are now open to Western influences. A much smaller nation in SouthEast Asia, Thailand had a choice to keep fighting or negotiate and adapt to the new alpha in the region. The king of Thailand and their leadership made a choice to negotiate with the West. Thai people, Thai king and Thai security forces will be mixed with Westerners according to the Christian God mission of creating man after his own images.

Thailand Faces of Securities

Thai martial arts, society and the military quickly evolved into a Western version. Muay Thai is the mixing of traditional unarmed Thai royal guards defense techniques and Western entertainment boxing. Royal Thai massage evolved into a Western-consumer version of Baht and Massage. And the Thai military was fully trained and equipped with American techniques and supplies.

American Fighters Parking in Thailand Airbase

The Thai King and their leadership made a choice that it is ok to share Thai women with the Westerners, ok to fight for spectators and fun with the Westerners and it is ok to buy weapons from the Westerners and trained by the Westerners. The result of their negotiation is a rapidly evolved Thai society with more actors, actresses, and defense ministers looking half-western, a currency named after Royal Thai baht and regular coups as means of leadership changes and global promotion.

Mixing of Thai and Western Genes

The end result of Thai negotiation is a highest GDP per capita in Indochina of 8000 USD per year, the brightest capital in South East Asia and almost triple their population from 26 million in 1960 before the Bhumibol dam to 71 million nowaday. However, did Thai people evolve or be replaced ? Did the grandfather of Thailand in 1945 have any biological grandkids and great grandkids? Only an old Thai doctor or the just passed way Rama IX would know.

Thai Red White Blue

Fighting for Money, Fame and Access to Western Girls.

Men were born to aim.

Men was born to AIM

From the moment of being just a sperm among millions of other sperms in the great humanly made flood, the micrometer biological creature with only a long tail somehow were able to find its way in absolute darkness to the ultimate target, the female egg. If we compare the long-range swim that a sperm has to make relative to its size, a long range cruise missile designer will probably have to be impressed.

Sperm Navigation

When the male human grew to the age of 3-6, he started to aim everyday with his act of water releasing and never stopped to aim until he died. When men became an adult, aiming once again proved to be a very useful skill in hunting for food and fighting for mates.

Men Aiming Exercise

Aiming and making action toward a specific target is a highly complex neural process requiring full body coordination. From the moment a target entered his field of vision, his brain started to calculate the trajectory and speed of the target and made millisecond predictions about the future position of a target.

Convex Pocket

After the predicted position of a target were calculated, the brain sent a coordinated signal to hand, feet and the core muscles for a perfectly synced action in real time of all muscles to throw a bunch, a muay thai teep, a bow release, a javelin throw or a gun trigger pull. For top muay thai fighters, boxers, soccer players, basketball players, anchors and hunters, the perfect synchronization of eyes and muscles in the Aim and Fire sequences had become an instinct that is faster than logic.

Russian Assassin

However, in modern society, we do not get to experience this highly satisfying and adrenaline induced activities of Aim and Fire that often anymore. While the modern ladies in the Asian wet market get to practice with their knives on animal farms, modern men do not hunt for food anymore but only get to aim via the act of using their smartphones and taking pictures.

Muay Thai For Westerners

Then there is a savior, the Muay Thai gym, the real-life consumer version of Fight Club, men once again get to experience their ancestor manhood. Kickboxing and Muay Thai becomes a global phenomenon, a great promoter of Thai cultures and a church for the male office workers of the Western worlds to experience the absolute happiness of a perfectly synced sequence of eyes and muscle coordination. Time seems to slow down in a Muay Thai spar. You are in 100% focus and absolutely alert, the lung expands at full capacity, you have 110% vision and all the environment noises seem to disappear. In a Muay Thai match, there is only you and your target.

Spinning Kick

Muay Thai is a way for the young boys of the countryside in Thailand to pierce through the social classes in Thailand and get ahead in life. Thai people have the option to get an education or vocational training, then get a salary job and build savings in the Baht currency. However, with a fixed income and saving in a weak currency like Baht, lower class Thai would never be able to keep up with the rising cost of Foreign-capital induced real estate bubbles and energy prices, let alone be able to build any significant amount of capital.

Muay Thai Kid

A riskier option of becoming a professional Muay Thai fighter seems to be more attainable for many in the lower class of Thai society. Muay Thai fighters are like gladiators of the Roman society, a career with extremely high risk of death and injuries but if they do well, they will beat inflation 100 fold and can leverage their fame to climb the social ladders.

Buakaw Holding King Pic Saluting Everyone

Muay Thai is also a way for male Thai abroaders to earn a living in the strange new lands in Western like the United States, England, Netherland or Germany. Fighters like Buakaw and Senchai became extremely famous in Thailand as well as outside of Thailand. Their fame did not only bring wealth to themselves but created hundreds of thousands of personal trainers jobs for Thai and people with Asian descents in the United States and Europe. Muay Thai is also a tourism magnet that attracts thousands of foreigners to move to Thailand for long-term vacation rental and Muay Thai training annually to create local jobs and bring in foreign currencies.

Muay Thai Gym Church

The High Testerone Testing Ground for the Genetics Lab of the West

The Siamese fighting fish (Betta fish) is a popular aquarium freshwater fish in South East Asia. On paper, Siamese fighting fish were domesticated 1000 years ago, originating from the Central Plane of the Chao Phraya river. Siamese betta fish were known to the West through King Rama III after the King gave the fighting fishes to a Danish doctor as a gift. In reality, it could be the other way around where the Danish lab grew the Betta fishes and gave it to the Aquarium shops of Bangkok and Hanoi.

Siam Fighting Fishes of the Lab

Betta fish is a highly territorial fish. In one fish tank, you can only have one betta fish. If there are two, they will fight each other to death kinda like the underground Boxing, UFC or Muay Thai ring. After each death match, you can keep breeding stronger fishes based on their survivability like the racing horses of the West. The Thai Betta fishes and the Kentucky Derby racing horses are just like the Muay Thai fighters or Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean and Japanese veterans who are subjects of betting matches by the Alphas of the West.

Thang Long Gate and Hanoi Flag Pole History Marker

Chiang Mai means the New City in Thai, Commerce city in Han Chinese or the Trafficking City in underground Vietnamese. Chiang Mai is the only bright spot on the mountain, right next to the Bhumibol hydroelectric dam. Thailand is like the Wild West of Asia where you can pretty much do whatever you like as long as you have money. Illegal medical experiments and operations could be done in Thailand. And Chiang Mai looks like a perfect tugged away spot for off the book activities.

Chiang Mai

He Jiankui, the Chinese researchers who created the world's first genome-edited babies, Lulu and Nana, was planning to move to Thailand to continue with his experiments after the Chinese government scrutinized his research. It is very likely that Western and American doctors have done a lot medical experiments on humans in Thailand off the book.

He Jinakui

After 1945, M_oscow and W_ashington were the two big winners of the War and became the two Alphas, the North Star power couple of the entire world. At the end of the Chinese civil war, China has submitted to Russia and Japan has surrendered and submitted to the United States. However, wars and politics are temporary while Geography and Genetics are permanent. In order to guard against any future resurgences of East Asia, borders need to be drawn and the genetic makeup of Central Asia, India, South East Asia and Korea need to be shaped so the mountain and the people would become an impassable barriers to any future expansion of any East Asian power.

Mountain and Type AO Strategic Settlements

What is a better way to measure the performance of genetically selected and modified soccer players' DNA lineage than annual soccer tournaments ? What is a better way to measure the performance of a genetically selected and modified soldier lineage than constant proxy wars? The Korean wars, the Vietnam wars and the Afghanistan wars are the Refineries of Moscow and Washington guard dogs and Bangkok and Changmai are the ports for the introductions of new experiment lineages and the elimination of old fail lineages.

Moscow Washington Guard Dog

The Dragons of Mekong Delta or A Dry River Bed

Mekong River, The Perpetual Supply Lines

Wet rice of the monsoon area has the highest calories per square meter of cultivation. With no long and easily to be detected supply convoys, the Chinese soldiers were able to stay hidden near the Yalu River of the North Korean border and with just a few bowls of rice were able to ambush and push the American and UN forces back to the modern day DMZ.

Rice Production and Export

The floodplains of the Mekong delta would be too much water for most plants but a perfect environment for the wet rice of Asia. Maybe the first humans who learned to walk upright were eating the floodplain rice of Asia to survive and evolve. While high Nitrogen food sources like beef or salmon would help you to grow muscles and rebuild cells faster, high Hydrogen food sources like wet rice would provide direct energy to the brain and muscles for human activities.

Modern Rice Farming in Shallow Water

The early humans did not know how to raise animals of farm, so they would probably only need rice to be able to stay awake and active for hunting other animals in their surrounding environments as well as traveling on foot to neighboring tribes for trading and mates. The high Hydrogen low Nitrogen diet of the Wet rice cultures in India, Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan results in human tribes with smaller builds but much larger numbers. Did the high Hydrogen diet result in higher APM - actions per minute for Korean starcraft gamers?

Ancient Wild Rice in Deep Water

After each harvest season, the crops of the delta use up minerals and waters from the soil but here comes the monsoon season. The Monsoon season brings the month-long heavy rain that washes the mountain soil rich in minerals downstream to the Delta region through the river system. After each flood season, the delta plains are soaked with water and rich minerals again for next crop seasons. Rice and other staple crops like Corns, Soil Beans, Potatoes would grow quickly in the nature-prepared field full of water and minerals. These staple crops then could be used to feed human and animals of farm.

Red River Delta Flood Plane

The Mekong river is one of the longest rivers in Asia, only behind the Yangtze and Yellow rivers of China. Mekong in underground Vietnamese means the Offensive Obesssion river. Mekong’s 4350 kilometer long and its watershed serves as the nature-made supply lines of waters and minerals to hydrate and feed the cities of ten millions of human in the Laos and the delta of Cambodia and Vietnam. Without the Mekong rivers, Bangkok would face severe food shortage and Ho Chi Minh city and its millions of people would quickly die from lack of water and food.

Thailand Extra Salt Man In the Middle Attack

Yunnan, The Land of Southern Clouds

Upstream of the Mekong rivers and its tributaries is the Yunnan mountainous area of China. The Land of Southern Clouds, Yunnan, is the sources of all three largest rivers in Asia: Mekong, Yangzte and Yellow rivers. The high mountains of more than 2000 meters stopped the tropical clouds full of water from advancing further inland with the Monsoon winds and pouring all its water downstream through Yangzte, Yellow and Mekong.

The White Seed Encirlement

The capital city of Yunnan is Kun Minh, meaning the Bright Dog in underground Vietnamese. To power the city of Kun Minh of 8.4 million people, same size as Ho Chi Minh city, is 33 hydroelectric dams with 11 being built directly on the Mekong river. Kunming and the mega tech cites of of Guangdong and Chengdu is being powered at the cost of lower agriculture production and higher food, electricity and water cost of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Phnompeng and Bangkok.

12 Dams on the Mekong

Beijing is giving Hanoi and Bangkok a dilemma. Beijing 33 hydroelectric dams in the Yunnan are stopping minerals and waters from flowing down the Red river and Mekong river of Vietnam, Thailand. They will either have to build up their militaries and take the extremely difficult terrain mountains of Yunnan by force to secure their upstream rivers and maybe even control the Yangzte, Yellow rivers and entire China.

Yiet Nam New Map

Or they have to build up their scientific capabilities to artificially trigger the Southern clouds full of milk to start raining early before reaching the Yunnan mountains as well as clearing the forrests of their mountainous regions to trigger more land falls to increase mineral in their rivers.

Rain Triggers

Bangkok, the Buddhist Hedgefund Managers

Hanoi plans and decisions were always made in secret with great deliberations because the capital proximity to China borders. Bangkok is already hedging their Mekong river risk since the Rama IX era by building a seperate water supplies system for Bangkok and central Thailand via the Chao Prayha river.

Thai River Settlement

In the worse case scenario that the Mekong river went dry and the Mekong delta become a desert, Bangkok would survive at huge lost to their fertile North East regions. Thailand is also building up their renewable and nuclear power plants to stop putting more strain on their Chaos Prayha river and its tributeries via the hydroelectric dams.

High Drought Probability Region

Bangkok is able to lobby the United States to help it build small nuclear reactors and become the first nuclear power nation in South East Asia. 11% of Thai population is Chinese descendants so Bangkok was also be able to leverage this to buy military submarines from China.

Micro Reactors

The easiest way to win the war without fighting is to cut the enemy supplylines. And the seem to be perpetual supplylines of Mekong nations is being cut. Bangkok and Hanoi will have to have to find a way to shortern their supplylines via weather and forrest modification or have to make the huge military gamble by taking the Land of Southern Clouds, Yunnan. Either ways, doing nothing and lets Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh city to die slowly is not a hedgefund manager approach.

Yunnan Source of All East Asia Rivers